[quote]i am an unapologetic egoist (lets not confuse this with egocentric- the ego-centric's life certainly revolves around the attention of others), in that i am happy with who i am and do not require others approval. people feel threatened by egoists, people who don't require their approval, since the non-egoist can have no control over them, which is probably at least one reason people find Rand's opinion leaves a bad taste in their mouth.[/quote]
well, no, that's not it. First, you do and always have required social approbation, or you wouldn't exist and wouldn't be able to post here. There's all kinds of scientific evidence that no person can survive, let alone thrive, without social approbation. You did not give birth to yourself. You did not cuddle and hug yourself as a child. You did not feed yourself. You did not teach yourself to read and write. You could not have learned the complexities of this language you are using in a vacuum.
The problem with liberalism is its assumption that the state of nature is the atomized isolated individual; that individuals come together after the fact of existence for protection and create social institutions.
Wrong. No human being ever existed in that kind of individualised vacuum--that's a warmed-up "adam" story if ever I heard one. we have always and already been tribal beings. Liberalism is a white western male fantasy that could only be created by the misogynistic bent of our culture, which allows them to disregard, dismiss, and forget all contributions made by others to their existence and their position of power. |