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Mafia - a game of paranoia


Page: 12(3)

The Falcon
23:11 / 24.01.03
Less of the 'stupid'.

I didn't die, did I? Right then.
18:53 / 25.01.03
Persephone - I didn't mean to add to your craziness! Sorry...

I kind of like the idea of allowing kibitzers - this is a game of paranoia and the extra voices may just tighten the screw that little bit more. However, the opportunities for truly malicious meddling via PM make me think it might not be a good idea. How about having a parallel thread just for kibitzing, and making PMs from non-players a no-no? I'd want to let dead players PM, though - a dead player is still a player somehow.

On the subject of ... think about containing this game and not involving the entire board. This game is a little poisonous, and that's not something that I'd casually spread around - ?? I really enjoyed following the game, and the game thread was usually the first one I'd check coming onto the board. I think there are a bunch of us who'd really miss following the drama as it unfolded if the game was played out in private...
23:22 / 26.01.03

I think it's fine for the game to be visible. Is "contain" the wrong word? What I had in mind was a glass container. Like Biosphere 2.
06:23 / 27.01.03
Todd did a good job. The only problems I had was that you ended the game too early! I could've finished it off as a tie!

So who was responcible for the k9 pms?
09:27 / 27.01.03
Not me. I was a good guy, remember.
11:55 / 27.01.03
Were you ever, Sax. I have a massive case of transference...
Ethan Hawke
11:57 / 27.01.03
I know who it was...but I'll let that person reveal it hirself, if ze so chooses.

To recap, the new mayor needs to decide these things:

1.) Ratio of mafia to villagers - in some rules I found online, they suggest 1 to 3 or 1 to 4, the latter giving the villagers the advantage and the former the mafia.

2.) How many detectives? Should you use the "doctor" idea?

3.) Is the detectives' knowledge revealed when s/he is killed? Is it different if the detective is lynched by the villager or killed by the mob? If the mafia whacks a detective, does the information ze obtains on the night of that whacking get revealed to the village?

4.) Tie votes - does the mayor have a role at all. Starting with an odd number of people is ESSENTIAL.

5.) Should "dead" characters be allowed to participate? I told players they can appear as "ghosts" in the game thread, but not to PM live players.

6.) Time limits for voting - what's practical, what's ideal. Should there be a set order in voting, to discourage the mafia from waiting out the vote to see which way the wind is blowing, so to speak?

The new mayor can decide these questions - the only one I think it crucial to "set-in-stone" is the status of the knowledge of a dead detective. Personally, I think what Persephone said is a good idea - that if the villagers lynch a detective, the knowledge is not confirmed (but the player's status as a detective is revealed, and anything ze said in thread or PM can be interprted in the light of that revealed status), but if the Mafia lynchs a detective, the knowledge IS confirmed by the mayor. i still can't figure out if the detective's question on the night ze is whacked should be revealed. I'm actually leaning toward "no," because I think detectives need a disincentive to reveal themselves (though, of course, people could "fake" being detectives, which is probably a key mafia strategy).

Thoughts? Is it worth it to make a WIKI appended to the Barbelith one (e.g., in the "Creation" FAQ)? If so, can someone knowledgable PM me modest instructions on how to start one?

I think whomever wants to be the new mayor (I'll not select anyone should start a new "recruiting" thread, so that if the game is not going to start immediately, at least ze can get players lined up to meet the magic (ODD!) number. And I'm not of the opinion that the game should remain secret - the more the merrier, though it should be stressed that the "more" who wish to play better remain committed for the long haul.
13:26 / 27.01.03
A WIKI wouldn't hurt, and once you start, it's damn easy to do.

Here, I set one up for you: WhatIsTheMafiaGame?

Just hit the "edit text on page" link at the bottom. If you write words AllSmashedTogetherLikeThis with capital letters at the beginning of each word, you create a new wiki page - a subtopic. You put text on a new page by hitting the blue question mark at the end of the title. You can put links to that page on any page you'd like just by writing the title (in the same format - capital letters, no spaces).
8===>Q: alyn
15:25 / 29.01.03
Yeah, Sax, you rocked. Did you find my hijinx helpful at all? Or were they just embarrassing?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:21 / 05.02.03
I'm now hedging against my earlier opinion, and leaning towards not mayorally revealing what a dead detective knows.

As someone who spectated the first game and will be playing in the second, I'm leaning heavily towards "no-one ever knows". But I think the best compromise is probably the one whereby the detective's findings aren't revealed if they're lynched, but *are* if they're offed by Mafia...

"Rollo... Tomasi..."

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