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Ethics: Barbelith, Magick, Revolutionary Purity


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Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:39 / 11.03.02
Did that last post of mine take? I can't see it.

Oh, there it is.

[ 11-03-2002: Message edited by: Mordant C@rnival ]
13:22 / 13.03.02
Thank you, MC. I was just about to get up on a similar soap box.

I think this whole thread is really funny anymore. If magick works as we believe it to, it is a tool one can use to change the world, and other people in it. Its just a subtle tool, one many can not notice. Every time you use magick, you attempt to alter a will that is not your own. You ascend to a position of power over others and even reality itself, you play God, and you try to get your way. Your modivations may be unselfish, but the act itself is one of the most extreme hubris we are capible of imagining. How does that fit into your "morality"?

As for tools, man has ever developed more subtle tools to manifest his will over the world, from stone axes to machines, to nanite probes. Technology progresses, as does that of manipulation between each other. Lets take the matter at hand as an example, in progressively more subtle means:

(extreme cynicism alert)

Physical: Charge into her house, kill her parents, hold her down and fuck her. That's how its been done for thousands of years. Your Viking ancestors would be proud.

Animalistic: Flash your brilliant plumage to display your mating potential, in hopes of stimulating her instinctive drive to reproduce. Look at my shiny car, baby. Wana fuck?

Personal (direct): Interact with her on a personal level, and attempt to appeal to what she likes emotionally or mentally. Be what you need to be so that she will find you appealing, and exploit that to get what you really want, that booty.

Social (indirect): If your personal mojo doesn't work, appeal to higher powers to get your way. Talk to her father, arrange a dowry, and purchase her as a wife. Who needs to work at it? Now she's yours, and the law says you can have your way with her.

Political: Father won't give her to you? Have your father threathen war over the dispensation of the eastern marches. What a hassle. A political marriage would strenghten ties between your nations, and settle the matter nicely, wouldn't it?

Aah, but those days are largely past. What other possibilities do we have?

Strategic: One can apply the basic personal mojo at a time when she is more vulnerable to it. Wait till she gets drunk. Or better yet, get her drunk. Or better yet, slip her some MDMA or a roofie, then try it. Ahh, the miracle of modern medical technology. If she doesn't like you, you can change her so that she does.

Manipulating: Technology shows us there are ways one can manipulate the subtle reactions of a person, actually program them through your interactions and speech. NLP, for example. Use of these techniques can program her to like you, and she'll never realize she's been brainwashed. Subtle. You're a crafty one.

Magickal: Better still, manipulate her without even interacting at all! Cast a spell, twist her soul to what you desire it to be. She'll never guess. You're so subtle. What will you think of next?
13:24 / 13.03.02
last post eaten. sending follow up to flush it out. There it is.

[ 13-03-2002: Message edited by: cusm ]
13:43 / 13.03.02
If magick works as we believe it to, it is a tool one can use to change the world, and other people in it. Its just a subtle tool, one many can not notice. Every time you use magick, you attempt to alter a will that is not your own. You ascend to a position of power over others and even reality itself, you play God, and you try to get your way. Your modivations may be unselfish, but the act itself is one of the most extreme hubris we are capible of imagining. How does that fit into your "morality"? – cusm That isn't quite it.

Magick is a tool for changing one's relationship to the world, and widening one's perspectives on everything in that world. The only person, concept or thing being changed or "manipulated" by the magickian is the magickian hirself.

People may respond favorably to the changes the magickians is making to hirself, but that shouldn't be mistaken for the magickian actually causing changes in other people's thoughts of lives.
14:01 / 13.03.02
Ierne, that is your perspective on how magick works, and even one I largely agree with. However, many people believe they are actually making a change in the world, or in other people. If they actually are or not is a debate we can chew over in The Magick until we both grow tired of it and still not get anywhere with it (though I'm always up for this sort of thing anyway ).

The morality issue is, if you believe that your magick is a tool that can change others, your use of it is a statement about your personal morality. Hence, the Headshop thread. I'm just using the assumption that the caster in this case believes this view for the sake of the thread at hand.
16:40 / 13.03.02
...that is your perspective on how magick works, and even one I largely agree with...The morality issue is, if you believe that your magick is a tool that can change others, your use of it is a statement about your personal morality. Hence, the Headshop thread. I'm just using the assumption that the caster in this case believes this view for the sake of the thread at hand. – cusm

I completely understand that you are using a particular point of view for the sake of example, and I agree with you that one's beliefs in – and use of – Magick is an expression of how one lives one's life in the world.

Looking up moral in the dictionary as an adjective, I found three various definitions:

1) concerned with the distinction between right and wrong

2) concerned with accepted rules and standards of human behavior

3) concerned with or leading to a psychological effect associated with confidence of a correct action

So there are various levels of morality to discuss in terms of Barbelith and the sort of interaction we have here.

...if you have the power to change the world to meet you desires, is it appropriate to do so? how about when your desires are to make the world a better place? – Tom

My answer to that is that in order to change the world, you've gotta start by changing yourself. The Revolution begins at home; once you shift your own ideas and perspectives, that's when things start happening. "Right" and "Wrong" mean different things to each person – everyone has to learn what those concepts mean to hir and form hir own moral code. A large part of that learning is taking "accepted rules and standards of human behavior" into serious consideration.

[ 13-03-2002: Message edited by: Ierne ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:00 / 13.03.02
I'd really like to see the magick become a little less... simplistic, I suppose. On one hand we seem to have a contingent of people who want to insist on a particular interpretation of magickal ethics, and are perhaps high-handed in pursuit of this (please, no bashing- this is a very worthwhile discussion to be having and we don't want to turn it into another squabble), whilst on the other hand I've seen requests for spells to manipulate other people which specifically state that the poster is indifferent to the consequences so long as they get what they want. Surely we can manage a greater level of sophistication than that?
17:20 / 13.03.02
Mordant: I think part of the issue is that the Magick is not homogeneous – everyone's at a different level. Some of us have been doing it for years & years, some of us just started, and others still aren't sure they want to start. Also, there are various paths represented, with highly divergent interpetations of the moral codes espoused by those paths. It's difficult to ask for a "greater level of sophistication" from people who don't have the experience, awareness or skill level to provide it.

Is this thread specifically about issues in the Magick, though? I thought it was heading towards ideas about the responsibility inherent in causing changes in one's world.

{edited to say that the above question was not specifically directed at MC, but a more general request for clarification.}

[ 13-03-2002: Message edited by: Ierne ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:29 / 13.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Ierne:
Is this thread specifically about issues in the Magick, though? I thought it was heading towards ideas about the responsibility inherent in causing changes in one's world.

I think the latter rather than the former. My post was just a sort of side point.
17:49 / 13.03.02
Well, in steering back to the earlier direction, what if you have the ability to change a person in such a way as to benefit youself, but in such a subtle way that they do not realize they have been changed, and believe the desired effect to be their own will?

Certainly, it appears as mind control. However, considering that the controlling factor is the target remaining unaware of the manipulation, isn't this really at heart deception?
Lothar Tuppan
14:08 / 14.03.02
quote:Originally posted by cusm:

Certainly, it appears as mind control. However, considering that the controlling factor is the target remaining unaware of the manipulation, isn't this really at heart deception?

Seems like deception to me. As to whether it is acceptable or not would depend on the situation.

If the benefit to oneself is important enough (life saving or life condition saving) then maybe it would be justifiable. If the benefit was something more trivial then maybe it wouldn't be justifiable.

[ 14-03-2002: Message edited by: Lothar Tuppan ]
15:02 / 14.03.02
Lothar: I think you just won the "ends justify the means" iron star.
Lothar Tuppan
16:10 / 14.03.02
Hmm.... Guess I did huh?

Maybe 'justifiable' is too strong a word. Maybe 'I could live with the ethical compromise involved' is more of what I mean.

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