Panarchy: "Nick is right when he says it will be hard work."
Of course it will. As far as I can tell, the only point where I disagree with Nick seems to be that hard work can also be fun. And, yes, dammit, glamourous.
This has (and I'm not meaning this in reference to Nick, as I don't know what his politics are, and, to be fair, it's probably UNfair of me to use his post as an example, so, Nick, apologies in advance, yeah?) long been my problem with the left (and a fair few anarchists too, it must be said)- people forget that making life better should be a FUN activity. Otherwise it defeats the object, hence the majority of socialists these days being horribly miserable though well-meaning.
Of COURSE it's hard work. Most things worth doing are. But there's no reason why it shouldn't be seen as a "cool" thing to do. In fact, there's probably EVERY reason. I mean, that's how the other side works, isn't it? Hearts and minds. I'm optimistic enough to believe that given time, and information, people will generally come down to their OWN point of view. Which could be something I despise.
Shit. Sorry, I'm rambling now, and have forgotten my original point. But the stuff I did manage to get out coherently, I stick with. |