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The Return Of NaNoWriMo!


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The Return Of Rothkoid
11:49 / 12.09.02
Right. It's about that time again. November is now National Novel Writing Month. And I'm here to Louis Gossett Jnr. your arses into writing novels. In a month. HOP TO IT!

Basically, the idea is simple. Sign up on October the first. Write a fuckload of words over the course of the month. Down tools at month's end, and feel secure in the knowledge that you've written a book. And then lord it over everyone for a while. And then start hassling publishers. Or use it as fuel. It doesn't matter - it's just important that you *do it*.

The website is here, although as of the first of October, it'll be here.

For details of how barbelithers did in this thang last year (and how me, the bloke who corraled everyone into doing it, softcocked out) check out this thread.

Who's in? This year, I'm going to do it. Or else.
The Strobe
12:23 / 12.09.02
So this term is, like, the busiest term EVER, with me having to do the really hard paper, and edit some of a student rag, and generally work and play harder...

...and I'm now considering this as well. Shit. Will have a think. Could... be... fun...
12:32 / 12.09.02
I failed last year (or abandoned after a few days) cos i had work writing to do - no such excuse at the moment so i'm up for giving it another go...
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:42 / 12.09.02
I shall expect some kind of mouth/trouser replacement activity from all big talkers, y'know...
Jack Fear
13:03 / 12.09.02
I made it to 30k last year. And I'm a fucking masochist. I'm in.

I remain unsure, though: is it just me, or is November a terrible month to try to get a project like this done? Here in the States, you've got Thanksgiving, which usually involves travel and recovery times--so you lose five days or so. And there's all that getting ready for Christmas... wouldn't, I don't know, January be a better month?
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:11 / 12.09.02
Well - unless we want to organise a Barbelith-specific one...
15:02 / 12.09.02
Oh man, did I ever bomb at this last year. Hrrrrr... I'm not in a show this year... but I have these web classes... and stacks and stacks of drawings to draw...

Must dither before I decide...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:46 / 12.09.02
Hrrm. Much packing and stuff to do, followed by much upping sticks and moving. However, I'd like to give this a go...
Ethan Hawke
16:51 / 12.09.02
I really, really want to do this. And I think I will. I've got a month to plan, right?

I also think that everyone who participates should title their novel the same thing.

And that title should be "Bride of Slavko."

Ahem. Sorry. private joke.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:39 / 12.09.02
God, is it really almost a year since the last one?

I think Nanowrimo's a great thing - trouble is, this year I am extremely tempted to try to pick up where I left off with my unfinished effort from 2001 - which I'm aware isn't playing by the rules. I might do it though anyway, not having signed up, cus I'm still a bit fond of the pulp sci-fi spy adventure with lashings of meaningless violence and sex that I came up with... (Force yourself to write *anything* and what comes out can be quite revealing...)
Jack Fear
19:36 / 12.09.02
...I am extremely tempted to try to pick up where I left off with my unfinished effort from 2001...

(shamefacedly nods head in the affirmative)

I'm of several minds on this: on the one hand, to take this tack would be to give in to the fear that I've only got a few good ideas in me, and I'd better mine them for all they're worth.

When the truth—the truth that I need to believe, anyway—is that ideas are cheap and plentiful and common as water, but they take some finding: and that the only way to find new ones is to do the damned work: and that otherwise I'll just end up polishing and refining on the same few ideas into nothing—"putting the finishing touches" on that marble statue until it's ground to dust.

The other angle is that there's always time to revisit the past and live off its spoils, to colonize the territories you've opened up, but for now the important thing is to forge on and open up new territories.

It's about allocation of resources: to use a different metaphor, you can either spend your cash-in-hand to build a hotel on a property you already own (say, Baltic Avenue), or you can go ahead and buy Park Place.

The above assumes it's still early in the game, of course. The dark flipside of that assumption is the deep-down fear that ideas really aren't cheap and plentiful, and that some day I'll have to turn to autocannibalism just to survive: and when that day comes I want a big stockpile of ideas and unfinished works to draw on and endlessly rewrite into infinity.

On the third (fourth?) hand: I recognize that it is infinitely more seductive to the ego to be able to say "I am writing a novel" than to say, "I once wrote a novel."

So: wannabee or has-been? What's your choice?
Eloi Tsabaoth
19:42 / 12.09.02
Last year I kentuckied out for a reason I can't remember. This year I am very in.
19:46 / 12.09.02
I might. I should. I have lots on in November, but .... it was good fun last year.

And I'd definitely start afresh - I'm bored with last year's. It's still sitting, malformed, on my hard drive and I think it might as well just stay there.
20:09 / 12.09.02
Fuck it. Me too.
20:12 / 12.09.02
... and have a maleformed twin to play with. remember folks the goal isn't necessarily to write a great story, but to try stuff out and get to the word deadline...
20:32 / 12.09.02
Weirdly, I might be up for this. Largely because I'm wondering whether or not I can do it. The main factor in my decision is whether or not my Mum brings me back a new PDA from the States, after she so hilariously reversed over my old one after I asked her to look after my bag. If I can work on it anytime, anywhere, I might actually get something done.
Rollo Kim, on location
08:15 / 13.09.02
Sounds good to me. I managed it last year - have a couple of new ideas and no idea where I'll be or what I'll be doing in Nov.
The Return Of Rothkoid
06:59 / 30.09.02
Tomorrow's the day that registrations begin. And the day that the new site launches.
The Apple-Picker
13:03 / 30.09.02
I'm going to do this! I didn't hear about it last year (or the years before). I've been a wannabe for too long. I've been working on a "novel" for several years... but despite the notes and preparation I'd done, I only ever wrote 1/4 of a page.

So, this is it! My goal is the word count--thassit. I figure that I certainly wouldn't expect myself to run 26.2 miles in an impressive time for the first time. So I'm not going to expect art to come out of my first novel. Just to know that I can do it would be enough to know that I can do it better.

I also think that everyone who participates should title their novel the same thing.

And that title should be "Bride of Slavko."

Ahem. Sorry. private joke.

I really am going to name my book that, Todd. *dons maroon fez and begins dancing around happily to grinder-produced sweet sweet Italian music*
13:55 / 30.09.02
I'm up for it this year...Hopefully force me off my arse and get on with stuff...
Ethan Hawke
13:55 / 30.09.02
My novel is going to be about "parts" models and food stylists. And C.H.U.D.s. Musn't forget the C.H.U.D.s.

I'm going to get some deadline practice in tonight and tomorry, though, as my friend just convinced me to edit a screenplay I finished earlier this year in time to make the Oct. 2nd Project Greenlight deadline.

*sharpens pencil.*
*sticks pencil behind ear and boots computer*

I really am going to name my book that, Todd.

We will have dueling Slavkos! It'll be great. Or something.
The Return Of Rothkoid
06:33 / 02.10.02
*bump, again*

Site's open. Go sign up.
Jack Fear
12:31 / 03.10.02
The message boards are up, too, which is fun. It's the start of a brand-new community: reminds me a bit of the early days of Barbelith—some blind groping towards a group identity, UBB-style code, and an opportunity to re-use all my old jokes on a new audience.

Jack Fear
13:25 / 03.10.02
Although, for a bunch of creative people, they seem a bit slow on the uptake: I cross-posted "The Pawnshop of Ideas" to their boards as well, and no-one seems to know what to make of it...
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:58 / 10.10.02
So who's signed up? I have.
The Apple-Picker
17:22 / 10.10.02
I have! I have! I signed up right away, on October 1st. And then I joined the LiveJournal NaNoWriMo Community, which actually doesn't seem to be doing much of anything other than sucking up space on my friends page, but who knows--maybe they'll be of some use once the ball gets a-rollin'!
21:24 / 10.10.02
Eegads. It was hard enough to work up the self-discipline to start work on my new book, and now I have to simultaneously write another one for this contest!? *sigh* Hokay, sounds fun. I'm in...
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:49 / 10.10.02
I've signed up. Again. Whether my Suit Of Torpor (with the Belt Of Sloth!) will be shucked remains to be seen.
Perfect Tommy
20:51 / 13.10.02
I think it's both more likely and less likely that I'll win again this year: I write much faster these days, but I'm in school. I'm just hoping more of my meatfriends will come along for the ride this time.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:34 / 24.10.02
I found the site today while roaming about on the web...and since I want to write a Zombie novel for fun, this is a great way to get back into the fiction side of my writing, purge that from my brain and join in.

The word requirement is a good one, but what if the novel goes a bit longer than 50,000 words? Do you just keep going and if you get the 50,000 in the month you succeed?
The Apple-Picker
12:24 / 24.10.02
I believe that's the case Solitaire Rose. I think the word "novel" is being used very loosely here.
The Tower Always Falls
23:18 / 25.10.02
heh. My girlfriend is already involved with this.

As for me. Hell, I got my 50,000 word monster already. and i'm laready working on making it longer... so for now, I'm out. At least until I get my first one out of me.
The Return Of Rothkoid
06:41 / 26.10.02
A tool for y'all - there's an Excel spreadsheet that'll graph your progress, tell you how much you've got to go and al that kinda shite here.
14:15 / 29.10.02
Fuck fuck fuck. Last year was a disaster.

Do I try again?

Hhhhff... Okay, I'm in.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:23 / 01.11.02
So, anyone else started? I had a real good burst this morning and have 7000 words done...still setting everything up and introducing the characters. I have a good feeling about this.

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