It's funny that I found this article on the BBC and not from an American source:
Choice Quotes:
White children are growing up in a society that is going to become more than half minority, and they are almost totally isolated from these minorities, said Gary Orfield, co-director of the Harvard University Civil Rights Project that conducted the study.
Using data from the National Center of Education Statistics, the Harvard study found that:
70% of black students now attend schools where minority enrolment is over 50%
36.6% of Latino students go to minority schools, up from 23.1% in 1980
white students on average attend schools where 80% plus are white
Researchers say one reason for the reverse trend dates back to 1974 when the US Supreme Court banned moves to mix schools across city-suburban boundaries.
Racially segregated schools, except those predominantly white, are almost always those with high concentrations of poverty, the study says.
The average black or Latino student attends a school with more than twice as many poor classmates as a white student.
Racially segregated schools, except those predominantly white, are almost always those with high concentrations of poverty, the study says.
very depressing 
[ 18-07-2001: Message edited by: Ierne ] |