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Barbelonians, what are you currently working on?


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10:23 / 03.02.03
Working on issue 4 of the ongoing minicomic. Not much progress due to procrastination and being in night school. Plus I keep coming up with shiny new distracting ideas. It's really inspiring to see what other people are up to, though.
11:04 / 03.02.03
I *should* be writing a step-by-step procedure plan for synchronizing databases, but I'm only drinking coffee and listening to mp3 on my headphones. And posting here, of course. I'm thinking hard about returning to college and finding a proper job. With the professional skills I have, I should be earning the triple of what I get now. It's really not fair, and I'll be 26 soon... Gah. Adulthood sucks.
11:18 / 03.02.03
Well myself and some of my friends are working on putting together a convention for live-roleplayers that's supposed to be on the 1st of March up in Manchester. Pre-bookings are not looking rosey though at the moment so that may have to be postponed for a year.

Also vaguely knocking around a live game that's based vaguely on Dune, but whose main theme seems to be 'it's got really cool costumes, energy shields and space like y'know'.

Oh and the traditional get a job that isn't crappy admin temp work. I'm just pissed off enough with the job I have at the moment to do all the work that entails.
Matthew Fluxington
11:20 / 03.02.03
Flux, what do you hope to accomplish with this portfolio? I assume it's like a resume for photographers? And do most photographers have portfolios with only 15 images?

Well, I would like to find some kind of gallery show or exhibition of some kind to be part of. I'm fairly optimistic about my chances given that I'm pretty confident about my art, that my stuff doesn't really look like much else out there right now, that I have a few very good connections, and my alma matter's name can sometimes open a few doors here and there. Wow. That all sounded so cynical, but that's how this sort of thing is, I guess.

It's not exactly a resume, it's a portfolio. It's a bit different. And I've got a large backlog of older images that I would show too - I just want a solid chunk of recent work to show that I've been productive since leaving school. Curator-types tend to be very harsh on the newly-graduated in terms of being suspicious that all of their art has come from school projects. Some folks would show more than me, some a lot less - it really depends on what kind of work the artist does.
11:57 / 03.02.03
Working overtime on the scripts for both a samurai comic I've only recently started for a new artist friend (it's kind of good to splash around in a new world and new characters) and the rockabilly mage comic that I've spent eight years....Jesus Christ, it really has been eight years.... plotting out and researching like a mad bastard (Chock full of information goodness. Turing and AI concepts, faerie lore, McCarthyism, Biblical demonology, hotrods).
William Sack
12:02 / 03.02.03
Currently working on, or rather taking a lunch-break from, putting up some shelves in the spare bedroom.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:55 / 03.02.03
Actually, primarily, I'm workng on *me*.


In that, although I have some other stuff going on, I'm finally facing and trying to deal with some pretty traumatic stuff that I've been burying for years, based mainly around my mother's manic depression and subsequent death (when I was about 12.)

It's frightening and exhilirating and I'm changing in some pretty fundamental ways, through little steps. I'm learning to look after myself and value myself, and seeing what I want from life and how to get it. All very new. And seeing more clearly than ever before what is good for me and what's bad, and working on getting rid of the bad stuff.

I'm remembering things I've suppressed for years, which is pretty scary and strange, but is also really satisfying, as it's frustrated me for years that there seems to be a whole bunch of my memories, from about age 12-14, locked in a trunk, somewhere.

So yeah.

I'm working on a long-term career plan for the first time *ever*, having found a vocation/path... that's a new and amazing project. Think I'm going to do a Shiatsu massage class in the autumn.

Oh, and in my trapeze class i'm working on conquering my fear of tricks that start from stnading on the bar and head upwards. want to kick that.
14:01 / 03.02.03
God, what the hell am I working on? Working on work, for one thing. Trying to be more of a boss, though I find it difficult to be hard. I'm an entertainer first, a boss second, really .

Also have three (count 'em) novels in circulation with different agents at the moment. Only two complete, but the third is so painfully "now" I thought I'd better start pimping its ass immediately.

I'm working on trying to write a couple of short stories for upcoming competitions, although it's not a form I'm comfortable with. And why does every short story I try to write turn into a horror/ghost story? I've no idea.

Working on impending fatherhood as well. Which is probably the scariest of them all, true believer.
De Selby
14:13 / 03.02.03
With all these writing projects, is there a list or something, where all the current projects of lithers are represented? Maybe even with in/complete texts so as we can read them? I'm interested and I blame this thread...
Lurid Archive
14:19 / 03.02.03
This is a bit geeky, but I've been reading about and preparing a talk on the infamous (at least to geeks) Banach-Tarski Paradox.

Its fun because it says you can cut up a (normal size) pea into some number of bits, rotate them a little and stick them back together to get a pea the size of the sun.

No one has tried it, of course, because of the disruption it would cause in the global pea market.
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:27 / 03.02.03
Oh, and I have a confession.

I am not a writer, and have no writing projects.
Tryphena Absent
14:49 / 03.02.03
You mean I can talk about myself even more??? Fantastic!

I'm reading eighteenth century conduct literature and finding it absolutely fascinating and slightly reminiscent of Foucault's Herculine; early Derridean work that I hate with a passion; am currently writing about the supermodel's and their amazonian appearance, the relation to the sixties model's - Twiggy, Shrimpton etc. and the '70s reaction to feminine narcissim. Wonderful stuff. There's more but I'm so sick of talking about it that I'm not going to, it includes logic (Frege, Wittgenstein, bleurgh) and the bastarding german aesthetic theory that I hate so much right now.

Basically it's all half wonderful, I still love clothes, I still hate equations even logical ones and I've been thinking a lot about sexual stereotypes as applied to old women. That will go somewhere quite different.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:06 / 03.02.03
bastarding german aesthetic theory

a sympathetic 'yeauurgggh' from me, Anna.

Oh, and the other thing I'm working on is generally getting is more physical/bodily awareness, as this is something very new to me, and I'm becoming very keen on balance bewteen the various bits of me, mental/spiritual/emotioanal/physical/sensual etc, making the most of all of my resources... so that's partly an active thing: circus, reiki, sexual stuff, breathing, meditation, and partly a path/philosophy thing...
15:41 / 03.02.03
learning Protools and Logic, got them both pretty well sussed.
Sound Engineering portfolio - need some "real" musicians to record. Writing a live Drumnbass,breakbeat,tekno,ambient whatever you want to call it liveset - on track for a month from now.
Still trying to get a job. Very slowly learning to drive.
Whisky Priestess
15:45 / 03.02.03
The screenplay I was rewriting last year for the ephemeral carrot of possible future money has come back to haunt me. The money is still possible and future, but at least the title's 100% better.
The Tower Always Falls
19:18 / 03.02.03
Well I'm working on trying to overcome my writer's block for the past month and try to get this novel I'm working on finished so i can finally give it to some agent type person and not worry about it anymore... Contemplating turing some short stories into comics for Here. Also contemplating finally making my job into a story for This American Life...

Also, meditating a lot and getting pretty decent at it. Add that to planning on stopping by a Taoist Martial Arts center for some lessons soon enough and I'll soon be pretentious bohemian fuck version 3.0 any day now... Either that, or I'll just sit around and think about it all some more...
20:14 / 03.02.03
I'm trying to brush up on my german so I can read a few things in the original language they were written in.

Looking at the source code of various tetris and breakout clones so I can eventually get to work on hacking my own together along with a few other "productive" applications so that I can show I know my shit when I go out interviewing for my first "real" job. I've got two years until I'm at that point, but there's no reason not to start now.

Working on getting over my shyness, which surprisingly is going pretty well.

There's the whole job hunt thing I've been working on for the past year and a half. It has not gone well so far, but I'll luck out eventually.

A couple of reviews for RpgFan are currently in the planning stages.

There's a novella/short story/what-have-you idea that's been kicking around in the back of my head for a few years, I've just never gotten around to writing down anything, maybe I'll start that soon.

Of course there's the various magick and school related projects which are all far too numerous to list out. Just thinking about them all is depressing.
Saint Keggers
04:08 / 06.02.03
Here's a damn small version of what I whipped up for Queer Granny.

Whisky Priestess
08:34 / 06.02.03
hee hee
I'll send one to Paul Daniels.
The Strobe
09:38 / 06.02.03
I'm working on my degree, but not very well. At the moment: considering another visual culture essay question to blitz over the weekend, also considering an essay on Paranoid Fiction (Lot 49, Man Who Was Thursday, maybe some Gravity's Rainbow and one other book that isn't Pynchon that I need to find.

Other than that... working on bumping up my journalism portfolio, getting itchy fingers to be back in the studio recording... and, like Bengali but not as drastically, working on fixing myself so I work without the pills.

Come this summer: salvaging whatever grade I graduate with, and working on a proper demo CD, Like, for record companies. Yes, this is masochism, but I. Cannot. Wait. Oh, and maybe writing more fiction.
10:01 / 06.02.03
Well... when I am not slaving for The Man for my weekly dough, I am working on my publishing company - not so much 'get rich quick, as 'get rich in the medium term' scheme. If it starts making enough dosh for me to do it full time, I'll never look back...

So, considering my background is IT development and support, publishing is quite a departure for me. More rewarding, as I get a sense of acheivement in completing work on a book that I just don't get in my day job.
The Return Of Rothkoid
10:53 / 06.02.03
Currently, I'm working on my reviews for Splendid and still trying - albeit somewhat ineffectually - to write something Big and Important.

Oh, and there's than band thing, too. Erm. More scotch needed.
Cherry Bomb
21:18 / 06.02.03
I'm currently finishing off a glass of wine and expressing my amazement that there's such a thing as "Dub Side of the Moon," an ALL REGGAE version of "Pink Floyd's Classic." Holy shit! I have to get this!

Also um, moving to a new lovely flat, interviewing for a fab sounding part-time gig, interviewing for a place in a school on a course I've all ready taken and did quite well on the firsr time around (long story), helping other people move, teaching people how to say things like "I had eggs for breakfast and then I got on a bus for school," and also dispensing huggles.
21:44 / 06.02.03
I love reading this thread, it's great. Every is talking about what they love and that really comes across. [/random comment]

Well currently I'm preparing for a recital a week today (the 13th), which while it doesn't carry much weighting in marks carries a lot of weight in my head.

I have no idea what I'm going to do next year after I finish my degree - I know I'm going to live at home over summer but that is about it. I'm looking forward to going home because for a while I will be living with my family - all four members under one roof for longer than a university holiday for the first time in 10 years.

What I am going to do when the work load for my degree starts winding down is get some music software and start playing about with sounds for myself, start trying to write music that I want to listen to rather than requirements for my course. That will be fab.
Tryphena Absent
09:03 / 07.02.03
Had the bestest lecture on the Frankfurt School (German aesthetic critics) ever and am brimming with enthusiasm. Hurrah. Not getting on so well with '90s heroin chic and the construction of gender through fashion magazines... damn that GQ thing, I don't know what it meant, I'm far too young and rah my problems just start with The Face.
13:35 / 07.02.03
Ever read anything about Georg Simmel? I have a friend who's doing research on him.
Sounds like an interesting guy - very influential on Adorno and Walter Benjamin and a bunch of other people. Public lecturer, not an academic professor, so there's not too much about him in the records... he never left behind a set of students to preserve his thinking.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:42 / 08.02.03
I'm writing comics - slowly. This is not a medium which could ever be reasonably be expected to earn me much in the way of fortune and fame, and for some reason that knowledge is incredibly liberating. I've sort of given up on prose fiction for now as a result.

Still doing the odd bit of journalism, but increasingly disinterested in the idea of "breaking into" being published in publications which spend their time chasing after what the zines/self-publishers do/are into... Why not just do the latter, I figure? So, am trying to gather together a zine, not for the first time...

Also, making compilation tapes. This is Important.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:47 / 08.02.03
I'm facing the fact that I have to get a crappy retail job if I want to survive. I'm trying to rewrite my nanowrimono. I'm also involved in something which I'm dying to talk about but paranoid that it will all fall through if I do.
Jack Denfeld
04:41 / 25.06.03
Ok people, what are some of the new projects everyone's working on?
04:53 / 25.06.03

Just burned to CD the Cover Art for the EP. Stick it in the post with the mastered music CD when the rest of the world wakes up...

That's pretty much what I've been working on - Recording with the band, getting the mix right, then the artwork for the cd.

Fingers crossed we'll have it back in a couple of weeks, all barcoded and official.

weird. Really real and shrink-wrapped. In my hand.
what the hell, eh? gotta give it a shot.
the Fool
05:55 / 25.06.03
Making my website --> Afrenasia.
Making songs --> Fool Music
Trying to turn Afrenasia into a real graphic design business.
Making loads of stickers and putting them up all over the place.
Making posters and putting them up around the place.
Just started helping a friend put together his t-shirt company idea "Myxo".
Am meant to be writting a comic with another friend, but we're really slack and always seem to drink to much beer to get anything done.
And done some entries for the Basefield :Two Worlds Collide competition.
Gary Lactus
07:58 / 25.06.03
*Making and selling T.W.A.T. (The War Against Terror) and C.U.N.T. (Contraveining UN Treaties) T-shirts.
*Putting 2 comics together ('Those Amusing Brothers' and the 'Space Horse' anthology.
*Animating 'Those Amusing Brothers'
*Making a film with my brother about a cardboard assassin that's killing our familly.
*Making music
*Trying to roll all this creative output into a big fat business joint for the world to smoke.
*Doing domestic cleaning for cash.
*Wanking and crying at the same time as listening to 'Love Bites' by Def Leppard.
09:15 / 25.06.03
working in an office dribbling my soul out through the keyboard
trying to get a picture of a friend to send to the Fool
starting a Tarot teaching sideline
chastising myself for slacking
moving to Brighton
feeling guilty about the novel, screenplay and short stories I should be writing but am too slack to.
Oh, and supporting Jack Denfeld for King Of Barbelith!
10:03 / 25.06.03
Moving to Brighton

Good boy. We will welcome you with open arms.

Perhaps you could get another office job... at amex... with the rest of us poor bastards.

As for what I'm doing: trying to get the fuck away from amex. A worthy life-goal if ever there was one.
rizla mission
12:21 / 25.06.03
Currently engaged in cleaning up two years of student mentalism and neglect before the landlord comes 'round to check..

Aside from that - probably the stuff I was doing last time I posted in this thread.

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