Jack: You don't have to do this. You can refuse.
Contrary to how they may seem to the rest of the posters who don't know how we relate to each other, my questions were light-hearted, not malicious in the slightest. As far as being crummy in-jokes, I have self-censored the obviously silly stuff on my part and included the meat of what I'd like to ask. Your point is taken, although I would have enjoyed to see you answer the originals.
However, having trimmed my own questions down has made me aware of the fact that your questions are pretty damn good, second only to Haus in the interviews we've done so far. There wasn't a lot of stuff that I removed from my own questions, but in the interests of fair-play I've left everyone elses intact.
So you can refuse if you want, but it'd be a shame. The final run down of questions is listed below. As far as my vote for next week, I reckon we should just say that Flyboy has been voted in already, because I want to see him answer his lot from this week. All in favour?
JtB's questions:
- G K Chesterton had views about patriotism, war and British national identity that many would assume to be controversial today. If he suddenly sprang back to life ten years ago, and spent the intervening time between then and now catching up with world events, what would be the first subject he'd address if he were asked to write a newspaper editorial, and how would he handle it?
- If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be? If you wouldn't change a thing, why not?
- Hypocritamus, ephemerat and yourself: who will be the first to finish a novel? Explain your answer as bitchily as possible.
- Goth icon of your choice disses you for not being Goth Enough. What is your reply, without recourse to eye-rolling and use of high-pitched "Fine!"?
- You're forced to exchange music collections with another member of this board. Who would you choose? Why would you choose them? What do you think they'd make of your CD collection? Would it be a fair trade?
- You wake up one morning and realise that you're Satan (please, no "I get that every morning," or "I realise that I don't really exist and disappear in a puff of logic" jokes). Do you try to make amends for all the pain and anguish you've caused, or are you philosophical about your place in the Universe?
- Explain the Parable of the Unjust Steward.
- You discover a treasure trove of books, movies and music in a second hand store. There's all kinds of stuff that you've always wanted but never been able to find. If you could pay for ten items only, what would you get? What made you choose those items?
- Why did you take your name from a character from the Galactic Mileau Trilogy?
- Marillion doing Lavender's Green on TOTP, with Fish trying to do Bob Dylan and being defeated by an A3 pad-- laughable, or strangely endearing?
- Who's harder- Alexander Pope or Pope Alexander?
- If it takes three men four days to dig a hole, how long does it take them to realise that the fourth bloke's been doing fuck all and just nipping off for a spliff all the time? (to the nearest three hours).
- What are the best and worst things about being related to expressionless, and how do you think your answers will affect the interpretation of his posts by the rest of barbelith in the future?
- You have unlimited funds to build and run your dream night club (or pub, or gentlemen's excuse-me, or what-have-you). You don't have to worry about making it a going concern. What would it be like, this dream venue of yours? Please go into as much detail as you can - music policy, furniture, dress code, ambience, toilet arrangements, location, smell, architecture etc
- You have taken your rightful place as Queen of the Solar System. Tradition demands that you declare 3 new laws for the people of your adopted home planet - Earth. What are they? Your new laws, that is. What are the new laws, Jack?
- Recount in as much detail as you can any favourite or significant childhood memory.
- You: puritan or hedonist? Whichever it is, do you have any sympathies for the other?
- Which person, theory, movement etc of the last, um, 50 years or so, do you think has had the worst influence on Western culture? And which the best, or most positive?
- Are you, or have you ever been a member? Please list all non work related organisations, and supply anecdotes as you see fit.
- Will your brother get angry if I cough politely and mention the Barbebreaks CD again?
- Given that you are on a path to enlightenment and that, further, a necessary component in your path to enlightenment is a horrific ritual Shamanic ordeal involving sleeping with a politician, which politician do you choose? Any time, place or environment; from Caligula to Kennedy, Mussolini to Mowlam, Batista to Blair. Tell us why. And if they were any good. And if you're going back for seconds.
- You've died. A cute goth chick/chap WHO TALKS IN CAPITALS/politically sensitive version of Saint Peter has offered you a choice of afterlife. Which do you pick? No wishy-washy calls for eternal paradise, coz' it's like, paradise (The Paradise You Never Realised You Wanted!TM) - all stereotypes apply: Heaven's full of flagellates and harp strummers, Hell has cooler tenants but the air-con's fucked and the staff are sadistic shits, Valhalla's stuffed with boozy brawlers and chainmail-clad women etc. Why do you go there? What will you do?
- You're asked to post in the Why no proof? thread in the Magick forum: an intelligent post that furthers the topic and states your case. What do you post?
- Your house is on fire. Fortunately, there's no-one else in the building, and a truck full of pillows recently shed its load onto the pavement below your bedroom window. Just before you hurl yourself out of the window, you have time to grab exactly five albums from your music collection. What are they, and why?
- You're forced to spend five years of your life learning a new skill of your choosing, during which time maintaining a steady income is not a problem. What would you opt for, and why? How would it change your life?
- Compare and contrast exp with JtB (fictionsuits, IRL or both: your choice). What are our strengths and weaknesses? If I were to write the same essay, how do you thinnk it would compare to yours? Finally, imagine if someone with a good, unbiased knowledge of both of us wrote the same essay - how do you think that would compare? |