Personally I love the idea of Finks; treachorous swine make for more paranoia and more paranoia makes for more fun. I think.
Also looking forward to the 20s setting: the nice but dim dilettante (and their polite but remarkably capable manservant?), gentlemen and players, gangsters and molls, the idealistic young vicar, the nervous young writer, the old Colonel with his stories of the Boer War and his blunderbuss called 'Betsy', the journalist, the millionaire, the professor; there're loads of possibilities - Fitzgerald crossed with Lovecraft crossed with Wodehouse crossed with Waugh.
And it'll be nice to get a few lungfuls of negatively ionic fresh air, to hear the rush and slap of waves against the hull, the cry of seagulls, the orchestra and the pool and the champagne, the dancing and the romance and the... well... what matter a few sudden, violent deaths in an atmosphere like that, eh?
And I'm definitely up for a bit of keelhauling. Just as long as I'm one of the ones doing the hauling, of course. Heh heh. After all, a weed left to grow, eh? |