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The Two Towers


Page: 1234(5)

The Natural Way
07:57 / 03.01.03
Yeah, that was funny logic, wasn't it?

And those of us who're really, really sad and have read the Silmarillion (or even the Hobbit) KNOW that loads of evil shit has gone down. In the last 5000 years. Peter Jackson's writing team.
09:22 / 03.01.03
Saw it. Terrible seat. Packed cinema.

I felt it lacked something.

Cool Smeagol, yesss, otherwise, I have a hard time trying to convince myself that it was fullfilling.
10:23 / 03.01.03
Shit. I was going to literally dive into the cinema until I learned it was near three hours length, even longer than the first.

I have in my neurology a mechanism that impedes me from watching a movie longer than 100 minutes, unless I am enjoying it beyond all expectancies and above all my cinematic memory banks. The first LOTR did it, mainly because of, well, what everybody has found good and fresh about it. I'll proceed with caution with this one.
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:18 / 08.01.03
loved it. loveditloveditlovedit. and yeah, there were alot of things I could have picked holes in, but haven't felt that submerged in a cinematic world in ages....

And I think you've got to be really fucking uptight to get upset about the "toss the dwarf" line. I've seen the film x 3 and plenty of people laughed every time.

You want to talk to the elf, runce, who wants to make an edit from the dvds and remove all comedy dwarf moments. It pissed me off, right, as the growing relationship between gimli and legolas in the book is a much more nuanced thing than is possible if one half of the partnership is jimmi krankie in a beard.

ok, in the book, do the Ents need 'tricking' by Merry and Pippin into attacking Isengard? Pretty sure that after lots of 'hoom' and 'hmm' (my god, I've just realised, Haus is an ent) at their meet, they decide to attack without needing to be persuaded? An odd change (and I'm a massive ent-chauvinist, so basically want them to be as cool as poss.) and i can't quite see a reason for it.

God but i'm a geek.

And having finally read this thread, would agree that the elves' otherness is stamped all over, but this is of a piece with the rewriting in general focussing much more on the story of Men - as per the foregrounding of the whole Arwen/Aragorn thing. It's a big blockbuster movie, trying to appeal to as broad an audience as possible.
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:23 / 08.01.03
oh, and as for the rest, what Deva said:

that all these people have been in my head since I was, um, fourteen or something, and now vast amounts of time and money and love have gone into putting it on the screen for me to swim in.

Fab innit?

On a more prosaic level: Three and a half hours of fighting and boys looking tenderly into each other's eyes! Huzzah!

Yes. Hah, in the pub on monday night, a couple of people that had been ignoring the tender glances were still, STILL, trying to deny this. Although one of them did tell me before I went to see it, that he wished I hadn't banged on about Frodo and Sam as that' all he'd been able to see. Was able to say after watching it, that it was all there anyway.

Kit-Cat Club
19:26 / 08.01.03
ok, in the book, do the Ents need 'tricking' by Merry and Pippin into attacking Isengard? Pretty sure that after lots of 'hoom' and 'hmm' (my god, I've just realised, Haus is an ent) at their meet, they decide to attack without needing to be persuaded? An odd change (and I'm a massive ent-chauvinist, so basically want them to be as cool as poss.) and i can't quite see a reason for it.

For lo, I am geekier than thou...

No, they don't need tricking in the book, but I can see why Jackson did this - I reckon it's because otherwise he would have had to have Treebeard and/or Quickbeam explaining to Merry and Pippin that Saruman has been deforesting the hills around Isengard, and how that affects them but why they haven't done anything about it yet, and that would have meant more Ents standing around talking. Burarum. As it is the Entmoot doesn't take as long as it does in the book. I suspect also that Jackson meant to keep Merry and Pippin in the foreround of the sotry as much as possible, given that that story strand is rather sidelined in the film by Helm's Deep.
The Natural Way
09:49 / 09.01.03
It's also because it's that bit in the movie when "Oh no! The goodies are in TROUBLE on ALL fronts!".

Glassonion is an eggy elf who should relax more.
The Natural Way
09:51 / 09.01.03
Tender glances? One of the things I like most about the films. How many blockbusters allow men to be....err....*sensitive*....towards each other.
10:01 / 09.01.03
The Ents is particularly funny in the shitty scripting department.

"Yes, we Ents can do nothing. Our care is only for the forest....we take care of the trees...

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! What, was this while we were sleeping? Jesus FUCK. Where did all the trees go? You know, you'd think we would have noticed this, you know, what with all the ent-tree-ent stuff. At the very least an angry letter in the Isengard Echo, but...well, I'm flabberghasted. And Saurman pulled all this shit, huh? Wow. Talk about your basic curve ball. To think it took a pair of hobbits to draw my attention to the big absence of trees. Curly curly little hobbits. I thought the days had been rather quiet lately.

Well, I have to say, this whole deforestation thing does rather change the state of play. We should probably call another entmoot. Maybe record a charity single or something...."

And there won't be orcs in Isengard this Christmas time,
The greatest gift they'll get this year is Ents.

(Cheers for the Feed the World gag, Flyboy)
Goodness Gracious Meme
10:33 / 09.01.03
Wrong elf, Runce.

Well, i guess in the 'fast-moving-action' stakes, the Ents aren't all that.

But I love them, they're the best thing about LOTR. Oh, IMHO, yeah yeah.

But the whole thing with the Ents is that they've been sliding into apathy. (That'll happen if you don't get any Entwife-action for centuries) in the book, Treebeard talks about how lots of them are barely Ents anymore, the loss of consciousness has them crossing over into being Trees. They barely care about anything anymore, which is why it's so difficult to rouse them. They barely care about themslelves or their flocks, so it's difficult to make them care about some far-off battle of men, orcs and elves...

The other thing that's glossed over is how Saruman tricks the Ents into thinking he's their ally. It's done so quickly in the film its not at all convincing. As Haus so subtly points out, it comes across like an 'Awakenings' moment. You expect Robin Williams to pop out from behind an Ent in a white coat.


I'm much too interested in this, am't I?
12:29 / 09.01.03
So, if Treebeard turns out to be a pervy hobbit fancier, does that mean that being ridden by Merry and Pippin makes him huorny?

(Sorry, couldn't resist - it was either that or track down and kill Simon Brent)
The Natural Way
12:34 / 09.01.03
I like that. That made me laugh. But it really wasn't funny...Jesus, there's something wrong with me.....get a fucking life, Runce......
The Natural Way
14:58 / 09.01.03

Word 'em up.
The Natural Way
14:59 / 09.01.03
The king fucking returns.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:17 / 09.01.03
Haus: No.

Now go to your room and think about what you've done.

BTW, will everyone stop getting so serious about this stuff, guys, it's a story, a fiction, a fantasy... it's just Ent-ertainment.
15:25 / 09.01.03
Hey, I used to be Ents rep at college.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:18 / 09.01.03
I blame the par...


Runce, where did you get that image? Are there more like it? Suddenly I feel a little less Heterogorn.
18:05 / 09.01.03
More images (taken from a ROTK calendar) at
Jack Fear
18:06 / 09.01.03
Foust is SO authentic
20:54 / 09.01.03
I wish I could cryogenically freeze myself, and wake up just in time for the Return of the King.

The free peoples of Middle Earth vs. The forces of Mordor in a knock-down, drag 'em out, all-or-nothing slugfest. And Sam marries Rosie! What more could you ask for?
Foust is SO authentic
02:15 / 10.01.03
Hm. I just watched TTT for a second time, and the cracks showed a little more readily this time.

Eh. It was still a great ride.
08:27 / 10.01.03
Yay! I'm going in about an hour! Wanna see ents. Wanna see Gollum. WAAAHHH!!!
18:58 / 26.02.03
Shit. I have a serious Two-Tower-itis. While all of you have forgotten about it and the discussion sank, I received yesterday a full DVD version. Its the one that is distributed to the "Academy" and on occasion a legend pops up saying "for your consideration" (ie: Gandalf slaying the Balrog, Mortensen looking mortified, and so on). You can imagine where I would put those legends.

Needles to say, we've seen it over a hundred times by now, and we will continue to do so tonight, alone in our cave. We jusssst wanted to make you green of envy, my preciousssss.
05:24 / 27.02.03
Does this mean that Barbelith has infiltrated the Academy?
12:19 / 27.02.03
Now I am told in the following two weeks the extended version of Two Towers will be available, and it hurts usss, it hurtss ussss...

Actually I can already have it... but translated to Spanish and in poor image quality, something very difficult to digest. Anyway, when I get it we'll need the corresponding thread.
The Natural Way
12:50 / 28.05.03
Talking about the TTT DVSte, I've just checked out the article in Empire that lays down the gen on the extended edition (oh, and the other one, which, like last time, will contain some ROTK trailerage). Seems there's extra Sam and Gollum scenes, Ent-draughting, discovery of Saruman's yummy larder and flashbacks to a chat between Faramir, Bormir and Denethor. I'm pretty sure there'll be some more fighting, too (afterall, whatever happened to the sequence in the trailer where Eowyn takes on an orc beneath Helm's Deep?).

Excellent action.

Excellent DVSte.

Shut up for a minute, X-Men.
13:42 / 28.05.03
I also have more than fair evidence glimpsed in the book "The Art Of The Two Towers" that the extended version should have more of...

oh, yes...


The Balrog.

The book has a couple of sketches of the Balrog comming out of the water and turning into cold lava as vapor hisses around, and also comments from the guys who did it. So I bet it will be in tht extended.

Anybody knows when the hell is the extended TTT being released???
The Natural Way
14:04 / 28.05.03
November. The theatrical's out on Aug the 18th.

You should check
19:53 / 28.05.03

Holy shite Batman! Its not the first time I say and think of this as the worst marketing strategy of any movie series. These guys will certainly win the hate and the oblivion of many before and after all this is finished.

Thanks for the info. Actually I stopped checking that site for a while.
Jack Fear
20:00 / 28.05.03
It's not the first time I say and think of this as the worst marketing strategy of any movie series.

I think it's perfect, actually: by getting the extended DVD of the previous movie into circulation a couple of weeks before the new one opens in the cinema, they've assured that the hype and excitement for the DVD segues neatly into the buzz for the upcoming film, with no cooling-off period—building to critical mass. It worked brilliantly in 2002, and I see it doing the same in 2003.

Plus, you know, the DVD set makes a great Christmas present.
The Natural Way
09:46 / 29.05.03
Exactly. Aaaaaand the LOTR DVDs were the best-selling DVDs of last year.

I really enjoy the wait in an anal kind of way: 'Delay the pleasure! Delay the pleasure!' Also means the spectacle feels all fresh and new again.
17:55 / 01.06.03
I'm weirdly more excited about the extended cut of The Two Towers than I am about Return of the King. Why is that?

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