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So uh...what're you going to be for Halloween?


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10:53 / 02.10.02
I'm gonna be a pirate. A) well, isn't it obvious? and B) it's the only costume I have.
14:33 / 02.10.02
Well, the Voltron costume's probably within reaosn, but the real wet dream part of this project for me would be to construct a "blazing sword" that actually telescopes out of the right arm, possibly unfolding quickly like a magician's wand. THEN LIGHT THAT FUCKER ON FIRE!!!

OK, that's just not going to happen.
15:59 / 02.10.02
You might try doing a search for "electroluminescent wire" or "EL wire" near you. Inverters (the electric things that light up the wire) are cheapish (around 2-5 for a simple, 9v battery one) and the wire lights up like flexible neon.
18:14 / 02.10.02
I'll just stay in I expect and then tell everyone afterwards that I went as the invisible man.
Murray Hamhandler
18:15 / 02.10.02
I know, it's crap. I had ten minutes to do it. But here you go.

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:40 / 02.10.02
Van Plague?
01:47 / 03.10.02
I think I'm going to be a Ghost Pirate this year.

International Talk Like a Pirate day taught me a valuable lesson;
Pirates rule but I'm far too quiet to go around shouting and verbally abusing people for extended periods.

I will be piratey coolness quietly.
Saint Keggers
02:02 / 03.10.02
I will do nothing but place a mirror on my face and go as "The look on your face when your realize im nekkid!"
07:35 / 03.10.02
Deric, that's incredible. I am actually going to spend Hallowne dressed as you in your honour.
Murray Hamhandler
20:24 / 03.10.02
Super, Illmatic. I'll lend you my skin, as I won't be needing it that night.

Okay. That picture of MODOK SHAWN is really starting to curdle my bowels now. Poorly done and yet, somehow, still disturbing to the extreme.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
03:38 / 31.10.02
This year I hit the usual parties as a Nun in a PVC habit. Even killed my beard to do it. Don't know what I'll do on the night itself though. I wouldn't be cought dead in tight ankle length PVC at the Rasputina concert I'm hitting this year.
rizla mission
11:31 / 31.10.02
I'm gonna be sporting eye-liner, nail varnish, Robert Smith style hair and "No God But Satan" T-Shirt, and I'm going to the pictures to see 'Bloodfest' and 'Ghostwatch' before parting-on-down somewhere or other and hopefully desecrating some graves. Pretty good, yes?
11:48 / 31.10.02
Especially the "Ghostwatch" part - scary stuff!
Tryphena Absent
14:05 / 31.10.02
I bought a black witches hat with orange spots on it and I'm going to wear fishnet tights... not doing so well this year. My housemate looks gorgeous as Elvira though!
Mourne Kransky
15:40 / 31.10.02
Being a bit broke, we are going to get pissed on cheap vinto tinto and dook for nectarines (old Scottish custom, bruised nectarines on sale cheap in corner shop). Since we have no costumes, Ganesh and I will be doing this naked, thus simultaneously tricking and treating the curious neighbours.

His Lawrence-Llewellyn-Bowen-ness has festooned the flat with gorgeous fairy lights to banish evil spirits, which is shame because Beelzebub and his ithyphallic minions might have added to the merry devilry of our All Hallows' Eve a fair bit.

Off to munch on a soggy old fruit, then...
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:44 / 31.10.02

I am stupidly excited about a Halloween party this Saturday...

Friend and I are going as a 'paradise lost' god and lucifer - she wanted to be a fallen angel so I'm going as god....basically all in white (which should be pretty dramatic as I have asian colouring): white hair/lips/long cigarette holder/dress shirt/trousers (with a bunch of appropriate milton quotes scrawled on the trousers)/sandals/lightning bolts for the bad kiddies and sparklers for the good kiddies... and a minidisc/speakers of appropriate samples/effects - trumpets, Hallelujah chorus, patti smith's gloria, ian paisley sermons etc all fed through filters and fx...

am looking forward to being in character, omniscient and alternately merciful and vengeful...

v. excited. (altho' a bit nervous as the grapevine tells me that we're going to have a John Leslie at the party... eech.)
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
01:40 / 01.11.02
ok, so anyhow, adam ant fell through, so i am now dressed a D-Fens from Falling Down
Spatula Clarke
23:46 / 02.11.02
Very late and deeply boring, our Halloween party saw me put some slap on and go as a red devil type bloke. It's only now that I notice the warning on the side of the can of hair spray - not to be used on blonde or light brown hair - that I start to worry. I've also got two huge lumps on my head where the suction cap horns were placed.

Despite this, I was quite chuffed with the result. Up until someone decided that we were going to bob for apples, that is.
The Tower Always Falls
21:45 / 03.11.02
I was absurdly proud of my Halloween costume this year actually. I have this gas mask someone gave to me for my birthday (I have an absurd collection of masks lining my walls). Toss on a pin-stripe black suit with black shirt/white tie and a fedora. Add on faerie wings and we have moi.

The Anthrax Faerie.

I brought envelopes filled with powdered sugar and adressed to "Victims of Terrorism"
06:58 / 04.11.02

Scary, isn't it?
The Natural Way
08:29 / 04.11.02
I make a fucking convincing MIKE MANSFIELD, it turns out.

"Cue the MUSIC!"
The Natural Way
09:33 / 04.11.02
Oh, and thanks to Cherry and Sleaze for all round skilliance. I hope yr trips remained as pleasant as mine did, inspite of the runce-shaped gap on the bed. I mean, how could you survive w/out me.... I'm sure it's possible, but it must've been really hard.

And, of course, to Bengali for being her usual excellent self, but this time with added Godness.

MassiveMansfieldMarriage! to you all.
Spatula Clarke
16:38 / 04.11.02

Note: bears no relation to what I look like normally. My anonymity is assured. Stalking activities shall continue unhindered.
The Tower Always Falls
17:08 / 04.11.02
Scary, isn't it?

You were sperm? NEAT! I'd be pretty terrified as well...
Baz Auckland
20:54 / 28.10.05
After doing nothing last year for Hallowe'en, my friends and I have sort of gone overboard this year... Inspired by wanting to be a 'Warriors' style gang, tomorrow night we shall be...The Brides of Christ!

The 4 of us are donning wedding dresses, and complete with crucifix weapons (crucifix knives, nunchucks, guns, and clubs), some stigmata, and maybe some glow-in-the-dark rosaries will stalk the streets end up in some bar or something... but still! I'm pretty excited...

Anyone else dressing up this weekend?
Tim Tempest
21:11 / 28.10.05
I think I might dress up as Jack Handy.
21:19 / 28.10.05
Ack. You baz-astards and your good ideas.

I've got nothing. Save for a keen zombie mask, a red sparkly Elvis costume (that's very thin and very short on me. Makes me feel like I'm 400lbs and stole his young Elvis uniform) that I've worn damn near every year since 2002 and several hats (including a Russian cossack hat, a derby and a fedora) and not much else.

Even put together, it's a crap costume.
ibis the being
21:23 / 28.10.05
I don't waaaaanna dress up. I hate dressing up for Halloween.
23:24 / 28.10.05
I'm a mummy!
Okay. I'm broke. But I can afford rolls of gauze bandage.
23:48 / 28.10.05
So, Heironemus are you aiming for the Deadman look?

03:06 / 29.10.05
We had a pretty stonkin' good Halloween party last Saturday. My costume:
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
05:32 / 29.10.05
Just got back from my campus Halloween party not an hour and a half ago. It rocked. My costume was, apparently, quite scary (pictures uploading soon), and won me a big bag full of CDs courtesy of our campus radio station.

Was a good time.
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
05:41 / 29.10.05
My costume. The angle's a bit wonky, so I look signifigantly shorter than I actually am.

rising and revolving
19:44 / 29.10.05
I'm going as a Dollar Store. I just went and bought $20 worth of assorted cheap and useless nick-nacks, which I intend to hang off my body with pieces of string.

And I stole their "Everything $1" sign, to stick on my back. Which is technically a bad thing, but I just can't feel guilty about it, no matter how I try.
Mourne Kransky
21:45 / 29.10.05
I am going to impersonate a pumpkin. Mind you, I do that all year long.

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