Let's all talk about Rosa while she's not here.
So, todd, I think Rosa would probably agree that she has a habit of going off the handle at people, but no matter what your intent, she wouldn't agree that the distinctions you made were 'opening up' argument, and especially I don't think she'd agree that she'd missed the point.
This kind of definition of kink, broadened to include every type of sexual behavior, in order to include every type of getting off that is usual to one particular person, is next to useless. Your statement defines precisely everything and precisely nothing. It is not a definition at all.
Actually, Rosa is all for leaving definitions at the door, because to her having everything ill-defined and cloudy and kind of weirdly indistinct is what makes sex sexy. Maybe she didn't make herself clear, but maybe to Rosa, kink is not so much a 'thing' to be defined as a toolbox to, like you said, open up the problematics of what is considered sexy/sexual and what is not. Rosa might also argue that kink, the way she uses it, is about an idea that body-minds are surfaces of 'available' heterogeneous erogeneity, with particular bits that are more sensitive or tense than others. 'Kink' is a way we can talk about the diversity and specificity of those surface-tensions. Thus, for Rosa, it is impossible to have 'kink' and 'not-kink', just as it is impossible to have 'usual' and 'unusual', or 'transgressive' and 'mundane'.
Rosa probably wasn't trying to close up discussion, but certainly she seems to be on another wave-length, and if she was here maybe she'd say sorry for not having been more clear. And Rosa also might reckon that in fact, jumping down your throat really kicked off a bit of discussion. Anyhow, I think maybe she'd be happy with the words I've put in her mouth, and she regrets she can't be on Barbelith all the time to answer your questions before others do it for her.
[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: Rosa d'Ruckus ] |