Wow! This is great - 17 people! But I think we should probably limit it to twenty, for logistics and that...
Nick, your suggestion is fantastic. Does anyone have any suggestions on how such a curriculum would be laid out? (I would love to write a novel, and have made a few attempts in the past, but always either ran out of steam or got bogged down in research).
Here's my entirely improvised suggestion: Say the first two weeks are entirely finger exercises, then a finger exercise a week *plus* encreasingly bigger/more involved "tasks" - playing around with ideas and concepts, making a skeleton of a plot, fleshing out chapters, fleshing out characters, etc, etc. Of course that's more the mechanics of writing than just plain writing; I'm not sure how we'd make those things into assignments (especially with all the various different writing methods) but I'd like it if we could.
Of course, aiming for a novel, play or film script pretty much lengthens the duration. Anyone have any suggestions about that?
Mr Messy - this was pretty much my first post on Barbelith, if that answers your questions. These people could all be dancing monkeys for all I know (Hey! How's that for a name - A Collection of Dancing Monkeys Who Also Enjoy Writing ) |