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Lithers world map


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jUne, a sunshiny month
08:28 / 18.09.02
With many of the lithers moving from a place to another, what about creating a world map, a planisphere, with our locations and geographical situations ? no, it's not a brilliant idea, i already know that (as i know that ill not get more than 2 answers, if i'm lucky enough), and it won't serve any good purpose, but...
anyone who want to join could send me their location details like "longitude" or "lattitude", or we don't need much nothing else than the town's name.
the result ? nothing important but a quite simple resume of the lith occupation...
08:55 / 18.09.02
June, disturbingly I have been thinking about this very concept myself over the past few days.

Hmmmm, I wonder why there is a location meme flowing?
10:35 / 18.09.02
Not too sure on the whole longitude/latitude thing, but London ought to be easy enough to find...
11:11 / 18.09.02
Hmm well I'd have to look up the Lattitude but my house is pretty much at 0 Degrees Longitude. Red arrows flew down it during an anniversary and almost knocked my dad off the roof

This might be helpful, has lat and long for almost every big city in the world.
11:13 / 18.09.02
Oh also found out that can convert your address to lat/long. Click on the small convert measurement link just above your map.
jUne, a sunshiny month
11:54 / 18.09.02
angel : you got to know that i'm cassandra nova's son, maybe this is why. each time i think about something, it happens... mmmmh... uh? GIANT SWIMMING POOL FILLED WITH VANILLA ICE CREAM ???
hmmm. well, maybe not.

invisible Al : thanks for the links, could be precious if the lith map is done...

and Stoatie, if you got any ideas aside longitude/latitude, go for it, as i wasn't sure of this untill Al post his links...
13:25 / 18.09.02
26° 41' N 80° 6' W
rizla mission
13:31 / 18.09.02
Once we've got everyone's grid ref., can we try joining them all up to make a crazy symbol of occult power? please?
14:03 / 18.09.02
I like Rizla's idea!

40° 30' N 80° 13' W
14:17 / 18.09.02
Well paint me located. Looks like I'm 40° 0' N - 105° 16' W
15:52 / 18.09.02
Brilliant idea about the symbol of power, Rizla. It'll be the ultimate Babelith hypersigil.

Gridley's Grid reference: 39° 53' N 75° 15' W
Morlock - groupie for hire
15:59 / 18.09.02
51° 28' N 0° 10' W, give or take a few hundred meters. Just to keep the fans away, you understand.
Saint Keggers
16:10 / 18.09.02
I worry about putting my coordinates on here..especially after someone having casually mentioned in another thread that "barbelith could have the bomb". There will be no more deleting'll be deleting people. And Im sure at least one 'lither is working on a giant space laser.

that being said;
45° 28' N 73° 45' W
Mourne Kransky
16:18 / 18.09.02
Go to 55° 55' N, 3° 11' W, and ask for Crazy Old Man ZoCher at the Slaughtered Lamb on the corner.
17:51 / 18.09.02
The homing beacon I managed to remove from my tooth can be located at 50º52' N - 0º14' W. I, however, could be anywhere...
18:38 / 18.09.02
What's the worst that can happen?

36° 33' N 87° 22' W
18:53 / 18.09.02
37:47:9.69 N 122:28:36.160 W

I'd love to see the globe with little strobing LEDs for each of us...
20:19 / 18.09.02
45° 19' N 75° 40' W
If you need something more specific, I'm living in the Four Holes in the city of Little Welland.
00:39 / 19.09.02
In a box, in a meat cooler, in a superette, in a city you will find me. 42° 56' N 71° 26' W

Maybe we could factor in the numbers on Rage's journey through the US. Longitude and Latitude alike.

June! What a great idea! I work at a repro shop and I can make HUGE maps. HUGE. I could use my national geographic map of the world and pinpoint 'lither info. Shipping from my work won't be expensive either...well maybe overseas it will be, but I will check. I could ship in bulk a bunch of maps in a tube at once. What did you have in mind?
Tryphena Absent
01:37 / 19.09.02
I live here- N 51: 39, W 0: 31. I couldn't find the little degree bubble thingamy probably because I should be resting my weary head.

I also live here- N 51: 29, W 3: 10
02:09 / 19.09.02
This is inexact but close enough for a dot on a world map:
36° 7' N 86° 41' W
8===>Q: alyn
02:10 / 19.09.02
Ok, call me stupid, but I don't know how to find this out.
02:19 / 19.09.02
40n56, 73w07 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday night)
40n43, 73w57 (THursday through Sunday)
Kase Taishuu
03:27 / 19.09.02
15° 52' S 47° 55' W (Brasilia)
the Fool
03:44 / 19.09.02
37s49, 144e58 (ye olde Melbourne towne)
jUne, a sunshiny month
06:03 / 19.09.02
remorse :
>I work at a repro shop and I can make HUGE
>maps. HUGE.
>I could ship in bulk a bunch of maps in a
>tube at once. What did you have in mind?

now that's sounds great, Remorse...
in fact, i did some world map with loads of details in one of my ex-jobs, and in fact it wasn't used at all ; i spent so many times on this shit (it's done on Illustrator, hotdammit !) that i was always thinking that one day it could be of use...
and the other day, i spoke with a friend about the 'Lith, about how great this worldwide community is. and he was like "worlwide ? you mean, somebody's not french on it ?"
so it made me thinking, yeah, it should be great to visualize with one eye shot how big the lithspiderweb is...
and using something vector-oriented will definitely be better than anything if we've got to make it big or if we need to zoom on it for localise Pin, Iconoplast, or anybody out there.

thanks for the reply, people.
i take note of you all and will start the mess.
so yeah, Rem, after this, i was thinking to print some of the maps, but large print are so fuckin expensive, and i only got a A3 printer...
how big can you go ? (uhhhh... well... you get the point...)
maybe you'll get tons of work if it's ok for you. we'll see this. thanks for the proposition, it's pretty cool.

hey, where are the others ?
8===>Q: alyn
22:09 / 19.09.02
I found this:

40° 46' N 73° 54' W

thru invisible al's first link (the second one threw me off -- I spent 20 minutes trying to find Brooklyn on a uk database. Dumbass.), but I don't like it. It's the nearest airport, which is, I guess, good enough for government work. The nearest airport isn't in Brooklyn, though.

I'll have to pull out my old nautical maps.
Murray Hamhandler
01:43 / 20.09.02
I like this. It would be nice to see a graphical representation of where 'Lithers are. Here's mine (apparently precise for my street address), found through

39:09:0.691N, 86:29:42.065W (Bloomington, IN, USA)
02:14 / 20.09.02

My more accurate location:
36:04:46.009N 86:39:18.785W
jUne, a sunshiny month
06:22 / 20.09.02
yesssssss ! keep'it comin', keep it comin'...
8===>Q: alyn
12:36 / 20.09.02
Bada bing:

Mr Tricks
19:05 / 20.09.02

37.847724 37:50:51.806N
-122.266215 122:15:58.374W
19:28 / 20.09.02
I go real big. Like three feet wide by however long. Plus I can splice two three foot prints together to make six feet by however long. Ya dig? I am sure there are 'discount' opportunites available also.
Spatula Clarke
23:26 / 20.09.02
Map Ref. 41N 93W. Arf.

In reality: N52:40:14 W2:45:58. I hope that means more to you than it does me.
00:09 / 21.09.02
N50:55:39 W1:26:04

As far as drawing the sigil, everyone who contributes must be arranged in alphabetical order, and then we'll do a simple join the dots picture in that order.

The result will be a crudely drawn penis being inserted into an ear canal.

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