The background music never ceases, though often it loops little phrases for hours, like a radio you can't turn off. The DJ keeps prattling on as well over the music, only when he stutters your muscles twitch with the dissonance unless you dance to the music to work it out. The Sekrets Of The Universe (tm) tantalize from just ahead, but fail to help you make dinner or do the wash. Its a noisy place full of dreams, bound demons running machinery, books of trivia, ecletic collections of tools, and black magick, lit with the stolen fire of the Gods. All signs are written in paradox, making navigation through the twisty corridors a difficult process. The drum keeps beating. It won't let you rest cause Inner Peace doesn't get anything done, and you have so much to do, and like it that way. You're driven by a higher purpose, but can't know what it is. But the parties are mad fun. |