I've really had it with this whole subject. If all these idiots are so sure that heaven is waiting for them, could they all just kill themselves so that those of us who want to live HERE, and make THIS PLANET a better place can get on with it?
First of all, there are the Islamic fundies who think that if they can just terrorize enough people, they will CHANGE WHAT WE BELIEVE. Or if not, we will be killed. Lovely. Does anyone want to live in one of these societies? It seems to me that everyone I meet from Islamic countries (Syria, Iran, etc) has ZERO respect for the fundies. And yet, the pathetic "governments" of the region shamelessly use people's religious beliefs to control them. At this point, I'd almost be MORE happy if we DID turn the war on terrorism into a war on Islam - personally though, I'd widen the scope to include ALL religions.
Then there are the nutcases in THIS country. We got Ashcroft covering up statues in DC. We've got Phelps out here terrorizing a murder victim's family with "God Hates Fags" signs. We have morons and their "intelligent design" "theories" (sorry about all the scare quotes), which to any REAL scientist, are just a bunch of semantic games and ridiculous speculation. Same deal with the anti-evolution crowd. We have judges who want scripture on the walls of their courts, and we have brain-dead congressmen and women mindlessly shouting out the "under god" part of the (already obnoxious) Pledge Of Allegiance.
I mean, the usual reasons, excuses, and justifications for religion are just not cutting it at ALL with me any more. We're past the point where we need an "explanation" for lightning in the sky. We don't need silly rules about what to eat anymore because we have fucking REFRIGERATORS. And anyone who can't figure out right from wrong without a 2000-year-old handbook and a bunch of outdated dogma can kiss my ass.
And to counter the usual BS responses, let me try to anticipate and shoot them down:
1. Yeah. Scientists DON'T know where the universe came from. They're still working on that. Maybe we will never know. Does this mean there is a "god" who created all this? C'mon. Get real.
2. Sure, religion is a great help (crutch) for many people. Let's kick out that cruch and maybe people will realize they don't need it.
3. No, I don't want to go to heaven. (Hint - there is no heaven, you moron) There IS a chance of creating a similar place here, in REALITY, however. THAT is what I'm concerned with.
I'm sick of the deal that we, as rational, relativistic, secular humanists get. WE have to couch all our arguments in PC, relativistic terms. WE have to question our own values, and try to understand how they have been colored by our environment. WE have to tiptoe around other people's beliefs. WE have to use the scientific method to prove any theories about the world. And, most importantly, WE have to admit that we might be wrong about ANY of our theories. And WE have to give these nutjobs "equal time" for their stupid ideas. For the fundies, they have no such quandaries. Since they know everything already (or if they don't, they fill it in with generic "god did it" or "god says it's so" garbage), they can be smug in their "complete" knowledge of the universe.
I say forget it. Even if I don't know if there is a god or not (although I have a theory...), I DON'T CARE ANYMORE. There are MUCH more important things to worry about here on earth. |