Duncan F: And Audrey Murray saves KM's life - what's that about then? Karmic inversion?
More like Stopping The Wheel Of Karma Altogether, I’d say.
It parallels the end of RAW’s Cosmic Trigger I…the “Final Secret of the Illuminati” that Tim Leary reveals to the Wilson family…the secret that they’d already learnt from their daughter Luna…
yawn: yknow what: I couldae handle the filth in a one volume trade pape
I'd spew ma load I reckon. .
You say that, yawn, but we all know you’ve got your box of man-size Kleenex already set aside…
Sypha Nadon: Even Bobby the soilder KM killed had to have known that Harmony House was a bad place (and the guy was a wifebeater to boot). In "The Invisibles" there are no characters who are purely innocent. All the characters make the graves they lie in, from Bobby to Jolly Roger.
Ooooo…you’re quite strict, aren’t you, Sypha? You don’t take any “The dog ate my homework, Miss” nonsense from anyone, do you? 
And listen, did the (ahem) baddies in the Invisibles strike anyone else as a bit…well, crap? It seemed liked anytime they were confronted with KM or Roger or whoever, they just stood there and went on and on about all the terrible things they were going to do, all the filthy perverted ways they were going to violate the good guy, all the unholy desecrations they were going to per—OH COME ON!! DO IT for chrissakes! Sure, you can talk the arse off a donkey, but the good guys are blowing things up while you’re nattering on like a bitter old granny on the bus complaining about all the [Nigerians] that are coming into the country!!
Pah… |