thanks to the king of theory bitch monikers, i have a theory bitch sticker on my tobacco tin and on my mac. although i'm reading through these posts, and i'm wondering if i'm more a praxis bitch...
the connection of sex leather [or leather pants] and theory bitch stuff is kinda amusing. yeah, we're all beyond the mire of endless foucauldian analysis and the accompanying leather pants; or are we? i've been reading discipline and punish and i'm not so excited any more ... right now, i'm enjoying my five buck cowboy boots, the m/s dynamic of me and all that theory/praxis, and salivating over guattari's molecular revolutions, hardt's labor of dionysus, a whole shitload of agamben... and what about jean-luc nancy? someone tell me he is *not* worthy of all kinds of slavish theory bitching...
so, what's a theory bitch? is it a verb or noun? i dunno but its the only thing that makes sense lately [is that a pun? maybe]. |