Bloody hell, it's only f***ing Tuesday! Calm down!
Right. I'm not quite sure why - call it an instinct, if you like; a desire to see natural justice done, perhaps; a deep rooted sense of righteousness, probably - but I believe my vote should count twice. My vote (or votes) goes (go) to Jack the Bodiless. My questions SO FAR (and they're not the best questions, I just wanted to register my vote, really) are:
1. You have unlimited funds to build and run your dream night club (or pub, or gentlemen's excuse-me, or what-have-you). You don't have to worry about making it a going concern. What would it be like, this dream venue of yours? Please go into as much detail as you can - music policy, furniture, dress code, ambience, toilet arrangements, location, smell, architecture etc
2. You have taken your rightful place as Queen of the Solar System. Tradition demands that you declare 3 new laws for the people of your adopted home planet - Earth. What are they? Your new laws, that is. What are the new laws, Jack?
3. Recount in as much detail as you can any favourite or significant childhood memory.
4. You: puritan or hedonist? Whichever it is, do you have any sympathies for the other?
5. Which person, theory, movement etc of the last, um, 50 years or so, do you think has had the worst influence on Western culture? And which the best, or most positive?
6. Are you, or have you ever been a member? Please list all non work related organisations, and supply anecdotes as you see fit.
7. Will your brother get angry if I cough politely and mention the Barbebreaks CD again? |