Thanks Deva, that was indeed part of what I was intimating. Genetics, upbringing, personality, intelligence, endurance etc. are part of a complex and capricious dance of interactions not amenable to simplistic reduction.
GRIM, the species isn’t ‘weakening’. It is, as always, existing, surviving and dying within an environment. It’s just that, now more than ever, we are altering that environment. Now (let’s leave GM alone for a minute – I’m a lot more favourably disposed, if incredibly cautious, when it comes to GM) regarding eugenics, I assume that in reference to ‘weakening the species’ we’re talking primarily about four types of individuals: Those for whom the range of modern health care has ensured that they survive infectious diseases which previously would have killed them (so that they can therefore pass their non-disease-resistant genes to other generations); those who modern health care has allowed to survive (and breed) despite having potentially lethal or debilitating genetic disorders; those who are physically not strong, and finally; those who are weakening the collective intellect by spawning further mental midgets.
To deal with the disease-resistant: Firstly; disease resistance is generally specific to a type of disease. You may be resistant to typhoid or cholera, but it doesn’t mean that you are going to be resistant to hepatitis, measles or mumps. What’s more, new diseases are constantly appearing and old diseases are constantly changing. We are living in a soup of seething, teeming, tiny organisms upon which all life on this planet is dependent. Unfortunately this means that a whole host of bacteria, viruses and prions are just waiting to be levelled at any of us at any time. That are, in fact, bombarding us constantly. Eugenics is slow, cumbersome and ultimately ineffective in response to the sheer profusion of diseases and the terrific rate at which they evolve (far faster than us human slow-coaches due to the faster rates of reproduction) – better to use medicine be it technological, homeopathic or psychological (whatever works), and while we’re at it, why not explore the possibilities of nanotechnology instead, a hugely promising avenue when it comes to fighting both disease and aging?
Next, those with potentially lethal or debilitating genetic disorders: Firstly I’d like to take issue with the assertion that ‘We could wipe out all genetic disorders in two generations with sufficient will to do so’. This just isn’t true; what we could do is reduce the numbers of those born with genetic disorders but we would never wipe it out. DNA is always open to mutations or injurious combinations - that’s evolution – eugenics can not, and will not, change that. Secondly; reductions in the available gene pool have almost always resulted in further proliferation of genetic disorders as recessive genes have a higher probability of combining. Thirdly; this argument always strikes me as being more economic than health-orientated (ie relating to the cost of health care for the individual) – perhaps we should try asking anyone with a genetic disorder as to whether they feel they should have been born, if they are indeed, genetic abominations? I would suggest, however, that it may be somewhat easier (and less emotionally harrowing) for us to ask ourselves whether people like Ray Charles, Franz Kafka, Woody Guthrie and Professor Stephen Hawking should ever have been born? Incidentally, Professor Hawking has a beautiful wife and two healthy children. Fourthly; knowing that we would never wipe out genetic disorders we would therefore need to maintain a state of constant eugenic watchfulness. Do we really want to hand any further control of our bodies, our right to reproduce to a corporation or nation-state? Cause, sure as apples, they wouldn’t simply restrict their endeavours to physical disorders…
Sorry but I can’t take these last two seriously:
Next up: the physically not strong? We have guns and fork-lift trucks these days, I can think of other more important traits quite frankly…
Lastly: the mental midgets. Firstly; we as yet have no reliable means of testing intelligence. Secondly; we have a lot of evidence that suggests that intelligence is strongly related to upbringing rather than genetics (current split is rated at 48% genetic/52% education). Thirdly; ethically it sucks. Fourthly; let me repeat again, we have no reliable means of testing intelligence.
In summary: please – eugenics is a pseudo-science. It’s ineffective at everything it sets out to do, it’s morally reprehensible and it represents a complete decimation of personal freedom. |