Language weaves the fabric of everything you can see, touch and think of. Because you're trapped inside your skull your only access to reality is through your nerves, and the only way to deal with reality is using this complex system of concepts and the way they relate to each other through verbalization, inner and/or outer.
We are constantly remembered of this fact. Many gods have already created our Universe using words; We use language to infuse an orderly model of reality into computing systems; Legal documents rely heavily in each word's literal and clearer than clear meaning. Magicians hack their subconscious with words, and we compartimentalize our surroundings broadening and narrowing the scope of meaning, with the same word for "dreaming" and "doing" - or nine different words for "snow". There are many other examples, and better ones, that I know you people from Barbelith will come up with.
Now, what is the impact of a lie in this context? Having this heavily language-based tool, our brain, as the only one we can use to relate to the world, AND assuming that words HAVE the mystical importance that the qabalists say they have, what is the weight of "making an untrue statement with the intent to deceive"?
Looking to our little planet's recorded history, I have noticed this sad pattern coming too often to be ignored. Looking at our surroundings, from the minimal details (having to wake up early in the morning to work) to the big issues (hole in the ozone layer, hothouse effect), I can't help but relate all this big mess to the constant, premeditated assault on the structure of reality.
One just has to look at the examples through History: Kings would rule, kill and allow to live, rape, build and burn, solely based on a big, bod lie, that God had given them this right from birth. The Church would torture and kill because the Devil roamed the Earth, and possessed the unfaithful. Again, a lie, just the one the Church in Brazil told when they said it was OK to traffick black people "because, unlike the indians, they didn't have a soul". Or the lies that Hitler told to justify Again, you can come up with dozens of examples of how, during our history, reality was heavily distorted to fit in the views and interests of a dominant class.
We have spent valuable time learning - no, not learning, just handling the best we could the issues that have arisen from all the lies they have cast upon us. We spent time fighting the French and in many other revolutions, to right the wrongs they did to us, just to see new forms of lies appear.
I am a skeptical to most of mystical related issues, but I believe that everything has a system and a path, a way to happen, and this path, this system, in my humble opinion, is particularly sensitive to lies.
What leaves me with the question: If this polluted planet, that gets warmer every year, filled with low-wage workers and malnutritioned children, boiling with marketing viruses and corporate archons, ruled by few, is the result of hundreds of year of systematic lies that people just were too apathic or too powerless to fight, what would be our environment like, if we have had, instead of this foundation of lies and this facade of convenience, a foundation of truth?
Any thoughts, contributions? Have I missed the point here? |