After reading this article, it occurs to me that this game might be fun to play on Barbelith.
Mafia is a parlor game of paranoia and treachery. Here's how it's played.
A group of players gathers. it seems to me that the ideal number would be about 12 or so people. These players comprise the Village. From the Village, one player is chosen as Mayor. Ze oversees the action of the game.
The Mayor picks three people to be the Mafia, whose collective goal is to eliminate the other players from the game. The three Mafia players know who each other are. The rest of the Village does not. For barbelith purposes, the Mayor notifies each of these Mafia members by PM. 2 players are also chosen to be Detectives, more on whom below. The detectives don't know who the other detective is.
The game begins in Day, with all of the players trying to convince others of their innocence, or of the guilt of other players - for the purposes of Barbelith, these can be general conversations in a thread, or PMs between individual players. After a set period of time, the Mayor calls a vote. The Village publicly (including the Mafia, though they of course don't identify themselves as such) votes one player out (who they think is a member of the Mafia), killing hir.
Night falls. The members of the Mafia collectively decide one player to eliminate, and convey their choice to the Mayor by PM. During the Night, the Detectives are each permitted to ask the mayor (by PM) if a certain other player is Mafia, and the mayor must answer truthfully. The Detectives then use this knowledge during the day to influence conversation.
Day comes again, and the Mayor informs the village who the Mafia has killed. Day proceeds as above, and is followed by Night, and so on, until only Mafia is left or all the Mafia has been killed by the villagers.
Anyone interested? I'd volunteer to run the first game, if we get a quorum together. We can clarify rules (ie, real-time periods for Night - Day) below. This sounds like a fun game of paranoia for the big brains of Barbelith, as well as a chance to interact with people you don't usually. |