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@ Operation "Cyclone" @


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17:12 / 06.11.02
Gah! "Inside score"? What the merciful fuck does St. Patrick have to do with the potential war on Iraq?

It's like one parts Ouija board/ one parts alphabet soup.
18:09 / 06.11.02
@What the merciful fuck does St. Patrick have to do with the potential war on Iraq?@.

None. But I was telling about this guy and what he had done.

Mr. Tricks, Cherry Bomb,

I’m sorry for having tiptoed my way around your central questions – but I needed a certain number of replies first before commiting myself further.

Now, this anti-government figureheads stance is becoming normal (due to various reasons) we have to take it a step further.

Let’s bandy together and kill George W. Bush.

Let’s bandy together and kill Tony Blair.

Let’s bandy together and kill Saddam Hussein.

Let’s bandy together and kill Ariel Sharon.

Let’s bandy together and expose the figures behind their backs, their financial backers, their ideological stance-providers, their guidelines. Let’s expose how involved all the agencies are, let’s expose how their actions haven’t been for the general humanity’s benefit, let us care about our weak and vow to never let these things happen again.

Let’s dethrone our royal ruling heads, Kill Queen Elizabeth, Kill Queen Margharethe, Kill Queen Beatrix, Kill Them All, kill their bastard offsprings – understand how deeply involved they have been with weakening us as physiological bodies, how conflicted they have let us become instead of helping each other live a secure life, redistribute their wealth, if they still hold any value afterwards…

Destroy their castles, destroy the castles of the leading economy stringpullers, see how evil they are when a fraction of the 100 wealthiest peoples fortunes could provide for all our basic needs, understand that poverty doesn’t have to be, that we can all be equal, but that division and class differences are in the interest of our most powerful men and women.

Let’s unite and cause most of our sufferings to stop.
Jack Fear
19:47 / 06.11.02
*palpable sense of Barbelites backing slowly away from the thread*

See, now, this is where you lose the vast majority of your audience, when you get to the part about "let's assassinate huge numbers of public figures."

I know you're frustrated. We're all frustrated.


Killing. Is. Wrong.

Mr Tricks
19:51 / 06.11.02
ummmmmm . . .

I d'know Chrome... Bloody revolution has tended to lead to... well, more blodshead.

While I would rejoice in seeing the light of "truth" shined on Bush,Chaney,Sherone etc... hawling them out into the streets for a public execution seems, well; so pre-21st-century.

There MUST be a better way.
20:55 / 06.11.02
No we do not have to start to kill them, first things first, nature will do the bulk of the work for us..then its just surving times..
As to what we can do in our time kiddo's.. is start thinking positive, stop giving them energy trough our angers and agression..start to see a way out..start to think in terms of; could I do without, do I really neeed this or want this etc, in short stop consuming the way you are used to { kids with a empthy wallet excluded of course}start thinking there is a way out..without shedding blood..this would be by starting to to consume less and start thinking less in terms of ..this is mine..
All we have to do is give up the thought of dominion and all would be fine..but oh no humanity has become of the kind that wants it all I need this I want that I want its mine etc me me em me..nobody ever wondered what this "In the end the people will turn into canibalism" could mean? Look at me me stands for canibalism.. who are you?..are you body or mind first?..think

We do not need to shed any blood to change the world, the world will take care of that..all we need to do is think positive and for chrying out loud stop many people fear it makes me want to bite them..I really understand dogs..
Mr Tricks
22:59 / 06.11.02
..I really understand dogs..
Really? cool... you should meet mine!!!

actually it's been a while since I posted her pic... so here!!!

sorry... back on topic everyone . . .
Baz Auckland
03:34 / 07.11.02
What were those relics Saddam Hussein's asking for?
09:20 / 07.11.02
Ok, sorry for the missing words and the mistakes, but dang how does one edit in this forum..ain't what it used to be..

I have a dog as well, he was born on 911 2001, just after the planes crashed the wtc, isn't that cute? I named him Niburu..and he has this one weird habbit..he looks up all the times..
09:50 / 07.11.02
Looks up the train times? Or the End Times?
10:40 / 07.11.02
No, I say we take a gun and kill them, simply as that.

Of course I don’t seriously expect us to kill them, of course I don’t seriously think we could and should get away with that.

However, we should not fear them either, we should not let ourselves be frustrated by their actions, we should really not be angered by them (although there will be – when you hide the truth and make the base of our existence consist of lies, there is bound to be aggression directed at them, against those who hid it when the truth comes out) and we should never rejoice in passivity.

As with anything else, it is about balance. The weather will do its, no doubt about that and for many, it will be about ensuring the safety of each other, no doubt about that but don’t expect passivity to be driving force.

It was about carthasis, we should not fear the people that we keep in our leaders seats, we should not fear their armies, they should not hold that power over us – if they do then its dictatorship and frankly, we can do without it.

Many people know what they have been doing covertly, many brave people are opposing them with demo’s, or by distributing the information that has arisen because of insiders getting tired of the state of their machinations.

I like it. And will like it even more in a matter of months.

Barry Auckland, I will look up the articles - okay?
10:42 / 07.11.02
Ooops, the brackets I put should have been visible but aren't:

[Scott Evil]No, I say we take a gun and kill them, simply as that.[/Scott Evil]
Phex: Dorset Doom
12:35 / 07.11.02
First off Chrome, publicly calling for the asssassination of public figures is a damn good way to get the big-scary-government (who are the subject of this thread) to take a vested interest in your activities.
Secondly, what are we aiming for? After Bush/Blair/Hussein/Sharon are worm-food what then? I'm guessing Anarchy, but a LOT more than four well-placed bullets are needed to achieve this.
Thirdly, revolution is a hard thing to come by these days. We're a little past the good ol' days of getting Soviet sponsorship and a bucketful of AKs, and starting up from the grass-roots (whether resistance as catharsis or just stamping on the Man's ass like it ain't no thang) is going to be impossible. For most people Passivity IS the driving force in their lives.
Otherwise, sign me up.
19:18 / 07.11.02
Here you can read about the things that Sadam wants back and has been asking for since 1997, and as I have info coming from somebody who lived there fo over 30 years , I would say this site tells it pretty well..

Sadam wants back the ancient Babylon famed Ishtar Gate from Berlin/Germany..he also wants to revive the Ashurbanipal Library..which is the earliest systematically collected and catalolgued library in the ancient world..which the British stole in mid 19 hundred at Nineve..25.000 cuniform tablets assembled by the King Ashurbanipal..all in the British museum..and there are some other things he want back..check the below link

Then to understand what its all about..the following link it’s a book so a long read or you can print the book out if you are interested..

“The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship”

And last but not least..

"The "Black" Pope
Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General"

All the above once read.. gives you a darn good insight as to what the hell our leaders are doing for makes you understand their lies much better..
In short Hussein Sharon Bush and the European Union countries are all one serving the same cause..which is the Jesuit cause..who btw hate females especially.. including all who do not share their views..and do not have sex with females..not the ones in the highest ranks..It also gives you a nice view of how the Queens of Holland and England are regarded by many and what their roles ain't something to be proud about..bitches selling of their kingdoms to belong to...

The catholics/Mary lovers but especially her child.. are the Jesuits..Jesus lovers/child lovers..
Baz Auckland
19:36 / 07.11.02
[thread rot]

I saw one of the gates of Babylon in Istanbul, along with all other sorts of neat relics. The museum there has Abraham's bowl, Moses's staff, Mohammed's teeth, beard, swords, and all other sorts of fun Old Testament toys.

[sorry, back to topic]
22:58 / 07.11.02
@First off Chrome, publicly calling for the asssassination of public figures is a damn good way to get the big-scary-government (who are the subject of this thread) to take a vested interest in your activities.@

That is one way to look at it. Another is to show that if you dare and can say such things, and still be - I don't know - alive? Unharmed, perhaps? Or making it a play of freedom of expression vs. anarchism/terrorism? Then it rubs off to other people. We should not fear our public leaders and their true leaders, we should not fear their governing agencies, their armies, we should not be afraid, full stop.

I went about it as such, because I really have a vested interest in knowing why. Why the majority of people prefer passivity (and it's not just bad foodsources / propaganda brainwashing / amusement = distraction from the world), no, what I believe to often be the case is that most people are ill-informed, or under-informed (if there is such a word) and that this, applied to a sense of futility, creates fear.

Thank god, the number of people who are of the conviction that (peaceful) confrontation is a viable means of expression is growing but it could still be faster, pussycat.

It's also about externalising what so many hope (perhaps not killing them but that they will be stopped) and through this way begin the foundation of more people clamoring peaceful times.

@revolution is a hard thing to come by these days.@

I understand how this can appear so to you, but no... As RRM says, nature will do the most for us. Emphasis on most because there will still be an amount of people left that have conspired against the common people that will face their wraths... How can it be different than other revolutions of the past? Remember that more and more have psychic abilities... Remember that we have allies who are working behind the scenes, just as the rulers can, so can their equals...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:23 / 08.11.02
ChromeMatic HoloFoil of the Dark Sun I went about it as such, because I really have a vested interest in knowing why. Why the majority of people prefer passivity (and it's not just bad foodsources / propaganda brainwashing / amusement = distraction from the world), no, what I believe to often be the case is that most people are ill-informed, or under-informed (if there is such a word) and that this, applied to a sense of futility, creates fear.

Or {gasp} they could have thought about the situation and come to a different conclusion than you. Doesn't mean they're wrong, doesn't mean they're right, but having you standing there shouting at them is not going to win them over.

Maybe they prefer passivity because they're busy trying to survive? Maybe you're wrong? The image you give off in this thread is that unless I'm actually choking the life out of Dubya now I'm a tool of the Government Spiders. Maybe us and them is not a helpful tool to work with here?

Damn, I've gone back to being 'reasonable' again. Must be tired...

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