The confusion?
Oh, I don't know, the fact that so many people find it impossible to understand how a child could do such a thing. The idea that, based on the assumption that children are inherently innocent and more cuddly, they could never harm another human being unless they're, y'know...."born evil".
Yeah, we've all got unintellectual, illiberal mates/colleagues etc - my aforementioned "close friend" is one example - but I'm not talking about your friends or your colleagues, I'm talking about the guys and gals propping up the bar at the 'Rose and Crown'; the people who never leave the village, let alone go to London; the people that would discriminate against you because you had long hair, or flares, or wore black; the people that think homosexuality is "unnatural"; that asylum seekers are all bludgers and should "go back where they came from" (out of interest, did anyone see that article on that new youth show on E4, where a bunch of young people were interviewed about refugees, and, almost unanimously, agreed that they were a rum bunch, out to scab off the rest of us?); the people who wept tears of blood when they heard about the tragic, untimely death of the Queen of Hearts...
The question is, Sav, where do you think people get these ideas from? Many people wouldn't even have an opinion about asylum seekers, clause 28 et al, if, before work, they hadn't consumed their daily dose of Gary Bushell along with their eggs and bacon.
I'm prepared to meet you halfway here, and venture that (shock! horror!) people do not simply mindlessly consume - the tabloids do not inject ideas directly into peoples minds - and that everyone interacts at some level with the texts they engage with; but the fact that these "newspapers" help perpetuate and reinforce these ideas... its enough.
So many people, living in our channel surfing culture where there's so much choice, only subject themselves to the kind of crap that reinforces their firmly entrenched, and prejudicial, opinions/worldview. Take a look at the popular Hollywood films that serve only to reassure - where everything that occurs corresponds to a preordained plan, and unfolds exactly the way it "should". |