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Lies of the day - keeping track


Page: 123(4)5

Baz Auckland
02:22 / 23.03.04
From the White House today regarding Richard Clarke's new book:

"His assertion that there was something we could have done to prevent the September 11 attacks from happening is deeply irresponsible. It's offensive and it's flat-out false,"

..if it was completely unpreventable, that's a scary thought.
Mr Tricks
17:50 / 23.03.04
anyone else listening to the 9/11 congressional hearings?
19:03 / 23.03.04
Half listening, and it seems like it's been relativly low on the bullshit. Of course, Rumsfeld is just coming on now so that may change rather rapidly.
Baz Auckland
19:20 / 23.03.04
As mentioned by grant in the dissent thread, Cheney and Rush talking about Richard Clarke:

RUSH: Why did the administration keep Richard Clarke on the counterterrorism team when you all assumed office in January of 2001?

CHENEY: Well, I wasn't directly involved in that decision. He was moved out of the counterterrorism business over to the cybersecurity side of things. That is, he was given the new assignment at some point there. I don't recall the exact time frame.

RUSH: Cybersecurity? Meaning Internet security?

CHENEY: Yeah, worried about attacks on computer systems and, you know, sophisticated information technology systems we have these days and that an adversary would use or try --

RUSH: Well, now, that explains a lot, that answer right there.

CHENEY: Well, he wasn't in the loop, frankly, on a lot of this stuff, and I saw part of his interview last night, and --

RUSH: He was demoted.

CHENEY: It was still -- he clearly missed a lot of what was going on.

Ummm... actually he was in charge of counter-terrorism well until after September 11th, and RAN the entire department. That doesn't exactly equal "he wasn't in the loop"...
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
06:16 / 24.03.04
The worst part of the spin around Richard Clarke's book to me is how the White House is refuting his clamis by calling him "Dick Clarke". Part of it is to show that they were all a bunch of chummy friends, and golly, they know him and can speak for just how wrong he is, and partly to belittle him by comparing him to the TV host...

Of course, these are the same "brilliant" strategists who made fun of Mario Cuomo's name, and say that Kerry "Looks french". It's like the US is being run by the asshole frat boys who you wanted to beat the piss out of in college.
13:39 / 05.04.04
Here, Al Franken and Air America are holding a contest collecting these sorts of things:

Together with Al Franken and Air America Radio, is holding a contest this week to find the most stupid or most clearly false – or ideally both – comment by a Bush administration official or major right-wing figure. Submit your quote below, and you could win.

I'm hearing echoes of Burl Ives' voice in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof saying, "MennnnDACITY!"
03:18 / 14.04.04
From tonight's press conference (italics mine):

Q Thank you, Mr. President. What's your best prediction on how long U.S. troops will have to be in Iraq? And it sounds like you will have to add some troops; is that a fair assessment?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I -- first of all, that's up to General Abizaid, and he's clearly indicating that he may want more troops. It's coming up through the chain of command. If that's what he wants, that's what he gets. Generally, we've had about 115,000 troops in Iraq. There's 135,000 now, as a result of the changeover from one division to the next. If he wants to keep troops there to help, I'm more than willing to say, "Yes, General Abizaid."

Uhh, no, Mr. President. No.
Baz Auckland
01:30 / 22.04.04
Bush regarding the keeping of West Bank settlements

"The whole world should have said, `Thank you, Ariel'
ibis the being
13:44 / 23.04.04
Surprise, sur-fucking-prise, the thing about the US handing power over to Iraq by the unlikely deadline of June 30 was a lie too.
15:08 / 23.04.04
Any cance of a non-NYtimes version of that story for non subscribers Ibis?
Baz Auckland
15:17 / 23.04.04
(registration is free, but you can log in as username: bauckland password: pariah)

A highlight:

The Bush administration's plans for a new caretaker government in Iraq would place severe limits on its sovereignty, including only partial command over its armed forces and no authority to enact new laws, administration officials said Thursday.
Baz Auckland
15:43 / 30.04.04
- Said Bush today: "A year ago I did give the speech from the carrier saying we had achieved an important objective, accomplished a mission, which was the removal of Saddam Hussein. As a result, there are no longer torture chambers or mass graves or rape rooms in Iraq,"

ummm.... really?
20:40 / 30.04.04
What Bush was doing 30 years ago is of little matter right now (like worrying whether Hitler got all his homework handed in on time) but it's still nice to see Scott McClellan squirm. US officials seem to approach telling the truth as if it's some kind of fucking parlour game.

Choose the audio feed for full effect.
Baz Auckland
02:22 / 05.05.04
It's not 'torture'

"I think that -- I'm not a lawyer. My impression is that what has been charged thus far is abuse, which I believe technically is different from torture. I don't know if it is correct to say what you just said, that torture has taken place, or that there's been a conviction for torture. And therefore I'm not going to address the torture word." - Goddamn Donald Rumsfeld
09:10 / 06.05.04
On female voters dissatisfied with Labour:

Support for Labour has dropped five percent since 1997 among the 8.8 million women over 55, who represent 18 percent of the electorate and are the most reliable voters, the poll said.

"The big problem is definitely disengagement with politics and the big battleground is pulling these voters back to us," said a Labour election planner quoted in the Guardian newspaper.

It isn't exactly a huge lie per se, but I can't help but find it absolutely hilarious.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
20:58 / 11.05.04
Scott McLellan... that enough?

Oh, alright, Scott McLellan, commenting on the beheading of an American civilian in response to the worldwide revelations of torture and murder in Abu Ghraib prison by US soldiers and private contractors:

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family,"

"It shows the true nature of the enemies of freedom. They have no regard for the lives of innocent men, women and children. We will pursue those who are responsible and bring them to justice."

It really isn't very clear who he's talking about, is it? Doublespeak, anyone?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:30 / 12.05.04
Sorry, a bit OT, but the Sun today describes the beheading of the American civilian in an internet broadcast as being in response to 'humiliation' of Iraqi PoW's in Abu Ghraib.

Those pesky jokers in the US Army and their cruel taunts, eh?
17:16 / 16.05.04
These aren't lies. You just don't understand the terms we're using.
08:44 / 01.06.04
And today on its front page The Independant carries an A-Z of lies, misreprisentations and obfuscations related to the war against terror. Linky.
Baz Auckland
19:10 / 15.06.04
They just don't give up...

Cheney Claims al-Qaida Linked to Saddam

"He was a patron of terrorism," Cheney said of Hussein during a speech before The James Madison Institute, a conservative think-tank based in Florida. "He had long established ties with al Qaida." The vice president on Monday offered no details backing up his claim.
Baz Auckland
20:05 / 20.07.04
Bush wants to be the Peace President

"The enemy declared war on us," he told a re-election rally. "Nobody wants to be the war president. I want to be the peace president."

"For a while we were marching to war. Now we're marching to peace. ... America is a safer place. Four more years and America will be safe and the world will be more peaceful," Bush said.
flufeemunk effluvia
23:28 / 20.07.04
And this is after he told Tim Russert that he was a "war president".
I loved watching the Daily Show the day after that Meet The Press business. John Stewart made a drinking game out of it and took a shot of tequilla every time Mr. President said "Danger", "Terror", or "Madman".
At the end he was drinking straight from the bottle.
rizla mission
18:03 / 21.07.04
It still amazes me how we live in a world where politicians can say things in election speeches that are blatantly untrue - not untrue as in 'debatable', untrue as in THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN, YOU MADE IT UP - and their opponents don't call them on it..

What are the Democrats waiting for?? Christmas?? Practically every day since he was 'elected', Bush has been mumbling some kind of highly dubious, pretty-far-from-truthful nonsense, any of which could be turned into a pretty good weapon against him with a couple of hours research and the application of a few, y'know, facts..
13:17 / 22.07.04
Come on. Politicians lie. That's what we pay them for. Journalists, on the other hand... these days, they just parrot the lies.
Baz Auckland
13:35 / 08.10.04
This has been posted elsewhere, but it cries out to be added to this list: The War Was Not About WMDs, but Because of Abuses of the UN Program...

"The Duelfer report showed that Saddam was systematically gaming the system, using the U.N. oil-for-food program to try to influence countries and companies in an effort to undermine sanctions," Bush said as he prepared to fly to campaign events in Wisconsin. "He was doing so with the intent of restarting his weapons program once the world looked away."

For his part, Cheney dismissed the significance of Duelfer's central findings, telling supporters in Miami, "The headlines all say `no weapons of mass destruction stockpiled in Baghdad.' We already knew that."

The vice president said he found other parts of the report "more intriguing," including the finding that Saddam's main goal was the removal of international sanctions.

"As soon as the sanctions were lifted, he had every intention of going back" to his weapons program, Cheney said.

The report underscored that "delay, defer, wait, wasn't an option," Cheney said. And he told a later forum in Fort Myers, Fla., speaking of the oil-for-food program: "The sanctions regime was coming apart at the seams. Saddam perverted that whole thing and generated billions of dollars."
A fall of geckos
15:19 / 08.10.04
Also, it's pretty important to note that the documents generally cited in reference to food for oil corruption were supplied by the Chalabi operation in Baghdad, and haven't been independently varified. In fact Chalabi has repeatedly refused to hand over the documents to be examined...

So this may be a bigger set of lies then it first appears to be.

Details can be found here.
ibis the being
16:29 / 08.10.04
I think it's really important to add to that story that Saddam's entire reason for wanting to restart weapons programs was to defend Iraq against Iran, not to attack the US or anyone at all for that matter. He saw Iran as a threat, because it appeared(/s) to be developing nukes, and in fact he might have been totally justified in his fear of Iran. Iran, whose weapons programs we choose to censure through sanctions. As opposed to Iraq, whose non-existent weapons programs we chose to censure by bombing the fuck out of the entire country.

It makes me so ill....
20:38 / 11.10.04
And Israel's nuclear weapons program we choose to censure by throwing billions of US dollars at it.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
07:25 / 12.10.04
Saddam's entire reason for wanting to restart weapons programs was to defend Iraq against Iran

Well, let's not go overboard here. I would think he wanted the additional global security badassness of WMD. It lends weight to your frown at the UN if everyone knows you can erase an area the size of Crete from the map. I'm sure Iran was a primary consideration, but I think it's a mistake to imagine it was the only one. This was a man with ambition.
rizla mission
09:19 / 28.10.04
I guess most of us will have read/heard this one already, but in terms of it's gloriously towering hypocrisy, I've got to repeat this Bush quote, re: Kerry and the missing Iraq explosives thingy;

"This investigation is important and ongoing, and a political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander-in-chief,"

How does he do it?

And more importantly, how does he do it and not get called on it?
09:50 / 28.10.04

sorry, nowhere perfectly suitable to drop this in, but there's an article on this chap in the current digital photographer (uk) magazine that comes into the office.

go to the 'bush on the ranch' bit, and click forward til you get to the shot of him with the chainsaw. priceless.
Francine I
17:09 / 28.10.04
"And more importantly, how does he do it and not get called on it?"

By catering to the nearly one-half of the U.S. that harbours a quiet sort of low-brow imperial ambition. That constituency literally does not care, so long as someone in charge is willing to spill foreign blood, or talk loudly of spilling foreign blood, in the name of U.S. superiority.
Baz Auckland
23:11 / 14.09.06
Okay, maybe this isn't an outright lie, but odds are it is: We need a border fence to keep out Hezbollah

"We have to come to grips with the fact that our Border Patrol agents need a border fence on our southern border ... where we're now facing infiltration by members of terrorist organizations like Hezbollah," said Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif.
All Acting Regiment
07:34 / 15.09.06
I thought "We will rebuild Jerusalem here" (sic) was a song about England, and a metaphor, not about California, and actually already happening ina a weird parallel dimension way. Is California actually Israel 2?
Peach Pie
16:27 / 15.09.06
Oops. Guys, those 'weapons of mass destruction' receipts? Uhhhh... somebody really just goofed us on that...."

John Bolton now denies wmd were ever cited as a justification for invasion.

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