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Is kinky sex evil? If not, why not?


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10:52 / 04.09.01
From Rothkoid, on paedophilia.

Isn't that where kink comes into play, that line between what's considered good or bad?

Gentles, any thoughts?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:13 / 04.09.01





It's a scale, and not a clear one.

We stigmatise to define, and this makes discussion impossible.

Definitions, not solid facts.
11:18 / 04.09.01
woooooooooooooooah we are shifting signifiers in a decentered universe.

I feel motion sick-- i'd vomit but how can i throw up when up is just a relative concept?
11:19 / 04.09.01
So something kinky is necessarily more like something evil than something erotic is?

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: The Haus of Willow ]
11:52 / 04.09.01
As I understand it, kink is sexual predilection. If that predilection - hetero or homo - entails oppressing and exploiting another, I'd consider it bad and possibly evil, depending on the extremity of the situation. I saw a play quite recently - Holy Day - in which a man had raped a (gentle) boy, cut out his tongue, and forced him to become a fellow traveller, using him at will. I saw this as evil.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:10 / 04.09.01
Once again, bad choice of words. I'm not implying "evil" in terms of kink in general (scare quotes ahoy!) - but from my loose understanding of the term, doesn't kink have some kind of element of transgression involved? Of one's own value system, or what's right and wrong? I don't think I was canonically inferring an evil/good dichotomy, only suggesting that in some circumstances, some sexual practices get their erotic charge from being perceived by the participants as being naughty, or against-norms. Anything else is my mistake, obviously. I think it's a bit reductionist to move it to being equivalent with evil; that's not what I intended in the original post.
12:20 / 04.09.01
Ok, so is cutting out somebody's tongue and making them a "fellow traveller" (by which presumably you don't mean one sympathetic to Communism) a kink, or a perversion, or just plain evil? Do kinks extend beyond what would generally be described as "kinky", as I believe the act described above does?

Ethan Hawke
12:21 / 04.09.01
I thought kink was just the dividing line between what's "usual" and what's "unusual."

If kink is the same thing as a fetish, then isn't it just the projection of sexual desire onto something not intrinsically sexual?

And what does sex have to do with categories of morality anyway? Isn't sex pre-moral, a pre-rational drive that constantly subverts any sort of structure man wants to impose on it? (you can tell I've been reading paglia. next I'll be talking about the "daimonic" nature of sex and cthontian (sp?) woman.)
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:23 / 04.09.01
quote:Originally posted by todd:
something not intrinsically sexual?

Such as?
12:27 / 04.09.01
12:27 / 04.09.01
Yeah, Rothkoid, I'd agree that 'kinky' means having unusual or eccentric sexual tastes - non-normative, as you say, and that the word is not necessarily tied to ideas of good/evil.
Ethan Hawke
12:35 / 04.09.01
quote:Originally posted by The Flyboy:

Such as?

Such as, something that isn't your genitals.

You don't see, like bears, having kinky sex, do you?

<reaches for cup of coffee>

unless you are ganesh and a few others, I guess...
12:35 / 04.09.01
I hate it when they qualify. Takes the wind right out of a perfectly good seedbed of misunderstanding.

Is finding Cthonic women attractive kinky?
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:37 / 04.09.01
But is kink equivalent to fetish? There are sexual strands of fetish, but isn't fetishism about devotion; there's a supernatural bend to it, rather than definitively sexual.

By invoking "usual" and "unusual", though, todd, I think you're more on the ball than I was. Good and bad are particularly weighted words, and I think I meant to infer "I like that" or "I'm used to that" in opposition to "I'm not sure I like that" or "I'm unused to that", more than any canonical good=heavenly=legal/bad=hellish=illegal meaning.

Sex may be a pre-moral drive, but won't someone still be influenced in some way - however small - by their upbringing, and by the moral code thereof? Catholic guilt, for example, or society-invoked guilt about having sex with animals/kids/whatever? I think people's value constructs, whether made by themselves, or instituted by society will still come into play on some level.

Haus: Raffia? Basketsex?
Ethan Hawke
12:40 / 04.09.01
no, that would be the exact opposite of kinky, right?

Kinky is anything that brings creativity to sex. Creativity meaning anything other than joining post A to slot A and repeating. Animals don't bring creativity to sex. Unless you're the one bringing animals to sex. <destroys another ssssseeedbeddd>
12:46 / 04.09.01
In response to Haus
quoteo kinks extend beyond what would generally be described as "kinky" ... ?

I think they can. I wouldn't have called the predatory behaviour of the man in the play "kinky".

What about the male central character in John
Fowles The Collector - can't remember his name - who lets his female captive die. Would you use 'kinky' of his sexual behaviour?
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:56 / 04.09.01
quote:Originally posted by todd:
no, that would be the exact opposite of kinky, right?
What would? I don't see what you're getting at. (It's been a long afternoon.)
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:08 / 04.09.01
Oh, this is all getting horribly mixed-up, isn't it?

Rothkoid: I think a pretty large proportion of people seem to find transgression very arousing. What "transgression" means can reaaly range, from sex outside of marriage, to experimenting with people of a different gender to the one you thought you were supposed to be attracted to, even to having vanilla, missionary position het sex. Just depends on where you're coming from. Speaking personally, my own fairly intense religious upbringing means I can't help identifying sex with sin, and vice versa. Which has its pros and cons. Then again, there seem to be some people who have no kind of attraction to transgression at all - hey, whatever floats ya boat.

I'm not sure "kinky" is a useful term for serious discussion - what constitutes "kinky" sex depends on what your idea of "normal" sex is, and thus can be anything as obvious as oral sex, to some people. Any one of us may have an idea in our heads of where the line is drawn and some kind of sexual taste becomes that little bit too weird - but that doesn't mean that line has any validity whatsoever outside our heads (or even within it for that matter, but let's get into that).

(The term "kink" is something else entirely I think - just a way of specifying a particular fancy... "I have a kink for zombies", that kind of thing...)

Equally, I'm not so convinced "usual" and "unusual" are that much more helpful/constructive terms than "good" and "bad" - they still dictate the idea that there's a default "normal", and by implication healthy, sexuality. Which was my point about the question of what physical things are "intrinsically sexual" - for todd, this may not extend to anything other than his (or my) genitals. Doesn't mean I have to limit myself in that way, does it?

And one final point: things get a little tricky around the subject of "oppressing and exploiting" people as part of sex. The easy way to put it would be that non-consensual oppression and exploitation is bad, consensual good. But for some people there has to be some sense of bad things being done to them for the particular scene they're acting out to work...
Ethan Hawke
13:18 / 04.09.01
quote:Originally posted by The Flyboy:

Equally, I'm not so convinced "usual" and "unusual" are that much more helpful/constructive terms than "good" and "bad" - they still dictate the idea that there's a default "normal", and by implication healthy, sexuality. Which was my point about the question of what physical things are "intrinsically sexual" - for todd, this may not extend to anything other than his (or my) genitals. Doesn't mean I have to limit myself in that way, does it?

Oh, the only reason I identify the genital region as intrinsically sexual is that it is a very easy and clear demarcation line, based on objective, easily verifiable criteria that has not a lick to do with what makes an indiviual feel randy or not. It is an easy baseline by which to measure the "usual" or "unusual" practices enjoyed by everyone.
14:21 / 04.09.01
Surely kinky sex is anything dealing with those items 'below the equator?' Filthy dirtymouthed beasts, if that's what you're talking about.
I'll ask nanny what she thinks when she takes my nappy off for my afternoon spanking.
Brigadier Sir Lord Awful Green (Mrs) Rtd.
20:48 / 04.09.01
Surely the crux of the matter is the concept of ´doing harm´ie. causing physical or emotional pain/damage to someone who hasn´t consented to having such pain/damage visited upon their person?
Disco is My Class War
23:20 / 04.09.01
quote:Originally posted by todd:

Oh, the only reason I identify the genital region as intrinsically sexual is that it is a very easy and clear demarcation line, based on objective, easily verifiable criteria that has not a lick to do with what makes an indiviual feel randy or not. It is an easy baseline by which to measure the "usual" or "unusual" practices enjoyed by everyone.

What? Who are you to decide what's usual and unusual? What is 'objective and easily verifiable'? And please don't trot out the animal kingdom as a biologically 'natural' example of what is 'normal' for humans. It's the oldest and most problematic trick in the book, leading most arguments into a swamp of ill-researched anthropomorphising.

Kink, to me, undoes that whole thing. Kink could be about the most banal and mundane erotic act, as well as the most 'transgressive'. Kink makes the 'usual' redundant. Think about it. People have very particular preferences for how they like to have 'genital' sex. Doesn't that make the whole organising structure of 'genital' quite redundant, in the end? Let alone talking about genital sex as 'objectively usual': like, does that make the mouth an inherently sexual zone? Most people have oral sex, don't they?

I feel like quoting Le Tigre at you, but I won't.
Verbal Kint
04:03 / 05.09.01
So again, what is kink? Is kink killing someone and having sex with the body because it happens to turn you on? Or is kinky some sort of pseudo-acceptable act, like having a predilection for Saran Wrap, Mazola oil, and unfinished pine armoires?

Since the biggest sexual organ is between the ears and not the legs (and it ISN'T the mouth, thank you..), what someone fantasizes about in order to get themselves off is sort of irrelevant. When you start acting out some of the more bizzare fantasies and cross the line into crime is it then kink or just does it approach evil? Was Jeffrey Dahmer simply kinky and just got out of control, or was he really evil?

Taking it down a notch from Jeffrey Dahmer, is actually having sex (and not just fantasizing about it) with a child just kinky or evil? Since we aren't talking about consensual sex in the adult sense, it's definately in the criminal category as defined by most societies and would be unnacceptable. Is playing catholic school girl with your 43 year old wife while you have sex with her kinky or evil? That probably (note the qualifier) would fall under kinky but acceptable to most people.

I don't see kink as being good or evil - most of the time it is simply a personal view of pleasure expressed which hurts no-one. But there is yet another category of "sexual" behaviour (which I am not sure is actually purely sexual in nature) which crosses some potentially unclear line into harmful to others or one's self.

That second category to me isn't kink. Dunno what it is, but it's sort of beyond kink.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Verbal Kint ]

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Verbal Kint ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:41 / 05.09.01
Jesus. One could argue, you know, that even associating whatever your idea of non-normative sexuality is with murder is pretty fucking offensive. As Haus pointed out above, a lot of people seem to be positioning what they call "kinky" sex as being somewhere further along from "normal" sex in a spectrum that leads eventually (when it "crosses the line") to things like rape, paedophilia, and sex with people you just killed dead.

This is specious fucking reasoning the likes of which I'd hope not to read outside of the tabloid press, kids ('EVIL PERVERT TEACHER DRAGGED MY SON INTO THE KINKY WORLD OF S&M').

You know, most acts of sexual assault are disappointingly mundane and to do with genitalia...

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: The Flyboy ]
08:10 / 05.09.01
Flyboy, I thought that earlier in the discussion we were trying to differentiate between a consensual sexual enjoyment of what might be regarded by some as 'kinky', and a compulsive erotic cruelty which denies the other person any existence as an active, independent, feeling agent at all. Although some people might claim that such cruelty is indissociable from their 'sexuality', it seems to me that what they affirming is less about having a sexual relationship with another person and more about power and the will-to-power.
Whisky Priestess
08:10 / 05.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Cavatina:
In response to Haus

What about the male central character in John
Fowles The Collector - can't remember his name - who lets his female captive die. Would you use 'kinky' of his sexual behaviour?

Interesting point. Because although he's obsessed with the girl she is the one who goes all Stockholm Syndrome and offers sex to him, which he is pretty reluctant to engage in, because it will spoil his fantasy of her. He doesn;t even want to admit that that's what he wants. That character (is he called Peter?) is nasty and twisted, but not - sexually speaking - kinky.

Still, I'd rather be spanked with a chicken in a caring environment than encounter him in a dark cottage.
10:08 / 05.09.01
Me too.
Jackie Susann
10:22 / 05.09.01
They are akward to swing, and they peck a lot. I recommend ducks or, for a less stingy, more thuddy sensation, swans.
Ethan Hawke
10:42 / 05.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Rosa d'Ruckus:

What? Who are you to decide what's usual and unusual? What is 'objective and easily verifiable'? And please don't trot out the animal kingdom as a biologically 'natural' example of what is 'normal' for humans. It's the oldest and most problematic trick in the book, leading most arguments into a swamp of ill-researched anthropomorphising.

Kink, to me, undoes that whole thing. Kink could be about the most banal and mundane erotic act, as well as the most 'transgressive'. Kink makes the 'usual' redundant. Think about it. People have very particular preferences for how they like to have 'genital' sex. Doesn't that make the whole organising structure of 'genital' quite redundant, in the end? Let alone talking about genital sex as 'objectively usual': like, does that make the mouth an inherently sexual zone? Most people have oral sex, don't they?

I feel like quoting Le Tigre at you, but I won't.

Once again in a rush to judgement to make a political point, someone misses the whole crux of an argument.

I am all for "kink." Earlier in a post, I said that kink can probably be equated with bringing creativity to sexual pleasure (that is, getting off in ways that don't strictly involve the genitals.) I was making no value judgements about what is good and evil. Indeed, the whole point of my series of posts was to categorize kink outside of morality and into something that is quantifiable. Hence "trotting" out the animal kingdom (which given the prevalance of creative monkey and dolphin masturbation techniques probably invalidates my argument prima faciae. But whatever.)

In your rush to subvert notions of "usual" and "unusual" sex relationships, you are unwittingly discarding a whole set of tools that can be used to examine specific types of interaction within the milieu of sex that are ill-served by a blanket statement that amounts to "everyone has specific preferences involving sex and to call one thing normal and the other thing abnormal is discriminatory, so why bother?"

This kind of of reasoning, while useful in some respects also has its short comings, as evidenced by your statements above. To quote "Kink could be about the most banal and mundane erotic act, as well as the most 'transgressive'." This kind of definition of kink, broadened to include every type of sexual behavior, in order to include every type of getting off that is usual to one particular person, is next to useless. Your statement defines precisely everything and precisely nothing. It is not a definition at all.

When one is defining something, one must make cuts in the available data that seem arbitrary
when looked at on a certain scale. I was being arbitrary when I attempted to define kink in terms of usual and unusual. I admit it. But I was being arbitrary in the service of discussion, something your kind of argument shuts down, as while there is a way to falsify or argue against a proposition like "usual sex is associated with genitals" while there is no way to argue with identifying kink with every act "from most mundane to transgressive." It isn't a useful statement in a dialogue of any sort.
Ethan Hawke
10:45 / 05.09.01
that being off my chest, as it were, I'd like to offer another possible definition of kink, again in the broadest terms possible, again in a falsifiable form.

How 'bout this: Kink is any sexual act that requires the intrinsic human quality of creativity in order for the participant(s) to achieve sexual release.
Jackie Susann
11:14 / 05.09.01
Name one sex act that you seriously think doesn't fall under that definition of kink, and your last two posts might have some credibility. And/or explain how it involves anything other than a value judgement about what counts as 'creativity'.

Less hostile version of this rant: Before anyone else posts to this thread, could they consider whether the distinctions between good and bad (or any other variation on x and y) sex they want to set up are a) useful, b) remotely objective, c) interesting, or d) anything other than a way of describing what you think people should/shouldn't do. The constant drive to divide sex into various incoherent binaries is intellectually specious, politically dubious, and completely unsexy. Either get over or get into the spectrum of weird sex, and just generally stop dividing it up. Unless you want to swap sex tips, which I am all for.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Crunchy Mr Bananapants ]
11:20 / 05.09.01
It certainly doesn't seem to be going anywhere...
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:20 / 05.09.01
todd, doesn't that achieve just the same result as the point Rosa was making that you took to task? All human sexuality is a kink at some level. You may wish to make distinctions for the purposes of "establishing a dialogue", but it strikes me that as soon as we define one particular taste as being more "strange" or even "creative" than another (which of course we're all guilty of doing all the time, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to stop though), we're not only opening up the field to prejudice, we're guilty of it ourselves.

Oh look, Crunchy's said it better than me again. Tsk.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:22 / 05.09.01
By the way,

quote:Originally posted by todd:
Once again in a rush to judgement to make a political point, someone misses the whole crux of an argument.

That's your conception of the "crux of the argument", son. Others here may feel that the argument involves "political points" at its core.
Ethan Hawke
11:23 / 05.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Crunchy Mr Bananapants:
Name one sex act that you seriously think doesn't fall under that definition of kink, and your last two posts might have some credibility. And/or explain how it involves anything other than a value judgement about what counts as 'creativity'.

More generally - and I swear I just posted this, but it seems to have gone missing - this is the single most bullshit topic in Barbelith history. Worse than anything RRM or the really annoying guy on the Nexus - I can't believe I've forgotten his name - ever posted. The constant drive to divide sex into various incoherent binaries is intellectually specious, politically dubious, and completely unsexy. Either get over or get into the spectrum of weird sex, and just generally shut up about it. Unless you want to swap sex tips, which I am all for.

Value judgements are just fucking unavoidable, and binaries are frankly quite useful sometimes, as you so helpfully illustrate with your comments that this topic is "intellectually specious, politically dubious, and completely unsexy." There must be things not specious, plausible, and sexy for that comment to make any sense, and all of those can be safely called values. Get a grip.

The only thing I'm trying to do is throw out some general, again, admittedly fucking arbitrary concepts in order to come to a definition.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: todd ]

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