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Fuck naysayers: The return of 24


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Keith, like a scientist
23:57 / 09.06.05
i believe it's all part of the Jack secret plot... for some reason, i can even slightly remember that he says "we knew that singer never had the virus, but i had to keep my cover intact to make this believable."

i'm pretty sure your answer is in that plot point (the secret sting op).
P. Horus Rhacoid
16:14 / 22.01.06
Is anybody watching this, or did people give up after the abysmal season 4? I really enjoyed the first four episodes- sorry, the Super Amazing Mind-Blowing 2-Night Premier Event.


The fact that they killed Palmer and Michelle within the first 15 minutes is a sign to me that the show has a) developed some guts (something it proved it lacked back when it wussed out of killing the president) and b) is finally finishing up cleaning house- you know, what it tried to do in season 4 before it decided to bring back, like, every character who had been written out.

Lots of interesting characters- President Logan is a weaselly bastard, and while I don't know how accurate the representation of his wife's mental illness is, she interests me and brings out the worst in him. I'm a little disappointed that there's a mole on Logan's staff- apparently the executive branch of the government sucks as much as CTU at background checks- but it looks like that's going to get wrapped up in the next episode, so at least they're getting it out of the way early. Chloe is hilarious as usual, and I love that there's a love triangle being set up between her, Edgar, and another dude. The first four episodes also benefit from the least annoying teenager in 24 history. And of course there's Jack- in may ways I think this is the most personal season since the first, since two people close to him have been killed and another put in the hospital with some sort of brain injury, the latter two solely to get at him. It's safe to say that Jack is fairly pissed at this point. Oh, and I liked Samwise Gamgee, because at least this time around the Hard-Assed Superior Who Plays Things By The Book (obviously Jack used The Book to beat up a prisoner a long time ago and has no use for it now that the binding broke when he was hitting someone in the face with it)- at least this time around he's actually accomplishing something.

Hostage scene was suitably intense and had a cool ending. I'm frankly uninterested in the *yawn* Mysterious Canisters of Dooooom (nerve gas, says Mike in the preview for next episode) but Jack killed like 4 people in about two seconds, and I'm a sucker for Jack shooting people.

In all I think it's a stronger start than season 4, I'm just praying it doesn't go off the deep end the way that one did. Anybody else watch?
Keith, like a scientist
16:32 / 22.01.06
i'm back with it... season 4 was a bit of a letdown (best point was the return of Tony, second best point was the return of Mandy).

new season: yeah, the Palmer thing really wowed me. I'll definitely stick with the show to see where this is headed...
H3ct0r L1m4
19:51 / 22.01.06

only watched the 1st ep of the new season and it was great. i love 24 as i see it as a modern version of CAPTAIN AMERICA sans the costumes.

i'm still bummed that everything is just so near CTU/LA, but it's ok. jack was pretending to be dead only to be just a half hour helicopter flight from the action.

anybody here caught the toyota-sponsored s5 prequel with long-haired jack and chloe? it's on the s4 dvd box and can be easily found online. that was interesting.

read somewhere this season was going to be more in the spirit of the 1st, less terrorist threats and more conspiracy tension [the early assassination being an indication of that], but of course with all that over the top action only the jack bauer power hour can provide.

i guess jack is really pissed and shed some tears in the begining not only for palmer, but for his wife as well, whose life was wasted in the plot to kill palmer in s1. there are some open threads that would be great to see tied. at least for now it *seems* this, like s2, will be the first to actually catch up from direct events from the previous season and the chinese officials MUST appear for this to make sense - and some currupt americans too.

jack bauer kills america
15:39 / 23.01.06
I fucking LOVE this show. Its over-the-top silliness is just too good by far.

It's a bit like James Bond to me in that, if Bond pulls of some ludicrous death defying stunt that undermines all reasonable logic and physics it kind of doesn't matter, 'cos it's Bond. In fact, it would be a bit of a let down if it didn't happen, whereas if the same stunt was attempted in any other action film then I'd just immediately dismiss it as nonsense.
Same equation applies to 24, if it wasn't so insane I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much.

And loving the term "The Jack Bauer Power Hour"! I'll be using that again...
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
01:03 / 28.03.06








God DAMN it, who the fuck just wanted to see that cop car launch itself out of the blast. BOOOOOM. VAROOOOOOMMMM! bleep. bleep. bleep. bleep.

Finally it's stopped with the boring syntox boring secondary characters dying bullshit and we get to Jacks outrun a fucking NATURAL GAS POWER PLANT EXPLOSION.

Principal Wood in the house? That's a motherfucking check, buddy.
Keith, like a scientist
03:35 / 28.03.06
Jack + Curtis = Best Team EVAR??!?!

I know we all fell over when Tony saved Jack's bacon last season, but Curtis is more the strong silent dependable type. The perfect foil to CRAZY UNHINGED BAUER!!! <
P. Horus Rhacoid
05:24 / 28.03.06
Y&B, if they don't open next episode with that I am going to be pissed. Totally hoping for a Millenium-Falcon-rocketing-out-of-Death-Star-II type scene.

Y'know, spoilers 'n' stuff.

"Now I'm... upset" has to be one of the greatest Bauer lines ever, although the whole "oh quit whining, I shot her above the knee" thing from a few weeks back comes close too.

This season is fucking doing it for me. It slowed down six or seven episodes in when they started recycling ideas from previous seasons but it's picked right back up. The centox thing dragged on a bit, it's true, but thankfully that's done with and it looks like they're about to shift gears back to the conspiracy theory which is fine by me, they've pretty much gone through all the possible weapons of mass destruction (to the point that I successfully predicted that 24: the game would involve a seismic weapon) and anyway the OH NO TERRORISTS ARE ABOUT TO PERFORM AN ACT OF TERRORISM AND KILL TENS OF THOUSANDS IF NOT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS thing feels a little... stale. True, we have a Totally Lame Subplot developing (the woman filing the harassment suit against the sinister DOD guy)(that's Yosafbridge from Firefly, yeah?) but frankly we've seen way worse (amnesia and cougar, I'm looking at both of you) and anyway it will be counterbalanced by Jack killing lots of people.

I'm really glad they've decided to clean house too, cast-wise- one of my friends pointed out that the episode where Curtis takes Lynn McGill off the case (one of my favorite moments of the season, but I'm a sucker for stuff like that) was one where the new cast basically carried the show- Jack spent most of the ep driving, I think. Curtis is starting to get a bit of depth in addition to being super badass, I really like Buchanan, Audrey is interesting, and Chloe is hilarious as usual. Edgar Stiles gets the award for 'Most Gutwrenching Death Since Jack Iced Chappelle,' edging out Lynn McGill on the strength of a) his final look with Chloe b) the totally hilarious music playing for McGill and c) the sheer painful physical awkwardness as Edgar runs towards the saferoom. Tony's death was less affecting than I would have expected, possibly because I've been expecting it for so long. Edgar's was a genuine shock but both Tony and McGill were pretty much at the end of their stories so I wasn't surprised by either of them.

On the presidential front Logan continues to develop as a satisfyingly weaselly bastard and watching as Mrs Logan realizes that is great. I'm also really interested to see where Pierce's story arc goes from here- he's in a unique position to observe the goings-on in Logan's administration and he's already ignored the president's orders once, plus he's on a super-sweet teamup with Wayne Palmer at the moment. I suspect he'll make a heroic sacrifice before the season's out. It's too soon to say much about Wayne (other than how the hell did he get that rifle? I might have missed an explanation somewhere) but his return is another indication that there is an enormous conspiracy so that's good. We've also got a sinister power-hungry VP (Leland Palmer!) but I doubt he's involved just because it's so obvious. I actually think Mike Novak might be involved, especially given his betrayal of David Palmer in Season 2. I wouldn't be surprised, anyway.

God, so many phenomenal and hilarious moments in this season. The look Jack gave Kim's new boyfriend a few eps back when he made some comment about Jack not being there for Kim was absolutely priceless. After how badly they bollocksed season 4 it's great that the show, with few lapses, is on form. By which I mean totally over the top and ridiculous but in a way that's sort of, you know, kind of semi-grounded in reality. A little. Maybe.
20:41 / 28.03.06
I really enjoyed the fourth season, but other than that I'd agree with the sentiments here, lot of interesting stuff going on this season. In some respects, it's repetitive of stuff that's come before, but even if the shock value's diminished, the content is still great. And I'd agree that Edgar's death was amazing.

And as the season's progressed, Pierce is just getting cooler and cooler. I feel like if he were to fight Jack it would be like Cyclops and Havok fight, their powers would just negate each other and no one could win.
21:52 / 01.05.06
I had a weird idea this evening:

We know Kiefer Sutherland signed up for three more seasons. But everything´s been done to death. So we need a new twist.

My idea: Jack Bauer joins up with his father and they fight terrorists together. And his father gets played by Kiefer´s real father, Donald Sutherland. They could do a team up like Ford and Connery in Indy III!

"Dad, terrorist at 5 o´clock!" "In half an hour? How did you knuuurgh..."
Keith, like a scientist
01:43 / 02.05.06

But...Jack continually makes me laugh out loud, even when doing the most outlandish "what the hell?" things.






Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:00 / 02.05.06
I can't believe fox is airing a show in which the President Of The United States orders a commerical airliner to be shot down a week after United 93 was released.

Stainless steel balls.

I about fell out of my seat at the end of this one. I thought 24 was supposed to have moderate political leanings. This shit is just too rich.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:28 / 02.05.06
Last nights epiosode made me realize just how bad ass Jack is.

"I'm the only one who can fly this plane!"


"Give me the recording or I will kill you and land the plane with my HUGE TESTICLES!"
Keith, like a scientist
16:14 / 02.05.06
It's weird. I don't understand the entire Fox company dynamic. I mean, this is the same company that is responsible for the heavily right leaning Fox News, the same company owned by Murdoch, yeah?

And their most successful show continually shows evil big business and evil "Republican" politicians? This season is all about "President in conspiracy about terrorism," an obvious parallel to our own president and the theories about him.
21:20 / 06.05.06
I've watched this show since the first season, but have stayed away from this topic. I used to get caught up on the official 24 fan forum, and trust me, that's soul-killing, so I've tried to steer clear of any online 24 chatting.

But fuck it.

I'll start off by saying this current season is probably the best. It's been no-holds barred, with hardly any of the dumb stuff that harmed past seasons -- no amnesia, no cougars, no useless Kyle Singer subplots, no mentally-unbalanced children of CTU directors. Also, this is the first season which has pretty much run in a linear line...there have been various threats (Russians taking people hostage, nerve gas, president-ruining audio recording), but things have held together pretty well, with multiple mentionings of things that happened several hours before.

But I have to digres...and this is one of the things that kept me so busy on the 24 forum last year. What's with all the negativity towards Season 4? I thought it was the best season overall (until this year, that is), and especially better than the muddled, make-it-up-as-we-go-along Season 3.

Now, I've watched Season 3 (and all the other seasons) twice, and I agree, there's something unique and unusual about it. Like it's the alternate reality version of 24. But there's just so much wrong with it. The half-assed "sting" operation revealed a few episodes in made no sense (especially when one takes into consideration the conversation Jack and Tony had, in the first episode of the season, worrying bout the dangers of the virus if the Salazars were to release it...a conversation which NO ONE ELSE took part in, yet later we discovered Jack and Tony were in on the "sting" together!!! WTF??), and Jack's heroin addiction was an obvious "this should be cool" ploy from the producers that just didn't pan out. In fact, Sutherland reported that he approached them halfway through the season and said he just couldn't do it anymore...the addiction would have to go. And it's no coincidence that Season 3 saw a lot of people dropping off...Fox took the approach of sending TV reviewers tapes containing the 3 of the later-season eps (specifically the great one in which Chappelle met his end) with an intro from Sutherland saying they'd "fixed up" the season and that the show had never been better. So even when the producers and actors knew something was wrong with Season 3, something so wrong that they had to fix it up and change the entire narrative over halfway through, then I think it's strange so many fans claim it was the best season...

Sure, Season 4 didn't feature the deaths of any "major" characters, but it didn't have any stupid quirks like 3 did. And it also had the best action sequences in the show's history, something this season hasn't given us yet. Last year we had the terrorist-compound raid where Jack rescued Audrey and Heller, plus the nightime battle with the McLenan-Forster commandoes with Jack and Paul in the gunshop. But it must be admitted Season 4 lost some steam towards the end -- until Mandy showed up, that is. And as for main characters coming back throughout Season 4, I thought that was a great idea. The producers pulled a fast one on us; after telling us it would be an all-new cast, the old crew had pretty much returned by the end of the season. A much better "fool" on the audience than the lame-brained sting operation in Season 3, I'd say.

As for Season 1, people always say how great it is, and it's true. But usually what they're thinking of is the stuff with Jack in episodes 1-13. The last-minute twists and reveals. What they're NOT thinking of is all the stupid shit with Kim and her teenage abducters, Palmer's constant "I love you" talks with his son, and Terri Bauer's handwrining, scenes all of which, trust me, do NOT warrant repeat viewings. Same for most of the content of episodes 14 - 22, which are some of the most boring television I've ever seen. Combined with the low budget (compared to later seasons), herky-jerky directing, and Sutherland's ultra-blonde hair, I'd say Season 1 is a far cry from being the best season of 24.

Season 2 I thought was much better, and was my favorite season until season 4. In fact, I think Season 2 had all you could want from 24. Good action, good suspense, another clingy woman for Jack (for such a tough guy, Jack sure likes neurotic women, doesn't he?), less melodrama with the Palmer family, and lots of surreal dark comedy for Kim Bauer. I really think the writers tried to one-up each other for the dumbest thing they could think of for Kim to endure, that season..."Okay, how about she meets some freak in a nuclear bunker??"

Anyway, this season has been mostly flawless, save for last week's episode, which I thought was pretty slow, and guilty of regurgitating information from one scene to the next; constant scenes of characters telling us stuff we already knew. I'm wondering if Fox asked the producers to tone down the scenes of Jack taking the plane hostage? And also, the preview for next week's episode looks like an exact lift of an early Season 3 episode...the one where Jack and Salazar were in the helicopter, with jets in hot pursuit.

Oh yeah, and Curtis is the first character I'd say who could actually carry this show, if Sutherland left. Another problem with Season 3 was the introduction of Chase. Obviously introduced as a young face for the audience to respond to, to hopefully carry the show if Jack were to didn't work out. I've always said Season 3 would've been pretty damn great if the producers had stuck with their original idea, that Jack went rogue, stole Salazar, and Chase went after him. In fact one of the producers revealed this is WHY they named the character Chase, because he would "chase" afer Jack. Unfortunately one of the producers later came up with the sting operation idea, which threw everything into a tailspin that took them half a season to get out of.
Mysterious Transfer Student
22:18 / 10.05.06
We British viewers have just reached the commencement of the Sheree plot, which caused raucous laughter in the Tergesen household with its heartwarming message of "See! Women who file sexual harassment suites really are deluded harpies!"

Ahh, 24. Just when you think a show can't be any more hilariously right-wing, you build another extension onto that wing and just push all the furniture up against the windows... (metaphor comes apart in hands like Airfix model kit when tired).
12:57 / 11.05.06
I agree...though admittedly the show's diverging from the ultra-right, this season. As others have mentioned, we now have a plot about a twisted president who's ordered a plane of innocents shot out of the sky, just to protect the same week United 93 opens. And etc -- there have been a lot of veiled criticisms on the Bush administration this season. Or so it's seemed to me.

To tell the truth, though, since the third season I've been hoping for Jack to say "fuck it," quit CTU, go rogue (for real this time), hook up with Mandy, and cause mayhem.

But it's just a dream...

I do appreciate how, last year, the producers did at least acknowledge the similarities between Jack and Mandy. When Jack finally caught her, his first words to her were something along the lines of, "You and I are the same. We're professionals."

This past week's episode was better than I thought it would be, and nothing like the early Season 3 episode I referenced.

Again, Curtis proved Chase is just a bad memory. His cool handling of the marine patrol was one of the many highlights he's had this season.

And I LOVED that long tracking shot at the end that followed Logan from his wife's room, to his private room, to the shot of liquor, to the phone call, etc. Great stuff. I'm sure some people somewhere complained that the shot was too long and slowed the pace of the episode's climax, but come on? How many other network TV shows can you name that have featured a United States President contemplating suicide?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:53 / 11.05.06
I was yelling "DO IT" at thscreen during that scene. So count me as one of the people who thought it was well done.
13:54 / 11.05.06
This season of 24 has finally broken my ability to suspend belief. I can't take it anymore. It's gone from unlikely and slightly ridiculous to totally absurd, even by 24's standards. It's broken my spirit, really.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:07 / 11.05.06
Slim, what do you think the worst bit was? I thought Jack yanking on the hydrolic lines for the plane was pretty out there. I was expecting him to cut a hole into the cabin so if it depressurized the whole plane would eat it at that point.

Also, that the marines were supposed to catch Jack Bauer and had no idea what he looked like, that bit hurt.
15:15 / 11.05.06
Trust me, as a guy who's known several wasn't that hard to buy at all.
16:03 / 11.05.06
This season of 24 has finally broken my ability to suspend belief.


I lost the ability about 3 episodes in to the 1st season!
But as I've said before, that's part of the charm for me.

I heard that 24 has been commissioned for 3 more seasons already. Don't know for sure whether that's true though but assuming it is :
Given that each year it gets sillier and more preposterous (apart from maybe season 2 when Jack DIED and was up again and in a fist fight a couple of hours later) I can't wait to see where they're going to take this.
Perhaps Jack will turn out to be the season bad guy. After we've discovered Kim is the head of an international terrorist organisation and Curtis is her right hand guy, of course. Oh, and Palmer is still alive, his assassination having been part of an elaborate trick to capture Dr Romano.
20:07 / 11.05.06
Slim, what do you think the worst bit was? I thought Jack yanking on the hydrolic lines for the plane was pretty out there. I was expecting him to cut a hole into the cabin so if it depressurized the whole plane would eat it at that point.

The whole part with landing the plane was kind of funny because Jack was telling the pilot how to fly the plane. Thank god Jack can do everything. Just like how Chloe can do anything with a laptop. Her magical computer is the very definition of deus ex machina. I too shook my head when the Marines didn't recognize Jack and then again when Curtis was able to intimidate them into letting him pass. Telling a Marine guard that he'll have to shoot you is a great way to bring about your untimely end.

I was mostly referring to the whole season. I've just reached the breaking point. Stupid stuff like Chloe escaping from her cell was the straw that broke my back. Actually, what may have done it is the absolutely absurd idea that Homeland Security would ever come in and take control over CTU. That's mind-boggling. That and the recycled plot devices. Another traitor in CTU? Another season where employees routinely undermine the bosses, break the law, and then bring their formerly incompetent bosses around to their point of view? Yawn.
20:22 / 11.05.06
There's never been a perfect season, and true this season's featured some head-scratching stuff, but I stand firm in my opinion that NOTHING so far has been as bad as the boring, slow-moving, dead-in-the-water second half of Season 1. IE, epsidoes 14 and up. This season might feature some ridiculous stuff like Jack knowing everything about the plane, to Chloe saving the world via broadband, to no one thinking to make a fucking duplicate of the incriminating audio tape of Logan, but least it's been action-packed, suspenseful, and fast-moving. Which is more than I can say for that long string of episodes there in Season 1, most of which just featured characters telling us stuff we already knew. Oh yeah, and there was the drug deal Kim got stuck at with her kidnapper boyfriend Rick. Oh, and Terri's amnesia. And Palmer's assistant and her affair with one of the Drazens. Stirring stuff.
03:41 / 12.05.06
I really don't fault people for liking this season. It started off with a bang (through Palmer's throat) and had some truly enjoyable points. I do think, however, that it's gotten worse as the season has gone on. Tony's death in particular was poorly handled and things seemed to get worse from there on out. Although I am miffed as to why some are proclaiming the current season as the best ever, especially since some of the plot devices are blatanly recycled, it's fair to say that 24 has always been kind of silly and that this season is no different. I don't blame people for liking it, but I myself can't really stand it anymore.
17:07 / 17.05.06
>>They could do a team up like Ford and Connery in Indy III!<<

"We named the DOG 'Jack.'"
14:32 / 23.05.06
Thoughts on last night's season finale:

First Hour: Perfect. Anyone notice how long they went without a commercial break at the beginning? Just a little over twenty minutes. And what an outstanding twenty minutes! From Jack getting the kid to knife a guard in the throat, to the mean-as-shit look on Jack's face while he waited for the mirror-signal to take out the Russian at the missile controls, to Jack snapping Bierko's neck, to Jack wasting Henderson in cold blood (PERFECT!)...everything was just phenomenal. The rest of the hour was just as good, too...Jack was just in total kick-ass mode last night. "Chloe, I'm going after the President." Uh, okay, Jack...

Second Hour: Like last year, I felt the second hour wasn't as good as the first (remember, last year was a two-hour finale as well, w/the first hour centering on Mandy -- and I love her to death -- and the second hour concerning Logan's stooges coming after Jack). Jack on the helicopter was okay, as was his breakdown when he couldn't kill Logan (I LOVED Chloe's ex-husband's deadpan line..."God...that's President LOGAN, Jack."), etc...but how quickly Logan was taken down just felt contrived.

I understand why they did it, I mean I'd rather it happen that way than leave it hanging that Logan might get away with it all...however Logan did have the last laugh with his "Jack Bauer has been taken care of" line. I take it Logan made an anonymous call to the Chinese?

Which brings me to the final moments. All I could think was "Die Another Day." Jack, face swollen from a quick beating, muttering "Just kill me" as he rolled around on the floor, was probably one of the most disturbing things in 24 ever. But I didn't like the cliffhanger ending, this year. I knew something was coming, though...they couldn't have rammed it home anymore, with Jack and Audrey's heart-gushing moments right before Jack's fake phone call.

I'm not sure where they'll go with this. But rewatching Season 4 on DVD, I was surprised by how effectively episode 24 set up Season 5. Maybe it'll be the same next season. I doubt it will take place in China, but word has it Season 5 won't be set in LA. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I think the only thing missing this year was a big action scene (a la Jack's raid on the terrorist compound in Season 4), but other than that, I think this was a flawless season...

But one question: I take it Wayne Palmer's still sleeping in Buchanan's house? No one woke him up to see off his brother's coffin at the airport?
13:45 / 24.05.06
So did anyone watch the finale?
Keith, like a scientist
13:51 / 24.05.06
ya, was pretty good. don't have much to friend ruined the surprise Chinese ending part, though.
16:52 / 25.05.06
I saw it but didn't want to comment on it because I thought it was terrible. I Tivo'd the episode and was forced to fast forward through some of it because my brain was about to explode. Who knew it was so easy to kidnap the President of the United States?
17:46 / 25.05.06
I love this...saw this on the official Lost board, re Lost season finale versus 24's:

>>I thought 24's season finale on Monday featured one of the best endings of any TV show in recent history. At this point I'd trade next season's Lost for an extra season of 24. At least the people at Fox know the value of not poisoning your fanbase with useless repeats.<<

I just wonder if the Season 5 DVD "prequel" (that is, if they have one on the season 5 boxset, as they have with Seasons 3 and 4) will have Jack freed from China...or if that will be the crux of next year's season?
Jackie Susann
12:46 / 03.08.06
I been avoiding this thread (and spoilers) until the last episode aired in Australia, which it just did. Even though the season was painfully stupid - I still don't understand what President Logan et al were really trying to accomplish - it has enough OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! moments to keep me hooked every time the story seemed to weak to stick with.

I marked out like a motherfucker for every major character death - Palmer, Michelle, Tony, Edgar. It had probably the best 'Jack will do whatever it takes' moment yet, when he shot Henderson's (totally innocent) wife in the leg to get him to talk - and then added the exculpatory, 'I shot her above the knee, she'll walk again!' The set piece on the plane, from stowing away through knocking out the marshall, taking the wrong guy prisoner, the bugfuck insane cable-pulling and the crash landing, was awesome.

Then, in the last episode, Jack does what I love most about this show. When anyone wants anything, they must pick the most bugfuck insane way possible to go about it. Jack, rather than, say, gathering evidence, decides he will personally torture the US President. That is some shit right there.

Overall, I reckon this is the third best season, after three and two, ahead of four and one. And I very much look forward to Jack spending the first episode of next season busting out of that boat so he can save the world.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:33 / 03.08.06
IF the next season starts right where this one ended there better be a "SIC MONTHS LATER" lice somewhere before the action really starts, because 24 hours without really sleeping or pooping I can almost beleive, but 48 is just CRAZY!
16:57 / 03.08.06
The new season begins a year and a half after Season 5. This from Sutherland himself, who also noted that Jack in Season 6 will be "broken, a shell of his former self" after the death and suffering of his loved ones in previous seasons.

Also, and not sure if this is just a rumor, but Wayne Palmer will supposedly be the President in Season 6. However Sutherland did confirm that Jean Smart's First Lady and Gregory Itzin's (? can't recall actor's name) President Logan will be back in Season 6.
17:04 / 03.08.06
Also, re Logan et al's plans in Season 5...I thought they explained it several times? They were basically pulling a Bush...trying to strengthen America's presence in the oil arena while at the same time appearing as a nation tough on terrorism. This they did by secretly financing/allowing Bierko's terrorist group to infiltrate nerve gas onto American soil, in the hopes that his devastating attacks would provoke the country into a stronger, more aggressive stance in the Middle East.

I took the whole thing as a metaphor on "what if Bush was really behind the 9/11 attacks?" With Jack hijacking a plane (on the same week US 93 opened in theaters), the multiple references to oil, the shady, backtracking President, etc, I thought it was hard not to miss.

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