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Underage nudity/porn


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11:40 / 24.09.01
There's a little minx.
Shall I ply her with drinks?

16:38 / 24.09.01
quote: by Johnny HaikuCongratulations Laila!You're right back on form.

“Why? You want to hear more ?

That is how it all started, that is why we have a new ww3. Today some guy at CNN read you Americans, your new laws their new rules, you guys have just entered in to reigns of the New World Order. And it all just was because of a fight between sister and broter and father and son and brother and brother!

[ 24-09-2001: Message edited by: Laila ]
The Sinister Haiku Bureau
18:02 / 24.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Laila:

“Why? You want to hear more ?

"I tried to get out, but they just kept pulling me back in...". Oh allright then. Just try to keep it fresh and funky. I'm especially interested in the paedo-subtexts of various films and TV shows that you hinted at in your comments about 'Taxi Driver'. What other films are subtextual kiddie-porn? I've always had doubts about the magic roundabout myself- just how old IS florence supposed to be? Thats the thing with television, you can't sniff the characters- I'm sure that there Mr Rusty would absolutely STINK of noncery...

[ 24-09-2001: Message edited by: Johnny Haiku Headed Racoon-Dog ]
08:03 / 25.09.01
I admit I am young, I am an idealist but I have been through alot and have my own opinion. Just like you. As I get older my opinion will change, I am sorry if I have offended you Laila with my ignorance.
08:32 / 25.09.01
Dear Silence, don’t be sorry for something You Did Not Do. You have not offended me at all, you have shown me that in the land that harbours evil, new children are born who have become the perfect reincarnations of compassion. You are not ignorant at all, for you think and you feel compassion for all that lives. Australia will be rebuild by children like you and the children of the indigenous people. I respect your soul.

quote:I am an idealist but I have been through alot and have my own opinion.

Stay idealistic, for that is when you keep searching for that ideal state, were all is in balance and were we all can live as one in peace with our surrounding free from violence and suffering. I am sorry, for all the pain, that you have endured in life so far, if I could I would take it all away, but at the same time, its these experiences that have learned you compassion for all that lives. Yes, you are a young person, but only in physical form, your soul is old. And its your soul, who gives you insight, and its from this insight, given to you by our spirit world, that you will learn.

quote: Just like you.

Thank god. This is what is lacking in most people, having a opinion means that you are not numbed to what is happening around you, it means that you think for yourself, and that you don’t let others think for you in stead. For You have Your Own opinion.

quote: As I get older my opinion will change,

You opinion will become a force to be recon with.
Don’t feel guilty for stating your opinion, opinions are needed to come to solutions.

Sincerely Y
07:54 / 28.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Chaosbear:
[QB]PAEDOGGEDON - did anyone actually enjoy the show - it got alot of attention but I just didn't find it funny, maybe its just me.. I much prefered the earlier stuff...

I DID find it really funny... but one of the least funny "Brass Eye"'s there were... he CAN do better (he can also be a lot more offensive- some of R1's "Blue Jam" really did disturb & scare me) but what I did find FUNNIER that anything he's ever done (and don't get me wrong- Bill Hicks & Chris Morris have equal footing in my personal cosmology as Comedy Gods) was the press coverage- he made 35 minutes of TV. He got blanket coverage for a week and a half BEFORE it was even boradcast, and about a fortnight afterwards. Last week there was still a letter in the "Mail". 80% of them proving his point about the media.
Maximum result for minimum effort.
Now THAT's genius.
BTW- Hello. I'm not always this drunk.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:44 / 28.09.01
I'm not either, but I have to drink a lot before I roger a young boy with my Relatively Oversized Cock (tm and pat. pend.)
Little Miss Anthropy
21:17 / 01.10.01
Laila is an insane paedophile. It's all a cunning ruse to inveigle those below the age of consent into his trousers (don't listen to his lies - he is a man, and not a beautiful bisexual female model).

Ideally, Laila would like to set up a small camp in the woods, much as David Koresh did, and lure the suggestible into his badly manicured and calloused clutches with badly phrased and monumentally baffling rhetoric based on nothing resembling fact, actual history, or truth.

Shun The Frumious Bandersnatch!
13:38 / 07.06.02
Saint Keggers
18:06 / 07.06.02
and yet another intelligent thread attempt gets lost to the noise...

(BTW: whats a greenlander?)
Tom Coates
08:55 / 08.06.02
grant - not ENTIRELY convinced this is a thread we needed bumped! It's an odd one isn't it. Full of aggression and frustration and bickering. I'm kind of tempted to try and prune it of the asides - although I appreciate that would probably piss a lot of people off - and equally tempted to move it into the Conversation...
18:39 / 10.06.02
It just seemed relevant to Child Sexuality. I'm sure there was another thread - one where I'd posted links to sites with pictures of pre-teen girls in bikinis, hosted by the little girls' *parents* - but I couldn't find it.
Do what you'd like with this one.

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