ok, haus, fair enough. to be honest, I can see your point, loud and clear.
ideally, people would be allowed to carry on with their lives after having made a mistake. ideally, people would learn from their mistakes, and would be utterly reformed after spending time in prison or in therapy and would never re-offend.
in an ideal world, you could allow your kid to play in the backyard, or send them to the corner store. ideally I should be able to leave my doors unlocked just driving down the road and should be able to walk around the city without a blade in my pocket. its just wrong that we cant, but hey, thats the world we live in. perhaps Im jaded - I dont know where you live, but my city is statistically one of the most violent in the country. I cannot trust my neighbors, the people going by in the street, and thats goddamn sad.
but there comes a point where you have to make a choice – you have to draw the line.
Im not dictating the punishments, surely they should all be different in order to fit the crime and the situation, nor am I saying that the legal system in place is equipped to deal with situations appropriately. I am not, do not, and will not say that the justice system is a regularly just structure. its clearly not, and theres a lot that needs to be done to fix that
I, however, feel I have the right to know if theres a sexual predator in my neighborhood. I think that term should apply strictly to those who commit violent sexual acts on others. by violent I would also include someone who engaged in sexual conduct with someone who was unable or unequipped to accept, like small children or seriously mentally/physically disabled people |