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Having Homosexuality Shoved Down our Throats? Thanks, vicar...


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20:08 / 24.07.01
quote:Originally posted by synaesthesia:
Haus. Direct question time:
Do you really want to stop people exploring issues so we can end up in some sort of 'us' and 'them' situation?

Direct answer: Of course not.

But I also don't feel obliged to bite my tongue when, for example, somebody with almost no experience of slash fiction decides to grab the term to describe their relationship, claiming this is OK because "RL is different". Or when somebody hints that there is something wrong with people who do not agree with his right to do so without dissent:

Seeing that some of the fictional slash relationships include hetero's I don't see why it is giving causing such anxiety. Possibly that may say more about people who object to it.

Particularly since the question of whether slah does include heterosexual sex is still being discussed by people who know a lot more about it than you or I.

Or indeed the final statement, where you effectively tell gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and trans how they should behave on the Underground, using, hilariously, me as an example of how *not* to behave.

There is a lot of implicit and explicit support for L/G/B/Tsvg issues on this site there is no use alientating your friends. Save it for the opposition.

This is not bullying. It is disagreement. Disagreement with a number of statements, my disagreement with which then leads you to make new statements, with which I often disagree, partly because you are getting eeever so slightly RRMish at times in your clear irritation that I cannot realise that this mad crusade leads to all our deaths, Erik.

And, if you do not believe there is a space for disagreement with you on the Underground, then fine. But please just say it.

To accuse me of bullying because, notwithstanding this "identity politics" stick which you are so keen on waving (political correctnes gone mad, anyone?), I choose to disagree with you, is rather like me accusing you of trying to browbeat people into submission with all this cultural studies namedropping - jejune.

As it happens, you moved it onto a personal level, while in a single beautiful motion deciding that you were Professor X and I Magneto(niiiice - and a great way to avoid an "us and them" mentality). Which meant that, since once things get personal it is pretty much impossible to have a reasoned debate, I thought it might be interesting to throw some of the questions raised open to a more freeform discussion.

[ 24-07-2001: Message edited by: The Haus of Jericho ]
20:54 / 24.07.01
Interesting that you still fail to answer on my initial assertion that started this whole scene. That you are misusing identity politics as a vehicle to beat others over the head with.

Should we take your silence on this as a confirmation of my assrertion?

Additionally what I'm pissed at is your multifaceted disingenuity and presumptuousness. Including intentional misreadings and out of context quotations of my texts. I'm no more -a friend to the bendy- as you call it than any other group or individual. But equality does matter to me and so does bullying hence my reactions. Take my word for it.
The problem is that now there has been so many misinformation from your side it is not only impossible to take any of your views seriously but impractical to continue this on the board. A classic tactic but it is no more than I expected.

quote: But I do feel that the proposal that, because the straight bits of the Underground are generally tolerant and groovy of queer sexualities that queers should not pick up on perceived incidences of heterosexism, because that would be to attack the good guys within the fort, when they should be attacking the bad guys outside the fort, is likely to cause a certain amount of questioning glances.

Because it does rather make it sound like that's precisely what it is - tolerance, or more precisely toleration, in return for which nobody rocks the boat of people's self-perception as good guys.

So who are the questioning glances aimed at specifically?

Who are the one's that you attribute this 'toleration' to? Is that clear enough for you to name names?

Ganesh: I don't know this guy so I have to take what he says at face value.
Tom Coates
20:57 / 24.07.01
In my experience there's only one type of person who's worse than the bloody straight people, and that's the fucking faggots.
09:21 / 25.07.01
Syn, I don't think Haus is misusing identity politics in order to bully anybody. Perhaps in my my quick read of this and the RL/Slash thread I missed some nuances...

I wonder how often such a practice even occurs, or if its een possible?

And perhaps the cartography of equality is a topic better suited to the Head Shop where self identifying as tolerent can be unpacked rather than unexamined.

The questioning glances are aimed at all of us, as far as I can tell. Moreover, the progression of this thread has simply heightened and reified some of the assumptions about tolereance, as doubting thomas eloquently critiques while participating in.

What's more, I'm left confused 'cause I can't tell if Whiskey Priestess was taking the piss when s/he cracked about the boring queers who seem to have no other personality traits.
Spatula Clarke
09:52 / 25.07.01
Loathe as I am to contribute to yet another thread dedicated to debating Tann's motives (I mean, how many of the things do we really need?), this all seems to be based on a misreading of a single post in another thread. Tann was probably a bit misguided in starting this thread with that quote, but I really don't see that his posts in that first thread were in any way meant to be as malicious as they've been interpreted.

I could be mistaken, though. The posts of both Tann and syn in these threads have contained far too many long words for my tiny, non-reptilian brain to decipher.

Please, kids. Think of us thickos in future, okay?
09:52 / 25.07.01
quote:Originally posted by E Randy Dub It:
Tann was probably a bit misguided in starting this thread with that quote, but I really don't see that his posts in that first thread were in any way meant to be as malicious as they've been interpreted.

Thank you. Just so. Narky and ever so slightly snippy, but no malice was meant.

Although I am noticing that Syn is getting progressively more personal. I am now not only deficient for failing to accept his position on slash, a screechy queen and victomologist and abuser of identity politics, but also a near-slanderer, a hopeless obfuscator and purveyor of misinformation in the face of - ahem - superior argumentation. Which means that you can now withdraw gloriously, crying that you can no longer interface with such a corrupt, dishonest narrative, clawing for the moral high ground. "A classic tactic but no more than I expected".

However, since I am interested to see how this throws down, I will attempt to quote you en bloc in an attempt to avoid any more cries of -ahem- slander.

So who are the questioning glances aimed at specifically?

Who are the one's that you attribute this 'toleration' to? Is that clear enough for you to name names?

My God. Really? Well, on one level, YNH is right, but on another level.....Who are the glances aimed at? Who is making the comments? You, of course. They are aimed at you. I was using a diffuse plural in an attempt to avoid provoking a hissy fit.

We all fall into inauthentic forms of cultural awareness at times, and there have been posters like, say, Slagnostic or Klint who have made comments on women and feminism (eg) which led to sustained and passionate disagreement from a number of posters. But the only person who has recently expounded the idea that we should "Save it for the opposition." - quoted at length elsewhere in this thread, so I am probably safe - is you. So, that is your answer. It was an attempt to suggest that you consider your position without causing a screaming jag. It succeeded too well in the second particular and thus neglected the first, by sailing over your head completely. See my earlier comment on self-awareness.

Anyway. To de-ert your ass:

That you are misusing identity politics as a vehicle to beat others over the head with.

Now, if I were a bully I might point out that the only vehicle I would be likely to beat somebody over the head with would be a microscooter. But mixed metaphors are hardly the point.

To be honest, I don't entirely understand your definition of "Identity politics". If you are accusing me of beating people over the head with a schtick that demands agreement because I'm gay, I must laugh heartily, if only because at no point did I claim such a thing, nor would I. If you are accusing me of suggesting that the camber of the society we inhabit still tends to posit as "normal" what is in fact merely characteristic of male heteronormativity, then I will spread my hands and ask what precisely is the area of your disagreement.

As opposed to, say, demanding agreement because I am likely to roll around on the floor hurling out ever more adolescent imprecations of this variety:

The problem is that now there has been so many misinformation from your side it is not only impossible to take any of your views seriously but impractical to continue this on the board. A classic tactic but it is no more than I expected.

In an attempt to avoid having to offer anything resembling a considered response.

So, since thus far you have been more eager to repeat the asserion mantrically than to define your terms, here is the part where I would be calling you on this, were I to believe that this was an episode of RAW is JERICHO. What do you actually mean by identity politics, and how does one use it to beat people over the head?
Disco is My Class War
09:52 / 25.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Whisky Priestess:
Well, as I'm sure you've all guessed, I'm a cigar-chewing androphobic dungaree-wearing Andrea Dworkin style bull dyke. And proud of it. Now who wants to be my femme?



Whiskey, I'm sure someone else has pointed this out, but an Andrea Dworkin-style dyke would never solicit a femme. Dykes like that don't believe in butch-femme, honey.... They don't even believe in finger penetration.

(But hey, I'll, uh, join the life anytime...)
Cat Chant
09:52 / 25.07.01
Andrea Dworkin has been in a relationship with a man for several decades, if I'm not very much mistaken (it's often used in the capitalist-phallocratic media to discredit her views on sex, as in "if she's with a man she *must* love being penetrated! What the hell else do you do with a male body?")

Not that that has anything to do with anything.
Blank Faced Avatar
09:52 / 25.07.01
Is the "man" in question John Stoltenberg? Cos' he's "Refusing To Be A Man".
Read that when I was 18, became incredibly guilty about penetration of any kind, had partner who demanded insertion - major headfuck, even if your lover wants to be nailed, you could still be instrumental in brutalising them in accordance with their own worst impulses .... But this is neither the time nor the place to introduce my member into the body politic ...

[ 25-07-2001: Message edited by: the Humble Crab ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:52 / 25.07.01
Oh god. I wanted to stay out of this one but despite doctor's orders, here we go:

quote:Shouldn't there be something more to being gay rather than using direct or indirect attack on straights like you have used in this and other topics? The days of GLF exclusionary politics went out with the 70's. Or is it just some form of Gay Narcissism? With what you're coming up with on another thread its about time you explained yourself instead of attacking straights. There is a lot of implicit and explicit support for L/G/B/Tsvg issues on this site there is no use alientating your friends. Save it for the opposition.

synaesthesia - let's go back to this passage because it's the one Haus chose to start this thread in response to.

1. Could you please quote some specific examples of Haus or anyone else making "direct or indirect attack on straights"? I mean, verbatim quotations, because it would be helpful if we could know exactly what you objected to here.

2. Could you explain the concept of "Gay Narcissism" to me? I only ask because the use of capitals here seems to imply that this is a recognised phenomenon, that it's something that occurs in a distinct manner that could not, for example, happen to a straight person. Or are you just suggesting that Haus is both gay and narcissistic, in which case could you give your grounds for both these suppositions?

3. Do you really not see any contradiction between, on the one hand your assertion that rather than inviting any of us to question our own views, Haus should "Save it for the opposition", and on the other your later question: "Do you really want to stop people exploring issues so we can end up in some sort of 'us' and 'them' situation?"

4. Elsewhere, you use the term "misusing identity politics". What do you understand the correct use of identity politics to be? (Actually, maybe you'd like to define the term "identity politics" as you see it as well? I'm not goading you here, I'm genuinely curious and keen to see this discussion get slightly easier to engage with.) How do you think Haus is misusing them?

To be frank, your statements in both the latter part of the 'RL slash relationships' thread and this one strike me as puzzlingly defensive. Objections to Haus' occasionally snippy tone are one thing, but you also seem to be of the opinion that because a certain acceptable level of "support for L/G/B/Tsvg issues" has been established on Barbelith (which I'd question anyway), people should not be taken to task for making remarks which, however casual, thoughtlessly propogate the dominant heterocentric ideology in which we live (apologies to those more in the know if I use these terms sloppily). Now, whilst I may occasionally find Haus' methods of taking people to task for such remarks less than helpful, I not only support his right to do so but also believe it is A Good Thing, in so much as it's part of a continual process of self-questioning that we should be engaged in here.

I don't think it's "bullying" - the process of questioning itself that is. I admit the tone may occasionally sound aggressive, but - some people get very passionate about these things, you know? And again, I think that's no bad thing.

[ 25-07-2001: Message edited by: The Flyboy ]
bio k9
09:52 / 25.07.01
Chewbacca had children?
Whisky Priestess
09:52 / 25.07.01
Deva and Rosa: Cheers. My knowledge of Andrea D is humblingly slight, (apart from reading Fire and Ice when I was 12). I used her name because it's associated with militant feminism in the mind of the general public. But she likes cock, huh? Just like that gal in Chasing Amy . . .

quote:Originally posted by The Flyboy:

(of those for whom being gay/lesbian is the only interesting thing they do)

But surely if such commonly-cited and yet rarely-sighted people exist, they are vastly, vastly outnumebered by the people who, as Haus puts it, say nothing more than "I'm straight"...

Yes, absolutely, and I despise equally if not more the one-dimensional rugger-buggers and girly girls who play tediously up to cliches of masculinity and femininity, terrified to step out of their constricting roles

As for the idea that "The ones who call boys girls, or girls boys" are 'too gay' - I think, Whisky, that this may be taking an ever so slightly simplistic and dismissive attitude towards the issue of gender roles, identity, and so forth...

Oh, un-po that face! This is just the opinion of one humble Priestess, offered because it was asked for at the beginning of the thread. I ain't saying I'm right, I'm saying that that's what I think. Sue me.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:52 / 25.07.01
If you can explain the difference to me between saying you're right, and saying what you think, I'll "un-po" my face, but to be honest the concept sounds quite mind-boggling. Do you hold many opinions which you simultaneously believe are wrong?

And I honestly don't think it's po-faced to take exception to the assertion that messing around with terms used to designate gender is "too gay" - because that assertion is a very widely held one, and one which I find it hard to class it as anything other than restrictive and Bad, whoever is offering it and however humorously...
Whisky Priestess
10:01 / 25.07.01
OK. I think the A-Team is one of the finest programs ever made. This is my opinion. As far as I am concerned this is right and accurate. Watching the A-team is a good thing. But I don't insist on my opinion as a universal, infallible truth. I don't try to make people watch it against their will.

I understand that this view is not shared by many. I do not call them wrong. I realise they may hold different opinions to me.

It slightly worries me that you can't appreciate this distinction. But for God's sake let's not rot this thread too much more. If you want to take it outside send me a private message.
18:13 / 25.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Biologic K-9:
Chewbacca had children?

Oh yeah. Like 3? The book, like most everything else, is packed.
19:24 / 25.07.01
Itchy, Lumpy and Mala, if I recall correctly from the Star Wars christmas special.

Which everybody must see. It's fucked up. Carrie Fisher is fucked on drugs, Mark Hamill has just done the car crash thing and is wearing bright orange pancake, and Bea Fucking Arthur is a spacebar chanteuse. Cool as fuck.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:51 / 25.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Whisky Priestess:
OK. I think the A-Team is one of the finest programs ever made. This is my opinion. As far as I am concerned this is right and accurate. Watching the A-team is a good thing. But I don't insist on my opinion as a universal, infallible truth. I don't try to make people watch it against their will.

I understand that this view is not shared by many. I do not call them wrong. I realise they may hold different opinions to me.

It slightly worries me that you can't appreciate this distinction.

Okay... let me start by saying that maybe since this thread started off in the Conversation, I was talking on too serious a level. I would think, however, that the difference between opinions on a TV programme and opinions on the issue at hand are fairly clear (and I get as fanatical about, say, Buffy as the next geek).

If you say, in the context of a discussion like this, that people who "call girls boys and boys girls" are "too gay", then either you believe it, or you don't really believe it, or you think you believe it but you're really not sure, in which case you might want to qualify the statement.

quote:But for God's sake let's not rot this thread too much more. If you want to take it outside send me a private message.

I think discussing whether or not people have the right to deviate from set gender roles without being called "too gay" is bang on topic - especially now this thread's been moved to the Head Shop. And I'm confused as to why you'd think there's any need to "take it outside" - this isn't at all personal on either side, is it?

Actually, I think this is probably quite a good example of what prompted this thread: Whisky made a comment which I then questioned, and she feels that there was no need for me to do so. That's up for debate and quite rightly so, but what worries me is that there's a kind of defensiveness that's been displayed on both sides which, while understandable given the strength of people's feelings, the importance of issues of sexuality and gender and the general contentiousness of it all, is not really conducive to sustained discussions.
13:25 / 26.07.01
...but what worries me is that there's a kind of defensiveness that's been displayed on both sides which, while understandable given the strength of people's feelings, the importance of issues of sexuality and gender and the general contentiousness of it all, is not really conducive to sustained discussions. – The Flyboy

I have to agree there. I think I've noticed it more in real life than here, but that just may be because there's been so damn many gender-oriented threads on this board that they're all melting into each other...

I find in conversation people want to know "what you are". No matter how cool/hip/phreaky/alternative they think they are, your fellow conversationalists want quick easy answers so they can have a quick easy image at hand whenever your name comes up. A recent example:

Mr. I'm-so-Hip: So...what are you sexually?
Ierne: I'm celibate, actually. By choice.
Mr. I'm-so-Hip: No, I meant what ARE you? Gay or straight?
Ierne: None of the above.
Mr. I'm-so-Hip: Well, you've got to be one or the other. Are you Bi?
Ierne: No. I'm celibate.
Mr. I'm-so-Hip: But you're not answering my question...WHAT ARE YOU?
Ierne: Human?

He didn't like that answer either.
Fengs for the Memory
11:11 / 27.07.01
Again, is not all this bickering down to the acual words used to describe somebody's sexual or non-sexual leanings. Gay, straight, Bi, bye, bye, baby by bye. If you want to a quelf thats your own problem.
Frances Farmer
14:26 / 27.07.01
Not to dismiss the subject matter, but this particular thread strikes me as highly rhetorical and more than a little silly. I think, perhaps, that Synaesthesia has mistaken the perceived attitudes of certain members of the board as representing the default attitude of everyone on the board, and I think that this can be easily cleared up.

Some of hir impressions were undoubtedly inspired by threads such as "Public Displays of Emotion", wherein numerous individuals cited feelings of disgust towards 'straight het' couples, while citing feelings of approval or tolerance towards 'less-straight het' (i.e., gutterpunks or goths) or homosexuals publically displaying emotion (or affection).

I think it's important to note that these feelings may very well be sourced in a certain feeling of imbalanced restraint. It's difficult for a man who loves men or a woman who loves women to openly display their affection - and more difficult yet to accept that those with more vanilla or societally accepted tastes have far fewer difficulties.

I don't think that this is representative of an overall intolerant attitude towards heterosexuals - I think, rather, that it's representative of the focus of concern. These individuals feel - and rightly so, to a great extent - that there's no need to defend or deal with issues of normative hetersexuality when those with other tastes (anything not making a majority demographic, in other words) are forced to cope with intolerance on a daily basis. It's not my impression that anyone here harbors patently negative feelings towards heterosexuals exclusively because they're, well, heterosexual - and to determine that, one would have to ask. Furthermore, it can be difficult for someone standing on the outside to understand why it is that a person with an oppressed sexuality may require exclusatory devices during the process of acheiving liberation. These devices are generally transitory, and used for acheiving leverage - but someone who has not been put in the position of fighting quietly for the right to love who they wish has not been given the tools to understand.

On the flipside, however, this sort of unrestrained, free exchange where individuals who normally feel oppressed are generally able to express their feelings openly can feel (quite ironically) oppressive to individuals who do not deal with the same issues on a day-to-day basis. I think Synaesthesia has fallen victim to a misunderstanding, and nothing more. In attempting to defend hir point of view, s/he asked the question "Shouldn't there be something more to being gay rather than using direct or indirect attack on straights like you have used in this and other topics?" - Certainly, this is a rhetorical device and not truly a line of debate ; but people get emotional. In other words, can't we all just get along?

As far as 'too gay' goes, well ... That's silly. There's always a "too" anything, and I think that Whisky was probably answering the question within that context. Whenever you're claiming that a particular trend or personality device or preference has gone or could go 'overboard', you're likely to oversimplify the issue. It's a mechanism of communication in the English language. It was a simple question, and she provided a simple answer - she was in no way indicating that she felt a majority of homosexuals were 'too gay' - and I think it took a measure of defensiveness to respond to her the way some folks did (Flyboy, specifically, I think), pointing out that "Surely, there are even more folks who are 'too straight'." <paraphrased>. In making this point, you in fact validated her point's very essence - that identification with one's sexual identity can be taken to the extreme, no matter what that identity is. The knee-jerk response to her statements, while understandable, should be recognized as such. Rather than passing a judgement on homosexual behaviours or lifestyles, she was simply placing it on even footing with any other subject matter. Perhaps in political circles, this even footing does not exist - but in the idea-space, it could be construed as admirable at best, overly optimistic at worst, for assuming it's existance. Everyone here dreams of equality.

[ 27-07-2001: Message edited by: Frances ]
Frances Farmer
15:12 / 27.07.01
I would also like to add that it must be extremely difficult to shove a homosexual down one's throat. Presuming, of course, that we're not referring to an entire homosexual, but rather a member or appendage of the presumed homosexual, and estimating that an average human has a two-and-a-half inch diameter throat, with an average homosexual member or appendage diameter of one-and-a-half-to-two inches, it is my postulate that no more than two members or appendages could fit down a throat at any given time. Now, assuming that one is having homosexuals shoved down your throat - in other words, an outside force is assisting the process and the plurality - meaning of more than one member or appendage - is made explicit, than capacities may be expanded by the insistant work of a devoted facilitator. However, I find it highly implausible that an entire homosexual can be passed through the esophagus of an unmodified human being at any given time - much less multiple homosexuals - and I therefore apply my thesis to the act of passing multiple appendages belonging to, presumably, multiple homosexuals, down the throat at least as far as the esophagus - which is to be presumed by the utilization of the verb 'shove' and the adjective 'down' - at any given time.

Thank you.

Oh - wait - you said 'homosexuality', didn't you? Oops.


I knew there was a reason we called this place the Head Shop!

[ 27-07-2001: Message edited by: Frances ]
16:18 / 27.07.01
Dunno who originally coined the 'shoving homosexuality down my throat' joke, but they must've bought a South Sea island or two on the royalties by now...
Frances Farmer
17:10 / 27.07.01
I couldn't help it. Not to mention, it seemed that the thread had to somehow be returned to a lighter state of affairs.
09:40 / 28.07.01
Although Frances' conclusion seems to rest on the idea that we are all basically incapable of communicating our thought accurateyl through language. Which is a position I have a lot of sympathy for, but a fucking depressing one.

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