Well, now that I'm acctually not falling asleep when I get home (it's been a busy week at work) I guess I'll weigh in on the situation. For those that haven't been keeping score, I'll fill you in on my credintials:
I grew up about 15-30 mins north of the area where the first string of shootings happened. The shopping center where the woman in front of the Post Office was shot is right in front of the retirement community that both sets of grandparent's retired to (three have since died, the fourth was moved to a nursing home when she could no longer care for herself, thankfully). My second job was in that same shopping center BTW. I couldn't begin to count the number of times I've walked past the bench where she was sitting.
Currently, I live about 20 mins north of the Fredricksburg shootings (where the first survivor was shot, and where today's victim was shot) and I live about 20 mins south west of where the guy was shot in Manassas. Again, couldn't begin to count the number of times that I've driven past that gas station.
For those who are wondering. In the past 48 hours, I've had two people mention Osma's boys as possible suspects to me. Personally, I doubt it. Their MO tends to be bigger. See the recent communiquie from one of their spokesmen giving the reasons for their war on America. They feel justified in killing as many Americans as the American goverment has killed Muslims. They tend to go for the big body counts. They also tend to go for symbolic locations (WTC=the symbol of the captalism that they see destroying the Muslim world, embassies=a symbol of US involvement in the affairs of other countries [see US relations with the Shah of Iran, that lead to the fundamentalist revolution in '77], the USS Cole=a symbol of the US military involvement in the Persian Gulf, etc.). Yeah, there is a possibility it's them, but it's small, and there are a lot of other suspects.
Another reason for this is that first day. I can't verify this, and it's been a number of years since I was dumb enough to drive around southern Montgomery County during rush hour, but from the glimpses of the time line I've seen for that first day (refering to the five shootings, and ignoreing the two shootings the night before) I've gotten the impression that this guy was picking his targets. I THINK that he had enough time to drive to each location and PICK a victim out of the crowd. Much like a hunter picks a prey. As opposed to just driving up, picking someone, and shooting. He also seems to be picking people who are alone. Again, I beleave this is similiar to standard hunting tactics. In short, I think there's something to be said for the theory that this guy is hunting people. But, that is just my personal opinion. Not even sure if I'd call it a theory since I can't verify a lot of the evidence that I'm using.
Though I can't help thinking about the fact that one of the hunting seasons just started in this area.
A couple of random facts:
Currently, the police beleave the person is using one of two different hunting rifles. This comes from balistics evidence. They doubt he's using anything more powerful then that.
The first 9 shootings have all been linked. I turned the news off around 7:30 tonight, and at that time they were still testing fragments from today's shooting. But, police beleave that it is likely the same guy.
The majority of people have been minorities. But, DC has a very high concentration of minorities. The city itself is over 75% (and may be closer to 95%) african american. People around here are treating this as if he is picking people at random. The statistics do not show that he is targeting a specific ethnic or gender group.
There was an interesting report on, I beleave, channel 9 (local news) the other day. Now, this is the same station that gave air time to an 'expert' who said the Tarot Card proved it wasn't an American. So take this as you will. According to the report, initially the Montgomery County Police had decided to engage in a kind of conversation with the attacker. They figured he was watching the news, and so used words like coward a lot. I can't remember specifics, but the attempt was to get him to fuck up. But, it seems to have back fired. The police said it seemed to be confined to Montgomery County, the next shooting was in Stafford County, VA (technically outside the DC metro area, though a lot of people who work in DC have moved down there to escape the city). They said schools were safe, and the next shooting was the 13 year old outside of his school. And, what I found most interesting. I can't date the statement, but it was before the Tarot Card. The MC police chief said something to the effect of, "I hope to god, we will find some kind of explanation to this, once this person is caught." The first leaked message from the killer announced that he was "Dear Mr. Policeman: I am God." This opens the possibility, in my head, that the person was saying less that they were god, and more that they know why they are doing it. But, this is just my interpretation.
NOTE: after the child was shot, the police stopped this tactic. The child was only the second shooting since this tactic had been instituted (the shooting in Fredricksburg was the first)
On the subject of fear. People are deffinetly scared around here. I started to crack today. I left my car in a parking lot, and got a ride into work this morning. When I got dropped off at the car, I found myself shifting around while I got my coat and bag into the car. At home, while I was pulling out my mailbox key, I found myself getting close to the oppisite wall, and trying to make sure I moved around a bit. I've also got about a quarter tank of gas left in my car, and I'm trying to figure out which gas station I should go to when I need to fill up. A report tonight said that a poll of local resteraunts have found that dine-in is down, while carry out is up. Malls are seeing a deffinete drop in buisness.
I do have to concur though about the level of cooperation going on here. From all outward signs, it appears that ATF and FBI are working with state and local officials very well. This is rare. Of course, there are two main factors that probably play into this. One, location, labs are a car ride away, instead of a plane ride. And two, location, the directors of these organizations, live in the area. They and their families are at risk. And their jobs are at risk, if their organization is seen as dropping the ball. This is a very political city.
Chief Moose (sp?): personally, I think the guy is handling himself well. I tend to take the pauses as someone who is choosing their words very carefully. This guy is obviously being coached in what to say and what not to say. You also have to realize, that while Montgomery County does border one of the most violent cities in the country, it sees little of that violence. As they said on the news that first day, their murder rate had just doubled for the year. This guy never expected to have this attention when he took the job.
All and all? I'm glad I'm the only person in my immediate family that hasn't moved out of the DC area. My folks moved to the other side of the Chesapeake Bay last June (my dad retired) and I'm VERY glad for that. While I wouldn't say panic is setting in, people are on edge. |