Hey, so pirates *may* get beaten at football by ninjas.
So fucking what?
Pirates don't care. They just wait for half-time to get some citrus fruit, so they can prepare a bunch of tequila slammers or what-have-you, then get real fucking bored waiting for the ninja opposition- who they had, in a spirit of anarcho-friendliness, invited along for some booze to turn up...
...and then decide "why don't we just flip out and kill all dem ninjas?"...
...at which, the little wimpy cabin boy pipes up: "I dun 'em already, cap'n... hopes as like you wuzzint savin any sport for youmself..."
The "cap'n" no longer cares. He's got pissed on rum, and has taught his parrot (a psychic one, natch) to channel the World Service. |