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Barbelonians, what are you currently working on?


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Jack Denfeld
00:29 / 01.02.03
With all the bright people here, I'm sure many of you are working on something big. Or a small little project. Anyone trying to break into a different carreer field? Radically changing your lifestyle? Writing a new novel? I'd like to know a little bit more about all of you.
01:28 / 01.02.03
should be working on turning the dissertation i wrote lo these many years ago into a book. can't seem to be arsed, however . . .
Matthew Fluxington
02:33 / 01.02.03
Right now I'm very slowly piecing together a new portfolio/book of photographs. I don't get to shoot very often, mostly because I'm very seldom around other people and I'm extremely specific in how I take photographs, but things are coming along really well for me. I was concerned that since I hadn't been working on photography for about a year after my graduation year out of school burnout that maybe I'd lost my love of making pictures, but I'm pretty sure it just made me better. It gave me some time away to get a lot of bitterness about school and filter out some of the negative influences of being in school, and I came back to it very fresh. Also, I've read a lot and been exposed to a lot of very good things in the time that passed, so that's helped a bit too, I'm sure.

I'm hoping to have a set of 15 or so images by May, and then I'll do my best to shop it around and see what happens. I'm feeling very confident about it.
08:28 / 01.02.03
Three months ago I radically changed my life - left my job and a lovely house in north London to become dole scum in Cornwall. It means I have more time than ever to write and I have taken up painting. I'm also in the right place (both physically and psychically) to explore the spiritual side of life. It's a massive change, although it also means I can just do more of what I was into in London - I've been writing short stories for a while now, and since I moved, I started my first novel.

I do not intend to ever have another 'proper' job.
Jack Denfeld
09:07 / 01.02.03
alas, tell me more about your dissertation. What was the subject, and is it easily adapted to a book?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:08 / 01.02.03
Must start writing again, I've already wasted a month...
Jack Denfeld
09:09 / 01.02.03
Flux, what do you hope to accomplish with this portfolio? I assume it's like a resume for photographers? And do most photographers have portfolios with only 15 images?
Jack Denfeld
09:14 / 01.02.03
shortfatdyke, From reading Irvine Welsh, I take it dole is like our American welfare system. Do they pay enough to support you? With bills, and food? And what do you plan to do when you finish your novel? I thought I remembered seeing a thread where you announced that you are now an artist, as opposed to wanting to be an artist. Then gave up the 9-5 and started bumming around. Very Henry Miller. You should read "Tropic of Cancer" by Henry Miller. I think you'll find it inspiring in your current situation. Looking for an agent? Gonna self print? What do you plan to do?
09:46 / 01.02.03
This (my response, here) is starting to become such a mantra it's depressing. I'm still attempting to get my shit together to write my "true-to-life-but-somewhat-more-readable-in-the-guise-of-fiction" HP Lovecraft novel, which I quit my day job nearly three years ago to write (so I'd get more time off cos I work nights) and haven't written a word of yet. Though somebody (whose artwork is lovely) has given me a deadline to give him some comic script, so that's next!
12:22 / 01.02.03
never ask a phd to talk about their dissertation/research!, unless you have more time than you know what to do with . . .

my diss is on adoption/foster care in US culture/fiction of the mid19th c. I should expand it both in terms of historical coverage and devote more space to boys in care situation--girls, symbolizing innocence, tend to be the focus of much of the literature I'm reading. Lots of Dickins influence--Oliver Twist, esp.--but more often the children go into families rather than orphanages . . .

ok, I'll stop now....
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:26 / 01.02.03
Various bits'n'bobs for various people (those who are still waiting: you will get yr stuff, I promise, when various nagging problems are resolved).

An article about why Diana Wynne-Jones kicks J.K. Rowling's arse all up and dowwwwwn kid lit.

An article on why Nestle are still bastards.

Learning Spanish.

Learning to make Flash animations.

Learning Reiki.

Mostly though, I am working on The Novel. I've just got to a good bit, with all skeletons and magic and shit.
12:36 / 01.02.03

Oooh, how nice of you to ask... as it happens, I just finished this.

And now I must crawl back into bed...
pointless and uncalled for
12:54 / 01.02.03
Continual photography practice as finances allow.

Slight involvement of an RPG site that may go live one of these days.

Occasional story contemplation with little success.

Pathetic grabs at touristical Spanish for my visit to Barcelona at the end of Next Month.

That's the little stuff that goes on while I focus on a project of a more economical bent.

I'm planning to head out at the end of this year on some kind of photographic project. I'm not sure where it will take me, I haven't decided yet. On the shortlist is Pacific Rim Culture, War, Post-War, Famine and Poverty. I guess we will see what happens, or not as the case may be.

Reviewing information here VSO
13:09 / 01.02.03
sfd: good for you. pleased as punch for you and mildly envious of such a decision. been wondering if, since my grandpa came to the u.s. from norway in 1929, if i could flee to norway seeking political asylum when things get worse here, as they seem doomed to...
13:11 / 01.02.03
oh and, persephone, love the queer granny site--!
14:46 / 01.02.03
Jack - tell us about yourself too, okay? One of the best things about Barbelith, I think, is that so many people are involved in so many projects. And a lot of new projects appear to come from people 'meeting' here and working together.

You're right in that 'dole' is our version of welfare. not sure what the differences are in terms of how easy it is to get hold of and how much it pays for. I'm not unemployed - I am on Incapacity Benefit, which means I've been declared (mentally) unfit to work. That's a long story, I won't go into it here, but it's not as exciting as it sounds. I get enough to survive on, bearing in mind I'm staying with my family and have a very low rent. And I peer in the windows of restaurants instead of eating in them. I'm broke but I really don't mind - it's worth it for the wonderful lifestyle I now have.

When the novel is finished, I will hopefully have found an agent to try and get it published. Then I will do more short stories or another novel. I also want to get an actor down here to perform another story of mine (Whiskey Priestess did a reading of one of my short stories just before I left London and I loved how she brought it to life).

Did I say I was an artist? Well, that's a matter of opinion! I've now done over a dozen paintings, and while I feel really happy and confident about what I'm doing, I have no idea if they're any good. Most reactions have been very positive, only one person has disliked my stuff. I've taken photos and if I feel confident with a few more paintings under my belt, I'll put a portfolio type thing together and see if I can flog em.

I have self published some short stories; see Persephone's Queer Granny Designs site, linked above, for my book. While the experience was mostly a good one, I really hope someone else pays for the next lot to appear!

I've shown you mine, now show me yours.....
15:15 / 01.02.03
i have almost finished my zine which is based on photographs i've taken and poems and random stuff. it's different from all the other zines i've done.
15:48 / 01.02.03
I'd like to know a little bit more about all of you.

So you want to add more bits to my file? OK...

I'm learning a whole lot about loss. I'm in the process of coming out of two years' grieving over the end of a 13 year relationship, just had my father pass away recently, and I'm coming to terms with the reality that my 14 year old cats are in failing health and won't be with me too much longer, either.

And, to top it all off, my sister just called and let me know that the Space Shuttle blew up.... seeing you...
16:43 / 01.02.03
As usual, the new year starts and I have umpty-one new projects on the menu. Currently trying to find my own place as well as a reliable roommate, both surprisingly difficult. I'm also reading every book I've ever wanted to read but never found the time for. Intermittently working on a role-playing game I've been kicking around for a while, as well as a slew of poems, short stories, and novellas (trying to tackle a good-sized novel gives me the willies). Also learning French, also learning yoga. And to top it all off, I'm working on becoming a stand-up comic, something I've wanted to do for years but never had the will to pursue. Recent circumstances have made me realize that this is something that I really want to do and there's no time like the present, so here I go.

And yeah. Like that.
22:01 / 01.02.03
The same book I've been working on for the past couple years, possibly few years, I've lost track.
Lecture on the first two plays in the Oresteia.
User guide for a program I've never seen, used, or likely ever will use.
Collages for the cabinets in my kitchen.
Patching up a coat.
Crocheting a scarf.
Making a corset.
Making a pillow for a cat-bed.
Writing more scripts for webcomic (on hiatus.)
The local Goth prototype has become a run-of-the-mill example of the apocalypse.
22:25 / 01.02.03
Writting about a book?!....books.....sure, anything about books.....I'm reading some books. I would like to read a book on basic wood craving. One day I hope to sculpt a live size figure with my axe. And painting too. No, I mean pencil drawing.

And now the goner......a book on transformer has been lying on my table which I might read some parts of it.

I still haven't decided what I can or want to do with photoshop or illustrator.

I have stumbled onto a circuit that I think would definitely allow me to pump audio into the phone from a computer or walkman.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
22:45 / 01.02.03
I’m currently trying to find a new job. I want to work in the charitable sector, maybe with asylum seekers. I am also working on a book or maybe a few short stories under the working titles of: Celebrity Genocide or Derek’s new trousers. I’m caught between the world of the totally fantastic and the terminally mundane.
De Selby
22:56 / 01.02.03
LOL Persephone very cool site. There should be more queer grannies around...
De Selby
23:00 / 01.02.03
Getting my mixing to much higher standards, and learning how to scratch properly. Starting uni, and becoming an "educated" person. Writing more. Finishing the endless supply of tracks that I've already started, with some cool new samples I procured.

Jack - You haven't told us of your current creative output...
Saint Keggers
01:18 / 02.02.03
The list...
1)Working on a card game and honing my Photoshop skills till they are completly pixelicious!

2)Working on Pirates vs Ninja card game (sloooooowly)

3)Continuing my various photoprojects which consists so far of:
Tarot cards.
An Alice in Wonderland project
Designing costumes for one (two if I can reuse them) of said photoprojects. (So far they're looking like Cirque du Soleil meets the Fith Element)

4)Illustrating a childrens book (Its about this kid who finds out he's a wizard..think it'll sell?)

5)Amassing a huge archive of photographs for use in all of the above. (a potato chip makes quit a nice moon surface and coffee can replace rust.)

6)The same thing I do every night..Try to take over the world.
01:23 / 02.02.03
So far they're looking like Cirque du Soleil meets the Fifth Element

Dude, tell me you'll post some here when they're done, cause that sounds jaw-droppingly cool.
Jack Denfeld
03:54 / 02.02.03
Well, one of the things I'm working on is getting a car. I crashed my last one back in May, and have yet to start looking for a new one. The bus experience has been o.k. but the public transport system is not very convenient in this city. Everyone's urging me to get something from this decade, but I'm looking for a Dodge Charger. Had one once, and want one again. Hopefully by March.

On the creative side, I plan to enroll in a Writer's Digest course on magazine writing. I'm all over the place with my writing, and I think a set structure will help reign me in a little. Hopefully the course will also clue me in to the business side as well. I have absolutely no problems telling you all that I want to be paid for my writing.

I'm keeping it simple this year. A couple of goals at a time.
rizla mission
13:03 / 02.02.03
finishing comic #2 and starting fanzine #2 are currently overlapping.

Although I shouldn't really have time to do any of that, as I've got a dissertation to write in between piles of essays..
13:28 / 02.02.03
Also, I am definitely going to be taking photography classes in spring/summer, in preparation for a potential MA in Photography and Urban Cultures. I think I'll also take acting classes, a ceramics class, and a jewellery-making/silverwork class. At some point I also want to start work on a set of photographic tarot cards.
Lilith Myth
14:38 / 02.02.03
I've got 95,000 words under my belt of a novel that I got distracted from. I've got three of a collection of short stories I'm writing. I'm not good at finishing stu
De Selby
04:35 / 03.02.03
I'm not good at finishing stu

badoom boom tish
05:33 / 03.02.03
I'm working on a new novel, whilst simultaneously facing the Herculean task of convincing my agent that the last one really is the kind of genre that will make him money and that he really should back it.
05:34 / 03.02.03
Pulling an all-nighter, finishing off an animated walk cycle with Meg from Hercules. The hips were killing me. It's turning out ok, but I still have to finish off her face, hair, and fingers, plus it could do with some tidying up. And then there's all the paperwork I have to fill out.

Then I have two floor plans and an interior background of one of the floorplans based on a cartoon about firefighting dogs to do tomorrow. Happily, I have good reference and I'm going to rock it Hanna-Barbera style.

After that, I'll have new assignments for both animation and design, plus catching up on my cartoon diary and blog. Whatever free time I have left goes to Jenny Everywhere.
07:32 / 03.02.03
"The hips were killing me".

Is there anyone on this Earth who doesn't love Moriarty?

Personally - I'm thinking about my job. Not in a "I hate my job and I need to leave" way, just in a kind of "OK, what are my objectives for the future, how do I get to them, is my career something I want to be noted for in itself or something to support the stuff I want to be noted for, if indeed I do etc etc" way.

Otherwsie, my main aim is to shake off the writers' block that has been crippling me for FAR TOO FUCKING LONG now. Might have a crack at a Jenny Everywhere at some point, just to vary the diet, arrange a writing plan, finish up a few things, te tum te tum. Then maybe see how plans are going for the second print of booky thing, and see how we go from there. At the moment, for all the fervent of creativity, sorting out my finances and giving the bathroom a damn good clean would probably be more productive.
Naked Flame
10:09 / 03.02.03
Gigging around London and prostituting myself to the music business. But, y'know, in a good way.

Writing more songs, and better.

Failing to find adequately frequent employment as a sound engineer, but inching along on what I *do* pick up.

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