Sax, - you have to ask?!
I watched this last night on the late night repeat, and was appalled (but couldn't not watch obviously).
Okay, from the top:
Aspirational Man was annoying because he thought Aspirational Woman was the mutts nutts. Nothing bad about this in itself - in fact I think it's great the way both couples shewed their own brand of familiarity and closeness to each other. When he was in the restaurant with Waynetta, he said something like "so now you've seen a picture of how pretty my wife is, how do you feel about her being in the house?" I don't think he was inviting Waynetta to react how she did, but to massage his ego and say what a lucky man he was etc etc. IE he's used to most people pandering to his insecurities, and wants constant validation that his wife is fit. Why on earth should it matter how pretty she is in the swap? He evinced a snobbish attitude throughout. "oh you *do* scrub up well" - and shouting her name at the end interview, etc. He's a fucktard of the highest order. I do hope this answers your question Sax, but as always I'm open to debate. 
As for Waynetta, I felt a bit sorry for her. She did try her best, but she clearly knew nothing else besides that house and how she lived, and liked it too. She was so insecure about the other woman in her house with her man etc, and this was compounded by the fact that the other couple was "posher". This made her feel more insecure and more in need of her familiar support structures, namely her family and all that goes with that. Very annoying woman. Seeing her at the end being all aggressive was scary. When the other one said "oh, I'm flattered" she didn't know what to say and so plumped for "well, you don't want to be!" - wtf?! She resorted to bullying and intimidation because she knew no better. Touching in a way, but mostly terrifyingly real. (She wouldn't look out of place on a mob march through the streets to rid the estate of the paediatrition who has just moved in).
The Aspirational woman (Emma?) was annoying too but in a different way. She *did* think she was better than the slobs, but not in a wholier than thou way, which made it all the more awful. Waynetta was spot on clocking the fact that she said "we are an asirational couple" and it being a dig. Middle class through and through, in the bad us and them 60's way (man). I felt a bit sorry for her too, as she clearly didn't know how to handle people that weren't being nice to her, - at the end when waynetta is having a go at her, she's going red and looking at her husband for comfirmation of her superiority. She tried to act nonchalently about things which clearly irk, eg "I have sugar in my tea, but not in coffee", her going red, wanting to storm out (as she definitely would have at home, can you imagine that pussy whipped man talking to her like that), and then asking all uppity how many etc.
Lastly, the smoking man - He was by far the most clam and rational preson in the whole show and made all the situations tolerable. He's clearly in love with that awful (oh sorry, "normal") woman, so fine. I did love his back from pub "fucking this and fucking that" routine too! |