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As much as I hate it...


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The Return Of Rothkoid
00:02 / 09.11.02
...I'm feeling particularly low and in need of support at the moment. I must seem like a fucking fisher, and I guess to a certain extent I am, but there's been a fundamental change for (I feel) the worse in the world of Rothkoid, and for me it's a big one. After so much good stuff and grief and work to be at this point is just terrible. Pretty much everyone I know is overseas or going overseas, and so there's nobody I can really talk to about anything. I just... a fundamental chunk seems to be missing from me. (Not, as some would imagine, the frontal lobe, but there's probably a high chance of that, too.)

So. Um. yes. Empathy or sympathy would be nice. Am just feeling very lonely and fucked at the momnet. And I know it's not a big drama for most, or particularly Big Issue on the scheme of things, but it's important to me. And I just feel a bit lost.

Feel free to consider this the threadkiller post and let it drop like a motherfucker if y'all like. Maybe I'm just a whinging ass who should listen to more oxbow and toughen up. Or something.
autopilot disengaged
00:09 / 09.11.02
hugs for da tuff guy....

(seriously - you live in australia - virtuallly every animal and insect there is trying to kill you - as i said to mia from electrelane - of course you're feeling angsty...)

i'll be here for half an hour or so, i guess, if you wanna play soul tennis.
Lurid Archive
00:14 / 09.11.02
Hugs and good vibes in your direction, man.

But what did you do to piss off the wildlife there, that they are all after you?
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:14 / 09.11.02
I love ya Rothkoid. I've only met you a few times, but I love you in a disturbingly non-het way. Must be the antipodean accent and the 'Philip Seymour Hoffman but thinner' good looks.
Actually, that's probably going to depress you even more. Sorry. Feeling a bit Smithers now...
autopilot disengaged
00:20 / 09.11.02
hmm... i think this is soul tennis doubles...
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:22 / 09.11.02
hey you, hugs and sympathy winging their way over to you.

that's what we're *for*, sweetheart.

no fishing, just support and cuddles, okay?
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:23 / 09.11.02
and if you want to make yourself feel a tiny bit better, you're in no way as delusional as this sadact:

as i said to mia from electrelane

Yeah, mate, course you did.
The Strobe
00:26 / 09.11.02
Manly-embarassing-hugs and vibes to make the toughest-50s-jazz-man jealous. Thinking of you. Etc.
autopilot disengaged
00:27 / 09.11.02
i did!

i didn't say she was in any way interested - but her eyes looked especially beeeautiful as they = glazed - right - over...
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:30 / 09.11.02
hope this doesn't come across as patronsing, but from personal experience know that right when I need my friends is just when I tend to think i don't have any.

Look at yr phone address book/inbox, it's probably full of people who care about you.

This post brought to you by 'do as i say, not...'proudctions
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:30 / 09.11.02
Bip, I hate people who name-drop. It's especially bad if they're mediums.
"Really darling, work is the curse of the drinking classes, as i said when I was channeling Oscar Wilde the other day..."
Schyeah. Even worse are ex-cabbies who have become mediums...
"I had that Marcel Proust in my body the other day. I said to him, Recherchez les temps perdus, what's that all about then?"
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:32 / 09.11.02
Lurid: I think it's because the animals can smell fear. Like cheap cologne. Gah.

Thank you, all. It means a lot. I just... don't know what to say.

I have a feeling that I'm really going to have to get out of the house soon- except it's fucking plastic-meltingly hot out there at the moment. But if I stay inside here, I may kill my family, and that would not be good.

At least the city's not shrouded in smoke, though, like it was yesterday.

Sigh. Fuck. Sigh. GAAAH. Not even Mingus is helping.
00:34 / 09.11.02
Hugs and stuff, shipmate. Arr.
autopilot disengaged
00:35 / 09.11.02
mingus the merciless?

Goodness Gracious Meme
00:36 / 09.11.02
Cold bath? not being silly, grabbing a comfort read and monging in a cool bath can take a tiny bit of the edge off things.

Oh, and Biz, don't be too hard on Auto, he's a professional-indie-promoter-about-town, he *has* to do this kind of thing.

Or at least that's his excuse
autopilot disengaged
00:41 / 09.11.02
exactly. which is what i was saying to everett true, editor of 'careless talk costs lives', before i went off to dance to atomizer with one of the ping-pong bitches...

rothky: couldn't you watch 'spinal tap'? i defy you to continue feeling low when faced with its sharply observed rockumentary schtick.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:43 / 09.11.02
And anyway, take yer artiste bitching somewhere else, y'hear? this thread is for kindness and comforting and generally supportive stuff...

Rothky's even made it simple by writing an abstract, see?
autopilot disengaged
00:50 / 09.11.02
i was completely supportive - in a brett easton ellis-type way...

but i'll draw a veil over all that. hope yr day/nite improves. just remember you have THE STRENGTH OF TEN MEN!
Lurid Archive
00:51 / 09.11.02
and listen to Leonard Cohen. That always cheers me up.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:54 / 09.11.02
How about stuffing yourself full of good food and then lying around in a park?
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:57 / 09.11.02
My Simpsons Series 1 cure for the blues: A frosty chocolate milshake. Malted, of course.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:00 / 09.11.02
A good idea; only it's so hot the food would continue to cook even while being digested. I've got the fan on and am lying around my room instead. Waiting for dark. Which, thanks to daylight savings, is fucking hours away.
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:04 / 09.11.02
Actually, I find watching hours of the Simpsons and chainsmoking is surprisingly good for stopping me thinking...

Oof - heat is baaaaaaaad.

Ice-cold crush drinks? If you've a blender - lots of ice/cream/fruit juice and pulp....

Blend and gulp.
Tryphena Absent
01:26 / 09.11.02
Let me help by singing to you via wire and screens:

'The sun will come out, tommooorrrooww...'

That didn't work?! Over the next few years you'll probably have flocks of 'lithers flying over to see you in weird geese-like droves and you'll feel extremely irritated by the whole lot of them! Sometimes you get what you wish for... muahahahaha.

I hope you feel happier soon.
Baz Auckland
03:26 / 09.11.02
Download the new Johnny Cash and listen to him sing NIN. A surefire cure for blues. Life sucks now, but it'll rebound back up.
The Return Of Rothkoid
05:04 / 09.11.02
Modem connection = no downloading joy for me.

I just dunno how it's gonna get much better. I really don't.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:38 / 09.11.02
Gahh. I'm sorry to see you so broken up, I really am. I know "hang in there" probably seems like an exquisitely lame thing to say, but things will get better.

Damn, I wish I could afford the round trip to Australia. Anyone want to help me turn over a bank?
autopilot disengaged
08:13 / 09.11.02
Cherry Bomb
08:28 / 09.11.02
Huggles!!!! Aaaaaah!!!!

*runs over to Rothkoid, tackles him with big hugs, tickles him under chin*

Hang in there, buddy...
pointless and uncalled for
09:40 / 09.11.02
I'd like to suggest that something be done for Rothdude Supreme. Perhaps we could pitch in to get him something to remind him of London such as a Jellied Eel Pie. If everyone's broke we could just resort to the scrapings from the inside of my kettle so he can enjoy a proper dish of tea.
10:48 / 09.11.02
Let's put some London pollution in a bottle and send it to the Rothster.

(Actually- would that count as biological/chemical warfare?)

On second thoughts, I'm sending some more hug(gle)s.

AAAGGGHHH. I'm lost for things to say which don't sound shit. So I'll nick a line (okay, not a line, but a concept) from (I think) Rob Newman about when shit's bad...

You don't really want opinions. What you want is your mates going "Bleah bleah bleah bleah..." so you know they care. And that's it.

So "bleah bleah bleah bleah".
10:59 / 09.11.02
big warm happinesses floating your way rothkoid
Kit-Cat Club
11:58 / 09.11.02
Hey. Big hugs for you. I'm really sorry you're feeling so bad - I do hope it gets better.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:52 / 09.11.02
Well, things must be shite. I went and saw The Ring to try and shock myself out of it. No good. I bought the 2CD ABBA best-of to try and cheese and jolly me up, but it just makes me feel worse. Which is really odd.

Maybe I should get Instantly Drunk.
13:46 / 09.11.02
Hey you.

Big hugs and more advice to hang in there. Find a constructive focus, if you can, for the negative feelings. And more hugs from me. Although a little bit of finger wagging must accompany this - I've sent you PMs and had no reply for ages. That's not allowed!

My situation is different to yours in that I chose to come to a bloody remote part of the country, but I'm away from just about all the people I care about and it's pretty tough. Was looking at the Penzance - London train this morning and thinking 'hmmm', but a clifftop walk sorted me out a bit. It's harder for you, I know, but don't think you're not missed. Not having you living down my street any more was one of the reasons I upped and left as soon as I did - there was one less reason to stay.

I'm sober, by the way.

Now write me.

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