Jack - tell us about yourself too, okay? One of the best things about Barbelith, I think, is that so many people are involved in so many projects. And a lot of new projects appear to come from people 'meeting' here and working together.
You're right in that 'dole' is our version of welfare. not sure what the differences are in terms of how easy it is to get hold of and how much it pays for. I'm not unemployed - I am on Incapacity Benefit, which means I've been declared (mentally) unfit to work. That's a long story, I won't go into it here, but it's not as exciting as it sounds. I get enough to survive on, bearing in mind I'm staying with my family and have a very low rent. And I peer in the windows of restaurants instead of eating in them. I'm broke but I really don't mind - it's worth it for the wonderful lifestyle I now have.
When the novel is finished, I will hopefully have found an agent to try and get it published. Then I will do more short stories or another novel. I also want to get an actor down here to perform another story of mine (Whiskey Priestess did a reading of one of my short stories just before I left London and I loved how she brought it to life).
Did I say I was an artist? Well, that's a matter of opinion! I've now done over a dozen paintings, and while I feel really happy and confident about what I'm doing, I have no idea if they're any good. Most reactions have been very positive, only one person has disliked my stuff. I've taken photos and if I feel confident with a few more paintings under my belt, I'll put a portfolio type thing together and see if I can flog em.
I have self published some short stories; see Persephone's Queer Granny Designs site, linked above, for my book. While the experience was mostly a good one, I really hope someone else pays for the next lot to appear!
I've shown you mine, now show me yours..... |