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Plastic Surgery


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Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
17:54 / 29.03.04
I have had LASIK surgery done, but I see it as more of a functional surgery than a cosmetic one. I also have had several piercings, the only one I still wear is my PA. That could be argued as a functional modification as well. I just cannot see my way clear to have any of the more radical surgeries done unless they are necessary.

My girlfriend wants her breast tissue removed and replaced(due to a family history of breast cancer). She has said that while they are working, they might as well do some liposuction and a tummy tuck. She is pretty self conscious about her stretch marks, and anything that will help her self-esteem is alright with me.
17:55 / 29.03.04
BTW, Starletscarlet I notice you've just joined, and this thread is ancient. Did it come up in Google or something when you did a search?
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
18:16 / 29.03.04
No, actually, I have been lurking around the board for the last year or so. I believe that I joined last October.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
18:17 / 29.03.04
Sorry, olulabelle, I thought you were talking to me. Never mind.
beelzebub jones
19:25 / 29.03.04
make up, hair do's (cuts, perms and colour), dieting, body building, tattoos, piercing, branding, scarification bound feet, ndebele neck rings and plastic surgery are all the same human self obsessions. modify, beautify, agment and improve. right on. can't wait for it to get really extreme. i want porcelin coated titanium teeth, albino python shedable skin, feathery blue down everywhere i now have hair and a regenerative salamander dick that i can lob off and throw in my lovers face for dramatic effect when we breakup..
Miss Lucifer
19:29 / 29.03.04
Well, as this threads been re-activated I’ll tell you why I won’t ever touch plastic surgery…

I used to rent a room from ‘the U.K.’s No.1 She male Escort & Model’ (her sales pitch, not mine) and during my stay she had extensive facial surgery. I think costing £11K.
Previous to that she’d had £5K’s worth of saline expandable breast implants fitted taking her up to similar proportions to the delightfully ropey Jordan. Basically every 4 months or so, she’d pop of to London and have more saline injected into valves under her armpits giving time for the skin to stretch.
Initially I thought that plastic surgery was the way forward and hoped that one day I’d be able to afford a smaller pair for myself.
All this surgery was undertaken by one of Harley Streets top plastic surgeons. Apparently he’d ‘done’ quite a few A, B & C list celebrities in his time.
So, when she went in to have her brow lift, cheek lift, nose job, chin implant and whatever else I was expecting a miraculous transformation.
Boy was I wrong. The surgeon only did about half the work he was supposed to, one of her eyebrows no longer moved and she couldn’t smile properly anymore.
Her new smile reminded me of the tortoise from the ‘Creature Comforts’ clay-mation. This was about 4 months after the surgery and I think she looked far worse then when she started.
And to top it all, while on holiday in Ibiza one of her breast burst causing her to collapse in the street.
Basically I’m saying even if your recommended the best of surgeons, make sure you know what you’re getting into because it can & sometimes does go wrong. And I’ll stick with what I’ve got, thank you very much.

Also things didn’t end on the best of notes between me and her, resulting in me receiving a broken nose which I had straightened on the NHS. Incredibly painful, but my nose actually looks better now than before it was broken, but I wouldn’t recommend it as cheap plastic surgery option.

No names where mentioned to protect myself from further threats of violence. Not that she’d be reading anything as highbrow as the ‘lith.
Spatula Clarke
21:12 / 29.03.04
Take note.
D Terminator XXXIII
11:54 / 02.05.05
I've had the luxury to take time off for the past 8 months and recieve corrective surgery on my facial scars. My next appointment is 2 days away. & I may never undergo such physical treatment again.

When I made the original appointment with my surgeon, I had had a real desire to somehow escape the glares I'd invariably attract whenever I'd moved around in this smallish city of mine. Really invasive stuff and, for the most part, nothing to do with hypersensitivity. I thought if the scars could be touched up and made invisible, I'd have an easier time without being constantly made aware of the visibly physical differences I have from the majority. But, ultimately, it has been too draining for me to continue to think of it as a viable solution. My face and head has been touched up, sure, and I've gotten a lightly more symmetrical look but there's nothing physically earthshattering - nothing that accepting oneself can't handle. It's probably healthier too. But I'm thankful for the luxury - because it has afforded me the space to develop my creative skills, and for this it has been an invaluable time.
13:35 / 02.05.05
Gypsy Lantern said, a couple of years vack now I love the fact that the worlds first cyborg is a bloke called Kevin who lives in Reading. Something about that appeals to me, it's like something from early 2000AD.

I've met him (fuck, I've been on TV with him!) Very intelligent man, but very, very dull in conversation.
Whisky Priestess
17:01 / 02.05.05
Ah, Professor Kevin Warwick and his suicide blonde Russian wife ... disappointingly, his cyborgism consists mainly of having a little chip in his arm similar to the ones they put in dogs to enable them to be identified and returned to their owners if lost.

Nonetheless, I find him massively entertaining for many reasons, but mainly because he reminds me strongly of Season 3 Alan Partridge (with Sonia in tow ...)
18:54 / 02.05.05
Oh, yes. I can just see him in a country club car park on Skaro shouting:
"Davros! Davros!... Davros! Davros!....Davros..."
19:45 / 02.05.05
Vaginal tidying?

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