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The Return Of NaNoWriMo!


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Jack Fear
16:42 / 01.11.02

I've got nothin', nothin' I tells ya. I'm still marking time, trying to find that hole in the paper so I can leap right through.
The Apple-Picker
14:41 / 02.11.02
After yesterday, I had 5,227 words. I want to kinda pace myself, though I do plan to have 20,000 words written by Monday evening.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
17:33 / 02.11.02
20,000? GREAT!!

I'm at 10,082, and don't have a whole lot the next two days to keep me from getting 2000 a day. I have to get my 2000 done before I go out for the RUSH concert (oh hush, I am an old skool geek boy and we even had a fighter named By-Tor in our AD&D campaign). Tomorrow, I'll reward myself with a movie if I get done in time for a matinee.
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
19:04 / 02.11.02
You know, I just found the 2443 words that I wrote last year.

And they're still crap.

Not again, I think. Did anyone actually complete it last year?
Eloi Tsabaoth
19:41 / 02.11.02
You're all fools, writing so much so early. You'll burn out, I tell you! Slow and steady wins the race! Bastards.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
20:04 / 02.11.02

I made my goal and can now relax tomorrow.

But I won't....I'll write on it tomorrow too. I have the sickness.
Eloi Tsabaoth
21:12 / 02.11.02
I want to know how Rothkoid is doing. My arse doesn't feel sufficiently Louis Gossett juniored.
The Apple-Picker
22:05 / 02.11.02
I'm up to 10,510 now. Wahoo. This is the most self-indulgent thing that I've ever written. And, please trust me, I've written a bevy of self-indulgent things (it's almost everything that I write).
The Apple-Picker
22:07 / 02.11.02
You're all fools, writing so much so early. You'll burn out, I tell you! Slow and steady wins the race! Bastards.

Unless the other racers are fast and steady.
Ethan Hawke
03:05 / 03.11.02
Jesus! Over 10,000 already! You're crazy! I want to get a mere 5,000 done by the end of the weekend.

In any case, I really, really like the style that's chosen me for the stuff I've written so far. Though when I read it all over again Monday it might not thrill me so much.
Ethan Hawke
03:07 / 03.11.02
Actually, I just looked at my stats and I wrote 1,200 words in an hour, so that makes me feel pretty good. Phhhht!!
The Apple-Picker
11:32 / 03.11.02
Oh Toddius. You just hush now. I'll always be your blog monkey, donchya know?

I'm glad that you've found a style, or rather, a style has found you you that pleases you. Is it Pinchon-free?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
22:46 / 04.11.02
Just....passed....15,000 and finished the first chapter.

This novel is going to be bigger that The Stand the way things are going. I'm going to have to start killing people off.
Eloi Tsabaoth
22:48 / 04.11.02
Am considerably behind you, but not too far behind my own goals. 5,282 words. I will succeed.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:58 / 05.11.02
I've only written 300 words. But given that I've spent only 10 minutes on it so far, I'm not too upset.

Sigh. I hope I finish this thing this year.
07:38 / 05.11.02
Guilt. There's too much going on in my life this year and I've written nothing so far. I think I'm wimping out before I even start. I'll cheer from the sidelines.
wembley can change in 28 days
10:28 / 05.11.02
Big fat loser so far = me. I am not doing very well with sitting down and writing after doing that much at my job all day. I hate offices.

Any more excuses you want? I got lots, right here!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
09:07 / 09.11.02
21,454, and I now understand why pulp novels get so weird. This one is spinning rapidly out of my control. I just had characters thinking up a code for communicating over unsecured airways that I wouldn't have been able to figure out...

It's also been a good exercise for getting me to quit THINKING about writing and just plowing ahead.

There's also an author's gathering here in Minneapolis that I am toying with attending.

How's everyone else doing?
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:37 / 09.11.02
11,000. Must stop writing flashbacks and get to actual meat of plot.
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:40 / 11.11.02
15,000. My novel now has a giant robot spider, An episode of Mr Ed where Wilbur falls in love with Mr Ed's sister, a torture scene inflicted by The Beatles and about 1000 uses of the word 'screwed'. Where's my thesaurus?
Jack Fear
11:58 / 11.11.02
11,000. Stil slowly groping my way towrds the truth of it.
Ethan Hawke
12:40 / 11.11.02
I've been stuck on 6,800 for a week now, after I made the mistake of thinking that it would be a good idea to re-read and do rewrites prior to moving on each day. That way lies deep, deep depression. I may have to cut of the chapter on which I'm stuck in mid scene and begin a fresh one, should I ever get this moving again.

Problem - the last 2 or 3 major projects I've worked on have been screenplays, so I have to keep stopping myself from writing scene descriptions in shorthand, and character actions in screenplay-style.

Problem 2 - My story, entertaining though it may be, is completely useless.
Jack Fear
13:19 / 11.11.02
Doesn't matter. You're writing for the drawer, here: this is going into a file folder when it's done, never to be seen again.

At least, that's what I'm telling myself now.

As for screenplay format--hey, whatever works. I've found myself writing great chunks of nothing but dialogue, long present-tense descriptive passages in a past-tense story... anything to reach 50k.
But definitely, no editing: you're not trying to produce a finished work, here--just a first draft. In fact, I'd recommend going so far as to turn off your spellchecker.

Don't worry about quality: don't even consider it. Quantity, baby, that's where it's at. So get shoveling.
Ethan Hawke
13:28 / 11.11.02
Dialogue does eat up a lot of words, doesn't it. that frankly surprised me when I was working on my NaNoWriMo stuff. As one of the cardinal rules of screenwriting is economy in dialogue, this worries me a bit.

Anyway, Mr. Eno is telling me to "Do something boring", so I'm going to write some interminable dialogue, here at work.

14:04 / 11.11.02
Three words: Voice Recognition Software

On November 4, I ordered IBM ViaVoice Release 8 online ($12.99 + $4.50 shipping) after reaching the magical mark of 500 words and realizing typing with my several broken fingers would be problematic over the long haul.
Jack Fear
14:10 / 11.11.02
You're not the first to think of it (though you'll need RealAudio to hear how it all went wrong)...
15:21 / 11.11.02
I did not expect I would be the first think of it, just the first to mention it here. It seems to be working very well for me, and I do not have a dog. However, I have only dictated practice sessions so far. I am using the U.S. version when an Australian version would probably be better for me, but it is learning my voice well.

(Dictated using ViaVoice!)
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
18:20 / 11.11.02
Just hit the halfway point with 25,195 as the current word count. And that's with slacking a few days last week...I also came up with a way to close the project while not really "ending" the novel at around 50,000 words.

The good thing about this project is that it's opened up my creativity in a way haven't been able to for a year or so...
20:07 / 11.11.02
I ended up not doing this. I have like 500 words, written a month ago. Gah. I have an 8 week old puppy to look after, I have no time in which to write, and if I did, I'd have to keep one hand on the puppy at all times. Maybe next time.

Good luck, folks...
Perfect Tommy
21:59 / 12.11.02
I have 2000 words. Aren't you jealous?
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:34 / 19.11.02
Just a note to say I hit the halfway marker last night. I'm still behind, but that's a great feeling... Now I just have to get myself out of the cul-de-sac my plotline seems to be veering into.
It's funny, There doesn't seem to be as much enthusiasm about it on Barbelith this year as there was last year. I don't know, I didn't enter last year, that's just my perception. How many Barbelites are still doing it?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
12:12 / 19.11.02
I'm still's why I'm not posting much.

40,000 words was passed last night around 2 am.
13:09 / 19.11.02
I'm drifting into this thread fairly late in the day. I've been nanowrimo-ing for the last couple of weeks too. Done just over 15k so far and quite happy with it. It's just the right sort of motivation to kick off my much planned but never started novel. Not too happy with the dawning reality that I'm not going to achieve that goal of 50k (mostly due to lots of hair pulling and moroseness in the first week) but I'm going to keep at it and not look back.

And looking back much of it is crap, but just like HKCSR was saying, it's making me work my writing muscles and they're beginning to bulk up a bit; and the targets is good cardio-literary exercise.

Very jealous of the 40k.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:40 / 19.11.02
Sorry, but my life going down the crapper in certain ways has ensured that writing a novel got pushed to the back of my schedule. So sorry for the lack of drill-sergeantry this year.

Fuck. I corral people into it twice, and fail to do it twice. You'd think I was an Arts grad...
Perfect Tommy
18:50 / 20.11.02
Finished last year. Threw in the towel this year at 4200 words on Monday (and Sunday, and Saturday, and Friday, and...)

I really wanted to do it again, but I was having difficulty motivating since I kept thinking/whining, "But I proved that I could do it last year!" I'll try again next go 'round, though.

For those who remain: I am the guy who gets killed at the beginning of the third reel of the war movie. I get a good death scene; I strengthen your resolve. Throw a grenade into a bunker and cry, "This one's for Tommy!" for me.

*cough* *wheeze* *expire*

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