Peer pressure. As simple as that, I think really. By that - I mean indirect and direct, outright and generally implied, and self-generating as well. I think this is the wheel that drives the sense of loss, the inexorable sense of life slipping away too.
It's all obviously bullshit, created, but this is real: I find it increasingly difficult living a sane, free, authentic, happy existence, when the general social pressures that are coming to bear are myopic, irrational, unimaginative.
This doesn't even live under the proviso the I'm a hippy, say, or living under any other subcultural cloud either: just what makes sense to me in life seems to come tacitly and outrightly into conflict with the great mass of other, society(?!) as each year passes.
It's no myth, either, incidentally. Male suicide rates spike during this age range: