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Invisibles Virgin


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21:27 / 16.10.02
Somewhere in his site, Morrison explains that his apotheosis consisted in being revealed that the universe is in reality a larval stage for a pentamdimensional being. He claims that this was told to him by another of those pentadimensional beings.
The Falcon
01:26 / 17.10.02
May, the metamorphosis is what we call a SPOILER. Leave it just now, but suffce to say it's to do with the end of the Mayan calendar, and Terrence McKenna's predictions (? on the latter.)
18:53 / 17.10.02
Thank you Duncan and Ciarconn, I will look into it a bit later.

I think that you are not too far off Cusm. HAnging from a tree is actually an excellent idea. Since it is not exactly a practical thing for me to do, I am going to improvise an bit and buy a hanging chair for my bedroom. At least it is incredibly functional there.

I intend to use it for recapitulation and also for the reading of the Invisibles, alot like Taisha Abelar used the treehouse and hanging box in "A Sorceror's Crossing".

01:58 / 22.10.02
May, you've inspired me to reread the invisibles. I hope the effects are similar to (or an extention) of the effects it had when I first read it.
12:39 / 22.10.02
That is wonderful Imp!

I would love to know how it goes, if you do not mind sharing. There will be some time before I can do the journey myself, since I will wait for the TPBs, to be completed.

How are you planning to do it?
22:20 / 22.10.02
Same as I did it before... in order and compressing six years of narrative into six days
20:52 / 25.12.02
I am going to participate in thisInvisibles reading experiment, finally, I got all the TPBs for crhistmas (seemed ironic enough), but I forgot to tell my wife this might make me crazy (though she has seen how I get qhen I read The Filth)
The experience was magickal from the begining, when one of my god-daughters gave me one of the books, and I oppened the package, the first thing I read was "It's all lies". I could not stop myself from laughing. Then, my younger god-daguther gave me another one, and the first thing I read was "It's all true".

Started reading today.
02:03 / 26.12.02
This is VERY funny -- because in the past month I have had the desire to re-read the entire series, now that I have it all in paperback. I didn't even really notice this thread of May's when I got the plan in my head to do so. I started reading it in earnest from issue 1 a few days ago -- and off I go! This is cool stuff....nice to hear that others have had the same inspiration. Maybe more will come out of this group reading/working than we realize at present...I want to divide my time between re-reading the series and working on my own hypersigil.
05:45 / 27.12.02
HunterWolf - that sounds like a really good plan. I definitely need to write myself a new future, will probably get an outline together over the next few days and launch it on the new moon.
13:35 / 27.12.02
Well, I have alot on the go right now, and it doesn't look like any break for me till spring. So, I am certainly going to do this then, it is on the agenda and I have made room for it. I sometimes get the urge to peak under the covers, but I resist...
15:32 / 27.12.02
I just started reading them for the first time, myself. I'd avoided The Invisibles more-or-less consciously for some time, for reasons that have never been entirely clear. I think, given the circle my friends who are reeeally into it, there may have been (still be?) a fear of being folded into someone else's narrative at the expense of my own...? I don't know. But anyway, this thread finally gave me the little push I needed. I couldn't find the paperback (no decent comics shops near where we were last night), but I managed to scrape up the first two issues. I found them mildly compelling, but not (yet) gripping. I have noticed in myself a heightened air of vigilance, though, and some interesting bursts of synchronicity (including several songs on the radio coming to work - none of them by P.Floyd - containing references to "the dark side of the moon" and "falling over the edge"). Enough to commit me to the experiment.

Oh, and on my way into the bookstore I passed a kid wearing a "Chaos: it's what's for dinner" t-shirt.

15:42 / 27.12.02
I'd avoided The Invisibles more-or-less consciously for some time, for reasons that have never been entirely clear. I think, given the circle my friends who are reeeally into it, there may have been (still be?) a fear of being folded into someone else's narrative at the expense of my own...? I don't know.

Wow, that was exactly my reluctance.
18:43 / 27.12.02
MayTricks wrote:
Wow, that was exactly my reluctance.

MT: What do you think changed your mind (or do you still feel that, but are going ahead anyway?)

I suppose I could always counter with my own hypersigil narrative that incorporates The Invisibles... (actually, has anyone done anything similar to this)?

21:12 / 27.12.02
Lep, (may I call you Lep?)

I really don't like anything that interferes with my thinking process, short of direct transmission, but I have to wonder where excatly I begin and the world ends. I don't know where that is sooooo....

What the Hell!

Seriously, I guess I just feel I should try this, it has me in it's grips already, I do not feel the choice is mine anymore.
01:09 / 28.12.02
[cue scary music]



[big crash of minor chords and general discordant noise]
De Selby
07:02 / 28.12.02

its all a game!!!!

no not really


does anyone actually know?

This is the wildest ride comics has to offer. After this its like going from IMAX to grainy black and white. GM will never be able to beat this, at least not in comics. But the best thing is that he won't have to.

MayTricks - it gets worse.

Virgins - read, regurgitate, re-read, repeat. You'll love it!!!

11:51 / 28.12.02
So, I am not crazy, right? At least not about this, anyway.
Pirate Ven Will Teach You To Lambada (The Forbidden Dance)
16:27 / 28.12.02
So, I am not crazy, right? At least not about this, anyway.

I'm guessing not.
The Invisibles really upped the synchronicity level in my life.
To the point where my life was really one big Synchronicity.
Maybe it just made me notice these things more (the same thing happened when I was reading Illuminatus for the first time, too).
Maybe I'm crazy. I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter.

And the reptile-brain-eggs thing is very interesting to me.
I had an...experience as I was reading The Invisibles for the first time where I compared my mind to a "worm" (this thought occured to me before I got to Volume 3, mind you).
What happened to the "brainworm" when I finished probably wouldn't come as a surprise, but might still be a kinda-not-really-major-spoiler.

This thread has made me decide to reread the series again, as well.
Even though I never get into Volume 1 a whole lot until I get to Arcadia.
13:57 / 29.12.02
I am going now into vol 3. The most interesting effect has been a "dual" awareness that sees behind most things, the idea of the conspiration everpresent. Sometimes it got scary because there are many similarities to things in my own past (without the killings, of course). I am enjoying it.
10:36 / 30.12.02
I know how you feel...

After four years of buying the comics, I managed through some wierd time slip to miss the Countdown, so it's only now that I've managed to find out how it all ends...

I'm pretty sure that if I'd thought about it, the energy that got released could have 'blown up reality' (to quote KM) if I'd've channelled it properly...

Oh yeah, any idea where I might be able to get hold of the letters pages? I always found them really useful for new ideas...
12:15 / 30.12.02
Wah! First surreal headslip in my Invisibles reading, and it happened through a remarkably simple mechanism. I was re-reading the first issue the day after I bought it, and I guess two of the pages had clung together on the first read, because I opened the book at random and ACK! I opened right on the super-bright neon-psychedelic stands-out-from-everything-else-in-the-book pages (trying to avoid spoilers for the rest of the virgins, so no plot cues, but if you've read it you know what I mean), which I was SURE weren't there the night before. I blinked a lot to make sure it was still there. The funny part is, the pages immediately preceeding and following the screaming-neon-eye-death pages run together seamlessly, so there was no jump in continuity to make me think I had skipped anything. It was like the book was telling me, "so you thought I was no big deal, huh? There's more here, you know...."

[yes, MT, Lep' is fine ]


"I now declare this bridge open."
gotham island fae
15:56 / 30.12.02
I acquired the entire series and read it (in completely jumbled order) during my Yule trip to New York. The first and last TPB's were read both in the Irish Pub over single malt Jameson and at the corner of Church and Liberty at the WTC site on the morning of December 23 between the hours of 12:45 and 4:45 am.

The purchasing of the rest of the series came later and coincided with my discovery of Nema's Maat Magick, the same day. The significance of this parallel lies in the AllNowAllOne ideas that I discovered in my reading of Grant Morrison's epic. Big, fat correspondences between Barbelith and N'aton, in my book.

No concerns so far with cranium incubation or hypersigil entrapment. Perhaps, that is because I accidentally made Grant Irish in my personal fiction-game. PLEASE forgive that stupidity. However, I seriously believe that it may have effected the situation. Having a completely incorrect head-set regarding the author kept the specificity of his hypersigil from wrapping fully around me. The important points that transcend Grant's perspective specifically remained present in my reading/working. At the same time, reading this imaginary, Irish Morrison, kept the real, Scottish Morrison from grabbing me up in his multi-level text-spell.

Gad. Did that make sense, at all?
16:08 / 30.12.02
Well, clearly, reading Grant's "multi-level text spell" doesn't only benefit Grant, it benefits the reader as well, otherwise people wouldn't have so many reports of synchronicities and things coming into play in their lives of a magickal nature, right? I think it benefits all parties.
gotham island fae
17:05 / 30.12.02
Well, clearly, reading Grant's "multi-level text spell" doesn't only benefit Grant, it benefits the reader as well

It's not so much a matter of benefit as Self-directed Will. While I am currently attempting to further my connections to the greater unified Will of humanity (if ya buy into that), I am also working on strengthening my personal Will. In my take on it, both currents must be strong. I didn't intend to separate myself from Grant's reality tunnel. It happened unconsciously. My actual intent was to tie more directly to his position. The fact that in doing so, I actually separated mySelf implies to me that even the unified Will didn't want me directly tied up in the Invisibles' hypersigil.
01:35 / 31.12.02
Whups! I lost your thought a little... Some of it is a lack of shared vocabulary, I know... but I suspect that not all of my confusion can be blamed on that.

I understand having some distance/shielding from Morrison's hypersigil due to your casting of him as being Irish, not getting into his reality tunnel because of it. But I'm not clear on the various intents and Wills...

I'm not sure how to translate "...I actually separated mySelf implies to me that even the unified Will didn't want me directly tied up in the Invisibles' hypersigil."

My vocabulary: I have mundane concerns and intents and desires (that I can be quite passionate about), and intents and desires that are about why I'm actually here, now, (things that I mark with capitalization for Will and Self and Desire), and then there are things that I consider to be the Will of the Universe - the things that I experience that aren't necessarily on a personal scale (sort of like the influence of Pluto, which is more generational than personal, if you follow astrology).

In an ideal world, these might all be congruent, but I refuse to believe that large-scale events like earthquakes and railroad chemical spills are arranged specifically as learning experiences for me...
15:23 / 31.12.02
Dialogue from imaginary movie based on Frater fae's post:

'Pretend they're Irish! It'll protect you!'
15:41 / 31.12.02
Sorry Iszabelle, those were aimed at me!

I interpret it to mean "you've got the final bit. What are you waiting for?". Even without having finished the series, 2002 has been the weirdest year to date. Can't begin to imagine what 2003 is gonna be like... once I'm fully Invisbled up.
21:19 / 31.12.02
...too bad you were'nt reading when these "anomalies" were taking place alongside the Di's joyride,etc...
gotham island fae
17:11 / 02.01.03
Iszabelle: I have mundane concerns and intents and desires (that I can be quite passionate about), and intents and desires that are about why I'm actually here, now, (things that I mark with capitalization for Will and Self and Desire), and then there are things that I consider to be the Will of the Universe - the things that I experience that aren't necessarily on a personal scale (sort of like the influence of Pluto, which is more generational than personal, if you follow astrology)

Recognizing the difference between these two Wills is the task I have before me magickally, at the moment. With the Invisibles, I have received a further strengthening of the understanding that every individual particle (read: entity) in the larger, interconnected web of Universe is wholly valid and true. As above, so below. The Universal imprint exists at the smallest level. Therefore, individual Wills are relative reflections of the Collective (Divine/True/Unified) Will. The separation is arbitrary, in my understanding, relative to numerous finite perspectives in what I perceive to be infinite, dimensional possibility. I am building the understanding that a portion of Morrison's intent is to foster this conception of time-space/existence-experience as one fluid whole.

As for the real lesson I've learned, so far...

'Pretend they're Irish! It'll protect you!'

Hah! Ha ha ha ha!

(with no comment upon any perceived inefficacy of the Irish peoples :P )
08:31 / 07.01.03
Reading the thread to date has got me really interested in actually reading The Invisibles. Did a search on Amazon, and it pops up with 6 books that seem to be part of the series and a 7th called 'The Invisibles: The Invisible Kingdom'. A couple of questions: how many books are there in total and where does the Invisible Kingdom fit into the mix.

Devil's Avocado
12:45 / 07.01.03
I've been reading and rereading the Invisibles continuosly since about issue 10 of the first series. I loved every minute, the letters page was indeed often better than the comic itself.
All that time I lauched, cried and shuddered at the concepts, ideas, and hints at occult reality, notching up wave after wave of synchronicity.

BUT it was only one month ago that I actually 'got it'. Whatever you call the experience, Alien Abduction, Satanic Abuse, Shamanic Trial, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (to quote GM), my reference is Conversation and Knowledge of my Holy Guardian Angel, it's all the same thing. Every one of the characters go through their own 'unique' initiation. GM was trying to initiate us all to the very highest level 'using no way as way' to quote Bruce Lee, or rather 'every way as way'.

It is a powerful spell, and looking at it now I can see just how many 'triggers' GM put in. In fact they are almost all I can see now, the narrative just being a vehicle for these glimses of truth, giving us additional knowledge lectures and keeping us laughing along the way.

I don't think we have to worry about being co-opted into GM's narrative. What we do have to worry about, especially reading all of it in one sitting is in it doing exactly what it says on the packet, and triggering an 'ego annihilation followed by euphoric reintegration and sense of extended understanding. And just to make clear : ego annihilation. Facing ego death. Pulling up *all* the anchors and casting off, just hoping there's enough left to peice a functional ego back together on the way down.

It's what we are supposed to do, but I wouldn't wish anyone to go through the stress I've had in the past month visiting my best friend in mental hospital praying he can put the peices back together (-he did about a week later).

If you are up for it, then do it!, but probably best to get someone close to keep an eye on you..
14:20 / 07.01.03
Finished reading the whole, understood a lot of things, and got sick like hell
18:40 / 07.01.03
Matrix, I think you're having a common reaction to any good mindfuck. You're keen enough to sense where Grant may lead you and you are rightfully wary to begin the journey. If you fear your own sensitivites may be hit too hard, take a step back and examine those fears, strengthen your Self, and perform the appropriate rituals of protection before you begin. Me, I like to dive in headlong and and throw myself at the mercy of the experience, then spin out and process for 6 months.

I originally read the series issue by issue thanks to a close friend with a keen eye for alt comics. Fortunately I already had a pretty strong background in magick and shamanism so the mindfuck wasn't too intense (but Damn! it still blew my mind!). Now reading this thread I'm really anxious to try the marathon and read the whole thing straight through (probably with the help of some lysergic amides...). Now I also have a deeper understanding of what GM was trying to do (I knew nothing about him originally), so it will be interesting to reread the series with his filters (I suspect the effect will be much greater - the sigil may behave more closely to it's original intent).

For those wary of Grant's intent, my impression is that's it's good but with a very Trickster edge. He's offering the wayward stranger a lift but you have no idea where he will take you. His work is intimately autobiographical, an evolving sigil reflecting and informing his experiences over that period, ulitmately driven by a strong shamanic experience he had in, i believe, Tibet. As mentioned in this thread, the universe was revealed to him by outer entities as a larval stage of a higher dimensional organism, pupating/mutating/evolving into it's future form. The Maya and the McKenna brothers both predicted this next evolutionary phase will occur in 2012.

For re-enforcement I suggest reading Robert Anton Wilson's "Cosmic Trigger 1", "Prometheus Rising", and "Illuminatus Trilogy". Also see Terence McKenna's "Archaic Revival" , and "Invisible Landscape". For the truly daring, find some DMT and talk with the higher dimensional entities yourself (Disclaimer: do this at your own risk; and if you do, make sure everything is JUST RIGHT before embarking). And of course, any familiarity with Magick and Chaos Magick will help the reader tackle The Invisibles.

Although I wonder if the sigil works best on those who have little or no background in these systems, or if prior knowledge would lend greater depth to it's working...I suspect the latter, but perhaps it's best to read it once in a fairly open frame of mind, then reread it armed with the knowledge.
15:47 / 12.01.03
OK, I just HAD to post this here. I'm about halfway through my re-read of THE INVISIBLES -- it's been slow but I like it that way, I want to savor it. Anyway, I'm auditioning for a major NYC acting studio yesterday. I finished reading Lord Fanny's life story about a week or so back. My scene partner turns to me and says she's trying to think of a joke to make us laugh before we start our scene, to keep us relaxed before we go in for the audition.

She turns to me and asks tells me the joke that Fanny tells the death god in order to leave his realm safely ('cot death babies').

I was shocked at this synchronicity, esp. because I'd never heard that joke at ALL before I read it in THE INVISIBLES and I've never heard it since, except for yesterday when my friend pulled it out. I'd never heard anyone tell it -- had only read it in the comic. I took this as an auspicious event and a synchronicity telling me that our audition would be terrific and fun, easy-like. And it was.

Also a synchronicity (of the small-world variety) was that one of the people helping out at the auditions was an old acting teacher of mine, it was fun to see her and made me feel at home there.

Oh, and also, in the cab on the way to the audition, I saw the "IXAT" reflected in a window and I smiled. I had been worried that I would be late to the audition because the subways were fucked up, so I just took a cab and said to myself, "I'll get there with time to spare," sort of with magickal intent. And the god IXAT certainly did get me there with time to spare.

Just one example of the many INVISIBLES re-reading synchronicities people have been reporting. Oh, and two guys were talking about the director of DONNIE DARKO speaking at a midnight showing in NYC the day after I read about that same showing over in The Gathering. I wasn't able to go, but I thought it was a nice coincidence that I heard two guys talking about it right next to me on the subway yesterday.

Peace out.
The Return Of Rothkoid
20:56 / 12.01.03
Having read most of the run before - I borrowed another poster's TPBs - I'm in the process of picking up the collections, one per pay cycle. So my rereading is about to commence... I hope I have the same sort of reaction this time around that y'all have...

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