A "wild piss" is another black mark in my little book for Pepsi Max, that's what. It's going to be bread and water for Christmas dinner at this rate.
And Haus, dear boy, your wish is granted. Go up to that meathead who always buys ten Lambert and Butler Gold and a copy of the Daily Star in that little shop near you and call him a "wanker". I guarantee you'll be discussing Derrida by tea-time. And if I can't arrange a Dan Dare rocket, how about a visit from lissom pop-poppet Anastacia to Mylar-bag your comics?
Woodswalker, the winning lottery ticket is yours. I hope you find something interesting to do with the £10 it so generously brings.
And KKC - sorry for calling you KCC. I know you hate that. Father Saxmas is so busy sometimes, he forgets things.
Potus - I can do ONE of the penis extensions, not both. Which is it to be, the camera or the gun? Look on the bright side, though. With your new toy to play with, you won't *need* a girlfriend. |