Ah, the Watchers and the Nephilim! One of my favorite subjects in the whole world!
So, as far as I can tell, the most common theories regarding the Watchers/Nephilim, (and there are as many theories, really, as there are heads to store them in), tend to go rather like this -
The "Watchers" are a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who have some sort of interest in the earth and its inhabitants. This can translate into aliens, gods, Faery, or Atlanteans, depending on who you talk to.
Whether this interest is hostile in nature also tends to depend on which mythology you read. It is common, however, for the Watchers membership to be divided on the issue. Some faction of them tends to favor helping and raising human kind, while others are all for enslaving humans. In Sumeria the Anunkai have a pro-human faction lead by EnKi, (the fishman Oannes, parallel to the Nommo of the Dogons - who taught knowledge to the people of Sumeria, is sometimes associated with Enlil, Lord of the Waters) and an anti-human faction lead by Enlil. In the Mahabharata, it's the Asuras and the Devas. In Zoroastrianism it's the Ahura Mazda who is opposed by the Deva/il Ahriman. In the Old Testament, we see Angels vs. Demons. In Norse Mythology, we have the Giants and the Gods.
The form the interest takes can vary as well, but it tends to have two components. It involved the sharing of information that was forbidden to men, and it involved sex. In Genesis and the book of Enoch the fallen Watchers take human women as wives. In Plato, the Atlanteans allowed their pure blood to become mingled with that of lesser men, and so they lost the restraint necessary to maintain their lofty morals and ideals. So, again, perspectives differ depending on whether those who wrote the info down thought the Gift was good - whether the information given was harmful or beneficial to mankind.
Interestingly enough, this Gift of the Fallen Watchers is treated differently even within Christian contexts - as the Gnostic thought was that the God of the Hebrews was actually Ialdaboth the Mad Thought Form, and that the knowledge given in the Garden was actually necessary for people to wake up and get the hell outta dodge.
So, regardless of one's perspective on the initial relationship of the Watchers, the Fallen Watchers, and their offspring the Nefilim, (the Men of Renown, the Great Heroes of Old from Genesis), with human kind, it certainly pissed SOMEONE off, according to most versions. And so the decision was made to unleash some sort of catyclysm on the face of the earth to wipe out the "mistakes," (ie sinful people, the Nefilim, genetically altered humans, whatever). It is generally referred to as a flood brought on by the gods. Adherents to the Atlantis theory like to talk about a war. There is support for this in some of the accounts of the Mahabharata - which have passages that describe scenes which sound REMARKABLY like nuclear warfare carried out from aboard large flying vessels, (Vimanas - another REALLY interesting subject).
After the flood/destruction, the remnants of civilization disperse back out, and order is somehow restored. (This would be the time of civilization seeding, if it did occur). Apprently, the really BAD Nefilim got locked away at the bottom of the ocean, to wait until Judgement Day (see HP Lovecraft/Robert Jordan). Whether or not they, or any of their progeny/bloodline are still in existence, is something around which many of the secret societies of the ancient and medieval world seem to have been founded, (at least according to some theories, see below).
In regards to the sea faring race - A LOT is made of the Phoenicians in folks who write about this stuff. They have a very controversial past, and rightly so - considering the place in time and space their culture occupied. Suffice it to say that the Phoenicians contained within their cultural matrix the Canaanites. And the Canaanites harbored, according to the Old Testament, the Nefilim. When the spies of the Children of Israel come back and report what they have seen in their new "promised land," they are very afraid, because they see that there are "Giants in the land!" The Bible specifically states that these are the Sons of Anak, the Anakim, (which has the same linquistic root as the Anunkai of the Sumerian cylinder seals), who are the NEFILIM! (Numbers specifically uses the term Nefilim).
And the Children of Israel, in the Old Testament, spend a good deal of their time fighting with them. In fact, it appears that the Anakim are successfully pushed out of their last hiding place, the tribe of Benjamin, and driven out into the world to seek their fortune.
At this point, people generally start quoting people like Robert Graves who then try to trace the remnants of the Lost Tribe of Benjamin into various other parts of the world, including Europe. Arguments have been made for their dispersal into Arcadian Greece, for example, and taking part in the events at Troy. What people tend to do at this point is start tracing the effects of their "Gift" rather than actual lineages, because of the nature of speculative pseudohistory.
The "Gift," in this case, (and it was apparently only ONE of the many gifts given or forced upon our race), was the science of nervous-system adjustment known in various forms as magic, yoga, etc. IE the method through which one could fine tune the nervous system to the point where the bars of the prison evaporate, and one is no longer bound by the limitations of the 3D Earthsuit we run around in most of the time. (See Wilson, Leary, Patanjali, Crowley, etc).
And so, the effects and presence of Nephilim tend to be mostly traced from there out by looking for the signs of their teaching - which gets generally lumped under "the occult."
As we get into the present day, we move into the dubious area of the folks from the Holy Blood Holy Grail crowd. There are certainly some very interesting ideas there ...
Regardless, some argue that the Masons/Templars/Rosicrucians (all associated with the Occult, and Ecstatic Experiences) have been involved in plots to reestablish a government at who's head sits someone who is related to blood, and by proper ritual, to the ancient Priest Kings of old, who ruled as symbols and who provided by just existing the necessary bond between The Sky and The Earth - ie the Sacred Marriage. Much debate is centered around the Merovingian bloodline. What I find most interesting is the claim that Merovee was fathered by a half fish half man who came out of the sea ... Also see the Moonchild of Crowley and Morrison's description of this whole process in the British Royal Family.
These folks posit that the Bloodline of Christ is actually just one story associated with a bloodline and mystical tradition that is older than our currently accepted recorded history, that his story was coopted by the church - and that the secret, mystical societies of Western Occultism have been battling the forces of the Church to try and establish the practice of systems designed to liberate mankind from their earthly prisons.
Anyway, that's one of the theories.
In regards to 2012 and the coming apocalypse, it has been posited that it is a sort of program - a mass cultural bomb, as it were, designed to program specific cultural reactions from the "seeded cultures" at a specific place in space time. IE we expect something to happen, and so it does ("the ANCIENTS say it's going to happen! Look at the stones and whatnot! Then end is nigh! Head for Axum to save the Ark!") . Others have postulated, (the Nibiru crowd), that it's a warning of some reoccurring catastrophe - like Hancock and his crowd.
Just my 2 cents. Sorry for such a long post! |