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The Jack Denfeld / Mike Robot Interview (someone interview me)


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Jack Denfeld
01:06 / 08.09.03
Many people have said to me recently, "Jack, why don't you add the questions you got from the Let's Not Argue thread to your interview thread? And you're terribly handsome!". After giving it much thought, I've decided I will reprint the questions and answers on this thread, except I'll add some DVD commentary. You will see the original questions and answers, but after each answer I will explain what my thoughts and feelings were while answering the questions. So enjoy.

1. Why do you think you're entitled to Five Questions? You had a whole interview thread all to yourself. In fact, you only seem to turn up when there's a chance to talk about yourself. Aren't you being a bit of a whore for attention?

I don't feel that I'm entitled to 5 questions, but I want 5 questions, and I've now got 5 questions. I think I've seen the attention whore thing a few times before. I'm really not sure if I'm an attention whore. I would say in my normal, away from the internet life, that I either want to be a star, the center of attention, or not bothered at all, almost shy and standing in a corner. Maybe I just post when I'm in a shining star mood.
*(I felt it was important to show that I was not always an attention whore while at the same time acknowledging that at times I did seek a little attention.)

2. You've been given a moderate amount of money to put out a national magazine and left to your own devices. What would it be about? Who would its target market be?

It would be about me, and this isn't as vain as it sounds. It would be like a blog or livejournal, but be really glossy and written well, with different articles about what I've done, and a day in my life, feature stories on "The Ladies Who Dated Denfeld" and stuff like that. It would at first appeal to the urban hipsters who would find it so cool that there was this big magazine devoted to a normal guy like me, but eventually it would be old news as copycat publications came out about other average joes.
*(My answer here posed a problem. It had just been implied in the previous question that I was a bit of an attention whore, and the answer I wanted to give for my next question might destroy my defense. But I had to answer honestly, so I went ahead and explained that I would love to publish a magazine about me. I recall that I tried to think of other subjects for a magazine, but nothing interested me as much as my original answer.)

3. I'm a pretty hetero kind of guy, but I find myself oddly attracted to you. I'm not sure exactly what it is--maybe that pic of you wiping your lip with the beerbottle in your hand, or maybe that you look and sometimes act kind of like a young Black Francis and remind me of those halcyon days when I first discovered the Pixies as a young lad, or maybe it's that the footloose arrogance I find in so many of your posts makes me feel kind of girly. Are you all right with this? Any chance of us maybe hooking up someday?

I love it when I find out someone is attracted to me. I have no problem with you being attracted to me, but the odds of us hooking up are miniscule. I don't have the desire to have sex with men. Many people say that heterosexuals are born that way, and I guess I have to agree, because I don't remember anytime in my life where I decided "I'm going to be a heterosexual." It's just kind of always been that way.

*(I wasn't sure if Q was being honest or just taking the piss. So instead of making a joke I just treated the question as if Q was dead serious. No matter how I tried to phrase my answer I still felt like a prude.)

4. What is the coolest thing about the burg you live in? The least cool thing?

The coolest thing would be that nobody really knows about it. The 7 cities, or Hampton Roads as the older people call it, is roughly the size of Seattle in population. It's the biggest metropolitan area without a professional sports team. The diversity is also great. It's a huge navy city, where many retire and raise families, and the different cultures just tend to merge with each other and flow better. Pharrel Williams, Virginia Beach native and one half of the Neptunes is from here, and before he hit the scene I don't think it was very common to see a black man wearing a skateboard t-shirt, trucker cap (that's ours too by the way) and singing r&b hooks.

*(This question wasn't very difficult at all. The whole biggest metropolitan area without a sports team is one of my old standbys I use when defending my city from others making fun of it. I threw in the diversity bit because I truly think it's one of the defining features of the area. After seeing my answer in the thread I did realise that I didn't mention anything uncool about the city, which may have led people to believe there was nothing uncool about the city. In actuality I simply forgot that part of the question.)

5. Do you have a car? If so, how do you justify driving it in an age where children are being bombed to make sure your gas is cheap? If not, what kind of car would you like to have?

I kind of have a car that doesn't work. One of my roomates who never payed rent has been missing for about 2 months and I have his car keys to his broken car. If he's not back before I move in October, I'm going to take his car and get it fixed, and drive it around while I save for my own car. His car is some kind of VW. All the new stuff looks the same to me, so I'm not sure what the model is. My dream car is a 69 Dodge Charger. It's the car driven in the Dukes of Hazzard, and the bad guy car in Bullet. I've had a 73 Charger before and it was my favorite car ever. I don't really try to justify driving, I just want to drive, so I drive.

*( This question was fun. I pretty much ignored the guilt part about bombed children and whatnot. I just love describing the Dodge Charger.)

Thank you for the questions, and goodnight.

*( I thought it was very cool that Q came up with those questions for me, and decided to thank him. Overall I think it went rather well.)
8===>Q: alyn
02:56 / 08.09.03
I think it would be appropriate to interview me for the DVD as well:

1. I felt a sort of moral outrage at Jack here. The thread was already so unruly, not how I wanted it at all, and I guess I felt kind of threatened that JAck would glom onto it or something. But then I just decided to "Let Go, Let God," as they say.

*(I felt it was important to show that I was not always an attention whore while at the same time acknowledging that at times I did seek a little attention.)

I was very happy to learn about this other, more vulnerable side of Jack Denfeld. It made him seem more human to me.

2. This was kind of a throw-away question, just a variation on a theme and I almost didn't include it. But I'm glad I did, because Jack's answer was really great.

3. *(I wasn't sure if Q was being honest or just taking the piss. So instead of making a joke I just treated the question as if Q was dead serious. No matter how I tried to phrase my answer I still felt like a prude.)

I was sort of honestly taking the piss, actually, if that makes any sense. I can't really explain it any better than that--I'm confused by my absurd feelings for Jack and I feel he treated me with dignity and respect. I was relieved and disappointed at the same time, and didn't think he was being prudish.

4. Yeah, I was irritated that Jack truncated my question like that. I could've bitten his nose off. But now that I see he simply forgot, I find it kind of charming, becasue he obviously got so wrapped up in the upside that the rest simply fled his mind.

5. Jack, and, in fact, anyone who drives a car, anywhere, ever, is clearly a very self-centered person and a moral coward to avoid at least thinking about oil and environmental politics.
Jack Denfeld
08:19 / 18.09.03
It seems old Jack Denfeld's hit the big time! Questions from Austin Scaggs of Rolling Stone Magazine! (originally published in Rolling Stone issue #925 p.30 June 26, 2003)

What are your earliest musical memories?

I remember KISS from about the time I was 3 or 4. My uncles were huge KISS fans, and bought me the dolls, and I remember seeing posters and records of KISS. It's funny, because I don't remember actually hearing a KISS song until I was about 7 or 8. As far as actually remembering music, I remember always hearing Elvis in the house. My mom was an Elvis fan, and I love Elvis to this day.

Do you remember the first album you bought?

I don't remember the first album I bought, but I do remember the first two records my parents bought for me. Michael Jackson's Thriller, and The Chipmunks sing Country.

Did you twist to it?

No. I don't think I've really done the twist at all except when the Fat Boys did that Chubby Checker cover.

Which musicians did you idolize growing up?

As a young boy, Elvis Presley. Then Billy Idol, Henry Rollins, Glen Danzig, and Johnny Rotten. Somewhat in that order.

You played covers for a long time. How did you eventually find your own voice?

I wouldn't say that I formally played covers. Just kinda sang them in my car or shower. I guess I found my own voice as an attempt to amuse myself in a car with no working radio. And even then it was just really bad rap lyrics or something really silly.

When you were coming up, you were on some strange bills, opening for the Kinks, KISS, and REO Speedwagon.

I'm sorry Austin, I've never opened for any of those guys. Perhaps my earlier KISS comments threw you off, but I never meant to imply that I opened for them. I have owned some Kinks CD's, but for the life of me I can't even think of an REO Speedwagon song right now.

How did you accomplish that?

I'm just not that familiar with REO Speedwagon. I'm sure if you named some of their songs I might recognize them, but I'm really drawing a blank in regards to their music right now.

Did you ever brawl with any musicians?

No, but once I got into an argument with a roadie for Lars and the Bastards because he said my brand of cigarettes weren't punk rock.

What is the perfect song?

Wow, that's a tough one. I mean I have my favorites, but perfect would mean it would be one of my favorites and many other people would also dig it. Dancing With Myself? I love that song, and everyone else does too, don't they?

Do you remember when you first heard that tune?

No, I'm afraid not.
Tryphena Absent
08:40 / 18.09.03
Denfoald, there is a special place in my heart for you.
8===>Q: alyn
09:41 / 22.09.03
Jack, do you believe there's a connection between JD Salinger's military career (he worked directly for Henry Kissinger in US Army Counterintelligence during WWII) and the Salinger-inspired murder of John Lennon, who was loathed by the Nixon administration?
20:06 / 22.09.03
1. What do you see when you're in the dark, and the demons come?

2. Favorite Soda/Carbonated Beverage?

3. How do you deal with depression, if you ever get depressed?

4. Favorite Obscure Band/Musician You Like Just Because No One Else
Has Heard Of Them?

5. Favorite Guitar Model?
Mourne Kransky
21:28 / 22.09.03
Where have all the flowers gone?
Spatula Clarke
21:32 / 22.09.03
Why haven't you replied to any of my PMs, Jack? I thought you wanted to be part of my club. I've had some really smart ideas for stuff we could do. Like, we could give ourselves codenames. Yeah, I know the codewords thing went a bit tits up, but codenames could be so much cooler, you know what I mean? I could be Top Cat, you could be Fancy, Bio could be Benny the Ball. I spent ages thinking names up; I was trying to come up with something all revolutionary and anarchist and kind of obscure, so that everyone who's not in the No-Bios Club (still need to come up with a more accurate name than that) would look at them on-screen and think "Woah, those guys must be crazy in a zany, wacky, Robert Anton Williams sort of way. They intrigue me. I wonder if they can show me the true path to enlightenment." I had a bit of trouble making them sound right though, so I just took some names from a program on the television. I don't think anyone'll notice.

Then, when they ask us how they can become members we could tell them, like, all this deep zen stuff, you know? "Look inside yourself and you'll realise the truth that you've hidden from your sleeping brains for all these years and you'll know that the truth is what we want to tell you that there is no truth it's all true." I suppose we could spell all the words wrong, too - that always makes you look more mysterious, yeah?

Anyway, I've made a couple of matchboxes with hidden compartments to start off with. I had a problem with the invisible messages when I put the candle too close to the paper, but the doctor said that they were only minor burns.

When are you coming down for the first club meeting, Jack? We could organise a meal and stuff, get our plans together then. You're American aren't you? Yeah, I thought so. Americans like pizza and beefburgers, but they call them hamburgers. Why do you do that, Jack? Never mind, I don't like beefburgers very much anyway. We should probably just get some sandwiches and make our plans in our secret base. Have you got any ideas for where the secret base could be? There's a hole in the row of trees next to the field over the road from my house. We could have our base there.

Are you happy with Bio being in the club? I think he's a bit strange, but didn't want to tell him he couldn't be in the club because I was worried he might get upset. We can give him the shit jobs to do, like send him out for supplies and things. Panda Pops and Strawberry Laces. Do you like Strawberry Laces? I do.

Please reply, Jack. I think we should get our plans going as soon as possible. Like Animal from the A-Team used to say, "I love it when my plan comes together." Did you used to watch the A-Team, Jack?
21:49 / 22.09.03
Why (up until about two minutes ago) Jack DenfELD, have I read your name consistently as Jack DenfIELD?
21:54 / 22.09.03
I wondered the same thing til the other day, when he was asking why nobody cared about him, and a few people replied that they did, whilst all spelling his name wrong, and someone else pointed it out. I think hes changed it just confuse us. He wont get any cake.
The Falcon
00:27 / 23.09.03
I think it's like blind spot for shortsighted people; I still have this problem with Rob Lif[i?]eld.

And my spelling is excellent. Sorry, Jack.
Jack Denfeld
05:07 / 28.11.03
Jack, do you believe there's a connection between JD Salinger's military career (he worked directly for Henry Kissinger in US Army Counterintelligence during WWII) and the Salinger-inspired murder of John Lennon, who was loathed by the Nixon administration?

I don't believe there's a connection, but then again I never knew that Salinger and Kissinger had ever met at all until you mentioned it in your question. I tried to research it on the internet, but never even found a sentence with both names mentioned. Salinger's kid played Captain America in the movie.
Jack Denfeld
05:18 / 28.11.03
1. What do you see when you're in the dark, and the demons come?
I don't really suffer from that sort of thing.

2. Favorite Soda/Carbonated Beverage?
Vanilla Coke of sugar free Red Bull.

3. How do you deal with depression, if you ever get depressed?
I'll try to play some music that either mocks my predicament, or something that goes well with my current mood. Sometimes I'll write about it, but I almost immediately delete the writing because the stuff is kind of embarassing.

4. Favorite Obscure Band/Musician You Like Just Because No One Else
Has Heard Of Them?

The Hunns. It's Duane Peters' side band, his first band being the U.S.Bombs. Some kids know about the Bombs because they were getting an ok push from Epitaph back in the day, but not a lot of people know about the side-band. It kinda sounds like surf/punk/rock n roll. I'm not very good at trying to describe music.

5. Favorite Guitar Model?
I'd like a Fender Precision Bass, but the old lookin' ones like Brian Setzer plays look pretty cool.
Jack Denfeld
05:21 / 28.11.03
Where have all the flowers gone?

I'm not sure I understand your question.
Jack Denfeld
05:39 / 28.11.03
Why haven't you replied to any of my PMs, Jack? I thought you wanted to be part of my club.
I wasn't sure if you were serious about a club. I'm not even sure if you actually PM'd me.

I've had some really smart ideas for stuff we could do. Like, we could give ourselves codenames. Yeah, I know the codewords thing went a bit tits up, but codenames could be so much cooler, you know what I mean? I could be Top Cat, you could be Fancy, Bio could be Benny the Ball. I spent ages thinking names up; I was trying to come up with something all revolutionary and anarchist and kind of obscure, so that everyone who's not in the No-Bios Club (still need to come up with a more accurate name than that) would look at them on-screen and think "Woah, those guys must be crazy in a zany, wacky, Robert Anton Williams sort of way. They intrigue me. I wonder if they can show me the true path to enlightenment." I had a bit of trouble making them sound right though, so I just took some names from a program on the television. I don't think anyone'll notice.
I do like some of the code names you came up with. They sound kind of old school, and will probably hold up better over time. Stuff like DarkKillDeathShroud2000 would probably sound really dated eventually.

Then, when they ask us how they can become members we could tell them, like, all this deep zen stuff, you know? "Look inside yourself and you'll realise the truth that you've hidden from your sleeping brains for all these years and you'll know that the truth is what we want to tell you that there is no truth it's all true." I suppose we could spell all the words wrong, too - that always makes you look more mysterious, yeah?
Not bad. The deep Zen stuff will make them think we've spent years training and thinking and stuff to join the club. And when they ask me specific questions I'll just smile, and you back me up and say things like "See, Jack understands best of all". And along with making us look mysterious, the bad spelling will also give us a hip-hop/underground revolutionary edge.

When are you coming down for the first club meeting, Jack?
I'm not sure. Did I already miss it? When and where?

We could organise a meal and stuff, get our plans together then. You're American aren't you? Yeah, I thought so. Americans like pizza and beefburgers, but they call them hamburgers. Why do you do that, Jack? Never mind, I don't like beefburgers very much anyway. We should probably just get some sandwiches and make our plans in our secret base.
I am American. Hamburgers would be great, I think beefburgers is trademarked by some Hamburger stand.

Have you got any ideas for where the secret base could be? There's a hole in the row of trees next to the field over the road from my house. We could have our base there.
I thought it would be cool if the secret base was the back offices of some bar where bands played. I don't like nature stuff that much, so I'm not too keen on your idea of having the base in some field.

Are you happy with Bio being in the club? I think he's a bit strange, but didn't want to tell him he couldn't be in the club because I was worried he might get upset. We can give him the shit jobs to do, like send him out for supplies and things. Panda Pops and Strawberry Laces. Do you like Strawberry Laces? I do.
Bio is a bit strange, but in that cool "Oh, he's a grown-up and he reads comic books!" kinda strange. Plus I think he's a New Yorker, and could possibly help us out with the secret base thing. What's strawberry laces? Is that licorice? I try not to eat too many sweets these days, as I became a fat bastard for about 3 months this past summer, and don't want to wind up there again.

Please reply, Jack. I think we should get our plans going as soon as possible. Like Animal from the A-Team used to say, "I love it when my plan comes together." Did you used to watch the A-Team, Jack?
I used to watch it when I was a little kid. I thought Murdoch was verry funny. And I thought Hannibal's gloves were Super-Cool 2000. Sorry it took so long to reply.
Jack Denfeld
05:44 / 28.11.03
Why (up until about two minutes ago) Jack DenfELD, have I read your name consistently as Jack DenfIELD?

I think Duncan explained it best. I've never changed my name on Barbelith, although a long long time ago I had an alternate suit. This was way back before they had Topic Abstracts and Search and stuff.
Jack Denfeld
17:51 / 28.11.03
Flog a dead meme, much?

Not too much.
Bed Head
11:22 / 22.12.03
Dear Jack Denfeld

Who the heck is this ‘Mike Robot’ character who seems to have stolen your computer? Is he some kind of idiot replicant Denfeld who is keeping you a prisoner and stealing your life, your car, Christmas presents, fab party invites etc? Can Barbelith assist in any way as you struggle against the odds to get your life back?

If it’s really just you, the one true Denfeld, wearing a silly Robot mask as you sit in front of your computer, please come back as you were: chubby, pretty, pretension-eating voice of the Barbelith South. You clearly just picked the wrong internet board to roast LOTR, is all.

...Aren’t you at all worried that if you forsake the Denfeld name for too long, that someone else will lay claim to it, again? And are you still using *Denfeld* on Millerworld/tax forms/driving licence? If this ‘robot’ thing is some kind of principled stand, shouldn’t you really take it all the way?
Jack Denfeld
11:40 / 19.04.04
Who the heck is this ‘Mike Robot’ character who seems to have stolen your computer? Is he some kind of idiot replicant Denfeld who is keeping you a prisoner and stealing your life, your car, Christmas presents, fab party invites etc? Can Barbelith assist in any way as you struggle against the odds to get your life back?
Jack Denfeld is the name I used to use when I was a little boy and prank called people using an English accent. This was years before caller i.d. hit most homes. For some reason I thought Jack Denfeld sounded like an English name. Then I just started using the name as an online name for years and years. But I've decided that on Barbelith I'd go ahead and use my real name from now on.

If it’s really just you, the one true Denfeld, wearing a silly Robot mask as you sit in front of your computer, please come back as you were: chubby, pretty, pretension-eating voice of the Barbelith South. You clearly just picked the wrong internet board to roast LOTR, is all.

I wish to God I hadn't posted those pictures. I promise you I am not a chubby fellow, I was just going through a fat phase that summer. I'm still pretty though. What's pretension eating mean? I'm still in the south. Yeah, I got destroyed on that LOTR thread, someone said I wasn't very well read, so I've been looking all over for a used Dungeon Master's Guide or Monster Manual.

...Aren’t you at all worried that if you forsake the Denfeld name for too long, that someone else will lay claim to it, again? And are you still using *Denfeld* on Millerworld/tax forms/driving licence? If this ‘robot’ thing is some kind of principled stand, shouldn’t you really take it all the way?

If someone claimed it they'd just be like the fake Ghallager or the Australian James Bond. Mike Robot's the name I use in the real world, but I'm afraid that Millarworld would think that Mike Robot was a fake name so I'm keeping the Denfeld name alive there.
Jack Denfeld
06:57 / 29.04.04
Define your perfect teenhood, and how far away was your own from that ideal?
I remember things would have went so much smoother if only I had a car at the time. It seemed that everyone in my school had a car except for me and my misfit crew. I still remember riding bikes and trying to pedal away as fast as possible when we thought a pretty classmate was in a nearby car. I could have used some cash too, I spent all my lunch money on comics everyday. My teenhood was ok, I remember wondering why all these people were stressing out about everything when I thought we had it pretty easy.

What are the last five albums you've bought, over what timeframe did you buy them, and what do you think of them?
Oh brother. I recently moved and sold all my cd's to cover some of the cost. If anyone's ever done this you know that the problem you face is this. Do you rebuild your collection or just go about buying cds like before. The last one I bought was Evergreen Terrace, and it's a cover album. It's ok. Before that was Jay-Z's Black album which I liked a lot. I bought a live Pantera CD before that (I have no clue what happened, it just reminded me of jr. high and it was an impulse buy). Before that I bought a Ryan Adams CD, Rock n Roll, and I enjoyed that a lot. I played it over and over again (which isn't saying much, I only have about 8 cds now). And before that I bought Deseparecidios. I don't care what Flux says, I like Connor.

As a film student, do I still have something valid to offer society?
I don't know. Barbelith the movie?

Just how important are the Pixies? In terms relating to you and to the world at large, and on a scale of Nirvana to World Peace.
I couldn't name one song by the pixies. That's right, I said it.

Which posters do you always enjoy reading (and why)?
I like reading my stuff when people actually reply. Oh, there are so many. Duncan, my writing partner of course. Anna de Logahdcd(i forget how to spell it). Bitchkittie and Stoatie are fun. Duncan's brother Toksik is fun sometimes. Hause is funny when someone pisses him off. Keggers is da bomb. I love you all, so many people, I couldn't possibly name them all.

You always seem to have a lot of good ideas for threads. Why do you often choose not to start them?
Thank you, I put a lot of thought and effort into my threads, I can't stand to put something silly or with no meaning up for public display so I'm glad you noticed. I've just been busy lately is all.

Can you come up with two threads for the Magick forum (title, brief introductory post and abstract)? What do you think of the Magick forum itself?
Sure, why not. 1.Why aren't any of Barbelith's magicians evil? the summary would be questions about why there arent any crazy evil bastard magicians on barbelith. 2.earliest memories of magic would be the 2nd

Do you think you'd be happier without Barbelith in your life?
No, I quite like Barbelith. It's one of my only saved links.
I know that you have struggled through lean times to keep this board alive, what was your prime motivation in these times, And what do you think was the true motivation?
You give me far too much credit. Keeping Barbelith afloat during lean times was mostly Tom's doing.

What have you learned from the threads that you've read but not contributed to in the last week?
I don't know.
The Falcon
23:13 / 29.04.04
Duncan's brother Toksik is fun sometimes.

Not my actual brother, I'd like to clarify. But we do have pretty similar backgrounds.

Our writing remains wholly conceptual dunnit, Robot?
Jack Denfeld
02:26 / 30.04.04
Duncan, I wanna do an issue of Flash, like Flash the End, the last tale of the flash as kind of a magical initiation and a nod towards Millar and Morrison's run to start us off on the right track. We'll find a penciler and just print it up diy style and just pass it around as a writing example.
The Falcon
14:30 / 30.04.04
Can we call it 'Flash: Bastards"?

I think there's something here.
Jack Denfeld
07:27 / 22.04.05
How long have you been playing poker?
Roughly 66 years or so. My rookie year I ended up beating Adolph Brunsonheimen in the 1939 WSOP main event, netting a $82.74 payday, which was quite a bit of change in those days. Been hooked ever since.
Which limits do you usually play?
2 Million/4 million mixed game. It's like way superexclusive, mostly pirates Rothchild people, and Trilateral Commision guys. Sometimes for a laugh I'll play whatever kind of money games they have on the online sites.
Which of the following concepts are you aware of and of them, which do you yourself find useful in your game?
1) Pot odds

I don't need no stinkin' pot odds. When I gaze into a players metagroovified field and slowly burn his soul, odds are, the pot's mine.
2) Effective odds
Odds are, I'll effectively outplay the entire table, boat, spaceship, or any other venue I'm at.
3) implied odds
Son, putting your chips on my table, you're pretty much implying that odds are, you'll be leaving a very poor man.
4) reversed implied odds
Sounds like voodoo to me.
5) Pot Equity
You some kinda scientist or somethin'? I thought this was a poker project.
6) Expected Value
I expect the only value you'll find at my table is the value of a lesson in humility.

How much have you won/lost playing poker?
Hard to say due to tax considerations, but I'd say roughly 8.3 Gabillion-trillion dollars, not to mention assorted goodies I've won from players who ran out of money but wanted to continue playing. A vial of Abraham Lincoln's breath, an original six pack of coke when it had cocaine in it, a body from the Roswell spaceship crash, the Spear of Destiny, and a set of Adamantium claws to name just a few.

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