Quantum -- thanks very much for the reading! Those teeny tiny tarot cards sound really cool!
Very interesting, considering another friend from the board (an Imp-ish lad) did a reading for me on this subject also. What he came up with was the Chariot turned upside-down; that this girl has lots of trust issues and isn't really in a place to date, that she's really wary and not as much of a risk-taker as she presents herself to be.
When I met her, sparks flew and she was very forward, giving me her number and 'double-dog daring me' to call her, saying it was a shame she had plans to go out with friends otherwise we could have hung out right then and there. Of course, she also had a few drinks in her.
I called her a few days later and she sounded very happy to hear from me; she was at the bank on her cell phone, she'd call me back in an hour or so. Never heard from her. Next day, called her back and said "hey, what's up, never heard from you." Didn't hear back. That's when I requested the reading on this thread. Basically, I began to think she was all talk and no action about even going out for a date...maybe those drinks she had in her gave her courage she wouldn't normally have. Or maybe she's a total flirt and player who doesn't follow through with half the guys she flirts with.
So I waited a few more days and then called her at lunch (which was yesterday). She sounded sort of happy to hear from me and said thanks for keeping up with her, she said her life had been crazy since she met me, something about how her head hasn't been on straight, and talked small talk with me for a little bit, but she seemed to be distracted. She then said she was in the middle of lunch with "a very important date" and she wanted to "give full attention to him" for the remaining minutes of the lunch. (she emphasized the words DATE and HIM) She said she had my number saved on her cell phone but didn't actually say she would call me. She ended the conversation by saying "Sorry, bye" as if to say "Sorry, I'm not into going out with you anymore".
Now, who knows is she was really on a date with a guy or if she was with a buddy or female friend and just said that to blow me off? She IS very beautiful and seems strong willed, and she seems like the kind of girl who wants to play hard to get and really make a guy work for it. However, she also has my card with my email and pager number, and I haven't heard from her, and honestly, I don't expect to.
When we met, it was all sparks, sexy, sassy talk like in the movies, and it felt like we were practically guaranteed to get together. Now it seems like she's just a player, or flaky, or her life totally blew up in the past week, or her ex-boyfriend just walked back into her life or something the day after I met her.
The bottom line is she hasn't called me once. We met a week ago. I've done my three tries, and I won't call her again. She can call me if she wants to. If I call her again that's just desperate and looks bad. (Another call would be #4 without a return call. Not good.)
I really couldn't tell what her response yesterday was all about, but it definitely seemed more "I won't call you or go out with you so stop calling me" than "I'm wacked out and stressed and playing hard to get and I'll call you back soon." I stressed out about it for a few days (just cause she was SO sensational when we met!), but after that weird lunch conversation yesterday I've totally let it go, and turned my sights towards other women. And I actually have met some other potential dates since then (magickal focus and willpower has been working in that area lately).
Plus, this girl Terese is a lot younger than me (she's 24, I'm 31), and I've found 24 year old women to be very flaky and have no idea what they want in previous dating situations. Part of me feels if she doesn't even want to return a phone call after being SO into me when we met, then I can forget about her completely; I deserve better than that, all that good stuff we say when we get blown off. 
I just post this both as a venting thing and to show how readings can sometimes work, or not work, or who the hell knows what. But I really appreciate the reading. If I hear from her out of the blue next week, I'll think Quantum's reading was the more accurate. If I never hear from her, I'll think Imp's reading was the more accurate. Or maybe both readings are accurate and Quantum caught more of the vibes of when I first met her and Imp got the vibes of her post-meeting self. Ahhh, who knows. But I really appreciate it, folks. Chime in if you feel so inspired -- otherwise, I'll post only if any developments happen in this situation. |