Dear Silence, don’t be sorry for something You Did Not Do. You have not offended me at all, you have shown me that in the land that harbours evil, new children are born who have become the perfect reincarnations of compassion. You are not ignorant at all, for you think and you feel compassion for all that lives. Australia will be rebuild by children like you and the children of the indigenous people. I respect your soul.
quote:I am an idealist but I have been through alot and have my own opinion.
Stay idealistic, for that is when you keep searching for that ideal state, were all is in balance and were we all can live as one in peace with our surrounding free from violence and suffering. I am sorry, for all the pain, that you have endured in life so far, if I could I would take it all away, but at the same time, its these experiences that have learned you compassion for all that lives. Yes, you are a young person, but only in physical form, your soul is old. And its your soul, who gives you insight, and its from this insight, given to you by our spirit world, that you will learn.
quote: Just like you.
Thank god. This is what is lacking in most people, having a opinion means that you are not numbed to what is happening around you, it means that you think for yourself, and that you don’t let others think for you in stead. For You have Your Own opinion.
quote: As I get older my opinion will change,
You opinion will become a force to be recon with.
Don’t feel guilty for stating your opinion, opinions are needed to come to solutions.
Sincerely Y |