Tainted how? I'm curious...
As far as reading more, you've got a bunch of options. You can, of course, stop. You can pause, wait for the unease to settle, let whatever's been triggered get integrated, and then go for another small dose. Or, you can wait until November when the final trade edition comes out, treat this as a full-on shamanic journey and swallow them all at once, then see what comes out the other side...
Interesting that you also have reptiles in your head. I've had the experience of having the snake that lives at the base of my brain wake up, kind of stretch and shift, then curl up and go back to sleep as a physical sensation... ('course, I was on hallucinogens at the time, but it was profound nonetheless)
I like the idea of brain as egg - thanks for that visual. They hatch things out all the time: memes, behaviors, art, worldviews and consensual reality. I'm going to start viewing my magickal acts as launching hatchlings with conscious intent, see what happens from that framing.
[Shrieks of laughter] Darlin' - Grant Morrison just fucked (with) your head (egg). The hatchlings have to be something other than normal! [/shrieks] |