(First up, not sure if there is a place for a man, or at least something fairly man-looking, to be commenting on a female space in this manner; I acknowledge this may be undesirable but hopefully justified)
I have heard about Aristasia before, but in a fairly vague way, much like yourself, Blue, and with some of the same concerns expressed.
Phrases like "what is sound on Aristasia is usually the opposite of what is "politically correct in the Pit" disturb me, along with the fact that in Artistasian terminology everything went wroing with the "Hippies" - that political activism, free love, the civil rights movements &c are all examples of the total abandonment of sanity.
(Plus, why would you raze a city and sow its foundatiuons with salt? So they couldn't grow any new buildings)
Oh, and the fact that their are "mysterious lands to the East", populated by starnge unknowable peoples smacks of Orientalism.
One interesting approach to the question may be - let's assume hypothetically a lesbian BDSM fictiverse constructed along similar lines and involvinjg fierce racial segregation, non-white women being made to feel profoundly unwelcome "within the game", and so forth. Is this excusable on the grounds that it is a transgressive fictiverse?
(i.e. the individuals who gather together to participate in the fictiverse are not "out of game" racist, but the structure of the fictitious society they inhabit is. Could you have people playing rebels and acticists, or is there a tacit acceptance of the terms of the ethics of the game world within the game?) |