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Urban Occultism


Page: 12(3)4

Nietzsch E. Coyote
01:55 / 25.09.02
iszabelle, I didn't mean to belittle your ideas. I think they are very good considerations for working with ley lines. And the ground constitution map would be essential in a place where earthquake worries exist. Don't forget, however, distinctly urban additions like sewer systems. Running water usually affects or is related to ley lines. A city sewer map overlay would help your construction.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
02:28 / 25.09.02

Re: About end-chapter exercizes.

I personally do not like to read in books the "if you don't do the following exercises you'll remain the idiot you already are",
Well lets not be so condescending as to actually include something along those lines. Robert Anton Wilson may think that way but we don't have to.
mainly because I believe in the transformative power of reading
Well then what we should do is to try to make the actual text of our book as transforming as possible. The entire book can be considered a hyper-sigil, a spell on the reader to help them to blossom into a successfull urban mage. Very careful use of language would facilitate this.
and also because most book-related changes and transformations in my life came from reading either plain fiction or convoluted study text-books.
Then we should include a part in every section that is "fiction-like" an example from our lives that is in narrative form.

I would like however to keep at the end of each chapter here a section that would take the place of Wilson's exercizes, portraying paradigm-teasing questions, coloquially powerful comments, or single line proposals, in straight relation to the chapter's content, and directly addressed to the reader, that is, written in the second person. It would be rather an invitation the reader starts looking forward to at each chapter's end, a "just read-me" section -not a "condition-to-do" section-, because it would work by merely reading through it, just as the written word is precisey intended to do. Also, second person writing has an effect we could exploit on this closures, since it gets to develop a book-reader relation that is sometimes absent in straight first person books.

Perhaps it would benefit us to include the second person usage most of the way through? I would like to try setting the language in a unique way. "We have found that if you walk through the city by different routes than you normally take the cities {spirit, gestalt} can communicate more easily." With a short blurb at the beginning about our language usage. We could also try to use "sensory modalities" in our writing to make it more "evokative", a la NLP. Do you see what I mean or hear what I'm saying?

Examples for the chapter on totems would be: "Which animals or insects were precisely passing through your mind as you read the above chapter? Did you think of them or they just "came to your mind"? Which of them do you usually encounter in daily life or dream with? What would it mean for you, now, if you come across or dream with one of those, just after reading this chapter? Would it be magick or mere coincidence?"

Good Examples, now I see what you were getting at.

I am not particularly inspired, but the section could be titled sort of "What about you?", or "Think about it", "Magick and You", nah, that sounds terrible, we'll see...
"After-Thoughts of an Urban Mage"

We can nail down a title later.

The structure I have in my head at the moment:
The first part is a theoretical discussion
The second part is a more practical discussion with some exercises interspersed
The third part is a narrative from our experience that has more advanced experiments
The fourth part is a "What does the {reader, mage} think" direct address

13:31 / 25.09.02
Perhaps it would benefit us to include the second person usage most of the way through?

I've just realised thats how I mostly wrote the draft on urban totems, so, it must be it.

The structure I have in my head at the moment:

Quantic-RAW-like pun: Which head of all of them?

The first part is a theoretical discussion
The second part is a more practical discussion with some exercises interspersed
The third part is a narrative from our experience that has more advanced experiments
The fourth part is a "What does the {reader, mage} think" direct address

One question: is this the structure of a chapter or of the whole book, or both, you know, as above so below, the structure of the universe is reproduced in every atom and bla-bla-bla?, okay, okay, I'll stop the ranting, but I guess that should be the structure of whatever we intend to "fit" in self-conclusive four to six pages of reading, so called chapters maybe, so the reader gets a fine, incisive bullet right on a critical artery of his paradigm system once each of them "chapters" is uncarefully read on the subway or bus. If we get up to 34 bullet chapters like this, there will be no fucking by-pass or possible artery graft for the reader to re-compose his by then infarcted paradigms, he will be cognitively casted out of the consensual world, and he'll either start begging for intramuscular halloperidol or will be a full fledge unrecognisable magus. HA! ("Honey! I'm home!", "EEEEEEEEHHHHH")

Now, out of curiosity, WHO is WRITING WHAT??

Iszabelle, do you think you might be able to elaborate something out of the book, sort of a briefing, or whatever. fenris, are you buying it? There surely is something there.
04:55 / 26.09.02
I haven't had a chance to dig into the book yet; it's been a busy week. However, what made me buy the book (besides the pretty pictures and my fascination with the Situationists) was the thought of what a group of people who lived for detournement (upending the dominant power structure through sly alterations of things taken for granted and unquestioned cliches) and derive (drift through the city) might do if they designed a city...

The book is divided into three sections: The Naked City (realities of design and space laid bare), Formulary for a New Urbanism (rethinking the city), and A New Babylon (the city redesigned). Random chapters include Carving out the spaces of culture and politics, Urbanism and power, Making sense of psychogeography, A technological baroque, Disorientation, and A cybernetic architecture.

The book's pretty dense and it's going to take me a while to absorb the ideas presented, but I will post updates and thoughts on making magic as I make my way through it.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
06:38 / 26.09.02
Sebastian: Quantic-RAW-like pun: Which head of all of them?

head2 the one that I see inside my head1. No I can see that head in my head1, therefore in head3. Wait, I can see head1 in my head, the thought must be in head4. Wait....

On the matter of RAW and writing style, I like the personal narrative "voice" he uses in Cosmic Trigger in particular... for our purposes I mean.

fenris, are you buying it? yep.

The structure I have in my head23 at the moment:

Sections which are made up of bullet-chapters. Sections have as many bullets as each topic needs. Each bullet should be self-contained so that the {reader, mage, brainwashee} can skip around. Both beginner and advanced ideas in each bullet. Each section could have an intro which is itself a bullet.

Now, out of curiosity, WHO is WRITING WHAT?? good question.

The {editors, organizers} could write a style guide. Various 'lithers can write bullet-chapters based on who {knows, has experimented with} what. People with similar {interests, experiences} could collaborate on a topic so that the most relevant personal experiences is paired with the best explanation of technique. The {editors, organizers} could then edit the bullets so that they have a more or less consistent style. (except where a deviation is necessary for magickal or psychological reasons)

When I say {editors, organizers} at the moment I am thinking that it will be me and Sabastian. This is because I want to! and because we are the ones discussing structure.

iszabelle: The book is divided into three sections: The Naked City (realities of design and space laid bare), Formulary for a New Urbanism (rethinking the city), and A New Babylon (the city redesigned).

I figure that the sections that are going to relate most to our endevour are the first two as we are most likely going to work magick with the city that already exists. However that is no reason why we can't enchant to help the city become the city it could be. The chapters titles you post look interesting.

I placed an order for this book myself earlier today based on your suggestion and what I could glean off of Amazon. In 1-6 weeks I will start applying this to magick.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
06:42 / 26.09.02
We are not writing a book we are writing an encyclopdia in bullet-time.
Kobol Strom
16:32 / 26.09.02
Hi,hope this makes sense:

It think it is possible to talk to the city by speaking the question in your mind,rather than imposing your will.What I mean is:if you need a cab ride from Clapham Junction to Kings Cross you would direct your thought to the city and then ask:'Am I really so far from the Town Centre that I can't get a cab?'.This is better than making a demand,since success relies on agreement and not submission.

This is part of what is meant by 'making a deal' with the city.Its listening to that part of the mind that is in constant communication with subtle levels of the sensory experience.The human perception of the City and the City itself are normally battling with each other,but for those that can learn to listen to its rhythms there is a flow of information that you can use to re-direct your will,that arises from the subconscious.
Good city awareness comes from removing anxiety about the city, and in trying to create a familiarity with its evolving soul,and making a deal with it is part of the process of consolidation between your self and the underlying ,more useful processes of the inner mind.
The state of mind that is so easily available in forests and in the wilderness,is also available in the cities,and this was stated by someone else earlier,but the objective,stateless mind,is more free to focus their questioning spirit. In this way, the city yields to your signals just as you become a more efficient part of it.
21:24 / 26.09.02
Looks like I'll have some time to read - I just got 5 stitches in a finger from a work-related accident, have this afternoon and tomorrow off. More later...
Nietzsch E. Coyote
23:00 / 26.09.02
Sorry to hear about your hand. Hope you enjoy the book.

Get well soon
12:06 / 27.09.02
Kobol, that was good. fenris, there should be a place at the start of a chapter for those paragraphs, I'll check later the current contents to see.
13:31 / 27.09.02
6. Respecting steel gods and glass elementals.

Stay away from shards of glass, don't touch them, don't walk on bare feet among them. If one gets under your skin, invoke Surgeon-God.

When you cross the streets, even if the traffic light says WALK, check the three sides of the streets. If you got safe to the other side, pray thanks.

Just musing about what is going to be in this chapter.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:09 / 02.10.02
Well we think you've left this thread long enough. Your {musings, lazyness} has lead this thread to sink to the bottom.

For that I will tell a story from my life...

I live in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. I spend my time travelling through the neighboring cities of Burnaby (Where My University SFU is), New Westminster (Which is in the way), and Vancouver which is the main city (Where the other University UBC is).

One weekend when I was driving to The other University in West Vancouver (I hang out there on most weekends) I got lost. I knew the route but something went wrong with the roads. I ended up visiting every part of my cities. I ended up at one of my former job sites on the border of Vancouver and Burnaby. Then after more wandering in the {maze, road system} I wound up at the site of my summer job, fully in Burnaby. I drove through East Vancouver into Downtown to the site of my only good job.

Now again I knew how to get to the University from where I was. This is how it was funny, roads that should have connected TURNED INTO OTHER ROADS. I ended up going over a bridge into North Vancouver. I wandered in the {maze, road system} of North Vancouver. Finally got accurate information about the direction to go, from my friends at UBCity. I headed off on the road that connected to the road through West Vancouver to UBC and it turned into the wrong road. Luckily The road it turned into also went in the right direction.

As I was driving not sure whether I was lost or not and aware that this was not a normal event asked the city to send me the message that it was trying. I opened up my perceptions to my city and it sent me the message.

The {god, consciousness, energy} that the greeks knew as Poseidon, god of the Ocean is alive and well and he holds clout on the Vancouver {maze, road system}. Classifying my experience as a "oddysey" I greeted my girl with the phrase "I have returned to Ithica". I had hoped that this would be the last of it.

However, for the last three weeks I have been unable to go anywhere outside of Surrey with out getting horribly lost. Even to places I am very familiar with, such as my school. I now rely completely on Public Transit, which luckily is really good in the Greater Vancouver region.

My questions are:
What might I have done to raise Poseidon's Ire?

And What, in a city magick perspective, might I do to placate him?
19:48 / 03.10.02
I do not know. Right after I read your message, I went to a classroom, and one of my students had a plastic work, some kind of hand-made homework, on Poseidon. Encolsed in a bag of plastic, with little plastic fishes. I asked her
-What is Poseidon doing here?
-Gee, it's supposed to be the sea, teacher.
-I know, what is Poseidon doing in the city?
-Yes, what is Poseidon doing in the city?
-He is trapped?- She aqnswered with a shy smile

I do not if she understood. I hope you can understand. I don't
12:13 / 04.10.02
Uhm, fenris, for these kind of things I usually deal with in altered states, either dreams, trance, meditation, whatever you feel like. Other more ritual prone magi may start with offerings, but in any case you will have to find out yourself, sort of, knock-knock, excuse me, what's all this about, and the means through which you do it depend on what you are more and naturally used to, but its more or less always the same loop: go there, find out, come here, do something.

I would take the Poseidon info as a start point, but as it so far didn't yield much for you to do "here", maybe more research is demanded, I mean "there".
Nietzsch E. Coyote
18:46 / 04.10.02
ciarconn: -Yes, what is Poseidon doing in the city?
-He is trapped?- She aqnswered with a shy smile

Awesome. =^>

Sebastian: Uhm, fenris, for these kind of things I usually deal with in altered states, either dreams, trance, meditation, whatever you feel like.

Well panic and confusion can be a kind of Altered State. My conscious mind was distracted by the repitition of driving movements.

On the other hand the whole story could be bullshit. maybe it is an example of the narative portion and questions at the end of the bullet chapter?
00:14 / 06.10.02
Fenris, last night hell can tell I thought of you when I came back from work to find the two water toilets in my house wrecked. I finally got them fixed by 11 PM.

Hail Poseidon!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:21 / 12.10.02
Here is a bunch of other threads that I think relate to this topic.

City magick:the personal project

City Magick and Grant morrison
Urban Primitive

Divination techniques
How the Mediamancy works?

Finding leylines and powerpoints?

Animal Magick
Psychotic theorem hour: Humans as insect/reptile hybrids

City Gods:
technocitytotems - taxi
technocitytotems - IXAT, an odd message

Traditional Gods:
contacting the gods
Bacchus: A Simple Working

Psychogeography of London
Ghosts and psychogeography

Surrealist Techniques:
Magick, Cut-Ups, & Collages
Critical Paranoia - off site.

Magic for the Flat Broke
Club Magick: Dancing your way to becoming a better magician
Piercing and Spirituality.
12:17 / 23.10.02
I first read this thread a week or so ago. Since then it has kept resonating through my experiances to the extent where i have actually plucked up enough gumption to actualy post a reply here, a rarity indeed.

On the idea of having urban creatures as totems, well after finishing reading the thread, i got up to make a cup of tea. Lo and behold, there striding across the living room floor was the biggest spider i have ever seen here in England. You could almost feel the vibrations through the floor boards! Well, okay, not quite, but you get the picture. Since then i have continually encountered spiders of all sizes throughout my house to a much greater degree than i have before (maybe i'm just noticing them more), i also keep coming across spider imagery and the number 8. It is my understanding that totem creatures choose you. Is this true? And does this mean that the spider has chosen me?

Also that very night i went out for a walk through Leicester, the city i live in, and encountered several foxes. Leicester is known for its large population of urban foxes, to the extent that the fox has been taken as the emblam for our football team, as wel as the bus service. sort of a totem animal for the city. Interestingly the bus company has a stylized fox emblam on all its buses, reminding me of the idea of sticking sigils on buses as a form of moving energy stated earlier in this here thread (i forget by whom, i do apologize). Perhaps the life-blood of the city?

Also, a bit of urban magick i have practiced for many years is the greeting and thanking of traffic lights. It sounds strange, but it all came from once long ago when i was a kid. I had read about how people had used to believe that where two rivers met was a place of magick, and that as such offerings were made to trees that grew in these places, especially when a crossing was made at these points. somehow i decided that traffic lights served the same sort of purpose in todays urban environment. The cars flow down the roads, splitting and mearging at intersections, in much the same way as rivers. They often need to be crossed in order to get to places as i walk almost everywhere. And lo and behold! there at the magor junctions are guardians standing tall and proud.

Due to this i decided to say hi to traffic lights when i walked up to them (not out load though!), and asked there permission to cross the road. Then when permission was given i would thank the lights and be on my way.

Now i still do it and have very little difficulty in crossing roads without having to break step. It's like the crossings conform to a state which alows me the least amount of resistance to cross. Strange but true!

So theres fetches little bit of urban magic for you all to enjoy!! May you all walk with little resistance.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
20:01 / 23.10.02
by gum I think he's got it!

And does this mean that the spider has chosen me

Fetch you are on the ball. By the sounds of it Spider has chosen you. Better acknowledge this before spider does something scary to get your attention.

Your traffic light thing is genius. Yeah, I think that the roads work like the crossing of two streams or like the old fashioned crossroads.
at the scarwash
22:15 / 23.10.02
Landlord banishings! Ooh ooh, anybody got one? I have one hounding me for unpaid rent (the ceiling fell in after rain, and I ditched).
Nietzsch E. Coyote
23:30 / 23.10.02
Let’s see landlords are money related:

collect some weeds from his property
grab old coins equivalent to what he claims you owe (eg: 0.76 for 760)
take an old newspaper sheet
put the change and weeds into the center of the page
add something blue (optional)
spit on the pile
pull it into a bag shape
tie it with some long grass or twine
hold the bag in your left hand
chant “fuck off ya bastard” until you forget something.

Leave on landlords doorstep
shrug and say “good enough”
Saint Keggers
02:09 / 24.10.02
One of the women I worked with (of haitian descent) nailed a chicken to her landlords door...must be some powerfull magick in that chicken 'cause now he doesnt hassle her if the rent is late and fixes the things he's supposed to.
10:38 / 24.10.02
so, cool, okay spider has chosen me, what kinda stuff should i do now? I've never had a totem before, so how do i go about acknowledging it? or is this something i should try to figure out myself? In which case i had better get on with it before i wake up with an egg-sack stuffed up my nose!!!

still any help would be apreciated

perhaps i'd better start making a red and blue costume and learn how to fight crime.......
11:33 / 24.10.02
Dream it, but that would be my initial impulse anyway. Stare at it. Devote a few regular minutes of visualization to it. And I definitely recommend you get good big Spider-Encyclopedia-type photographs of it so you can visualize it in full detail -and learn about how they actually appear to the eye and lenses. Make a web search for photos. Most successful interchanges I had were this way, but you have to visualize it with progressive exquisite detail for a sustained period of time, reconstruct the photograph in your mind as if you were literally building it, have the photo in front of you so you can look at it and check what you are constructing in your mind.

With my shape-shifting animal totem I also practiced drawing it through directly copying photographs of it, but that's because years back I used to draw a lot, and this dramatically boosted the way I could visualize it, while I also catched upon many visual details I had missed. By the way, I didn't enjoy drawing it, I did it as a sort of self-obliged homework, aiming to achieve near photo quality with the pencil, so I could construct the inner image.

Next step to visulazing it is adding a certain vividness, such as motions, but preferrably any movement that suggests that it is breathing, while it looks at you "meaningfully", if you get what I "mean". By this stage it may be two to three days or a week depending the thrust you devote, you will be magnetically drawing whatever has to do with spiders even more.

I also suggest you aim your intent towards symbiotic exchange, which means mutual enrichment, speak it aloud if you feel comfortable, in your mind, so both parties know and sense beforehand that the other is not going to take a an arm or a leg away.
11:42 / 24.10.02
Bit crap to continually refer to people to books but that's what I'm gonna do anyway - good book called "Sacred Animals" by Gordon McLellan.

I'd start off by doing a ton of reading about the little blighters- conventional biology and ecology. Sounds like fun anyway, I know zip about spiders but they've gotta be cool, right? You could try incubating dreams about them as well, with sigils or just thinking about them as you fall asleep. I imagine this could scare the shit out of you (*sinster laugh*)if anything turns up.
10:28 / 25.10.02
cheers, your help here is most appreciated.

an interesting aside, i'm actually quite arachnaphobic (or was anyway), but since al this has been going on that phobia has been diminishing. I've got to the point now that i can (somewhat reservedly) pick up a spider, thinking "well, i guess i'm not allowed to be afraid of you guys anymore"

i guess i'd better get cracking on that home work then

my thanks again

09:21 / 19.07.03

Starting August it looks like I'll be working in New York City for at least a year. From previous visits I know it's got a very different vibe to my current home (Dublin) which I have been passively bonding with for the last two years. I was wondering if anyone had come across any new books/web resources about urban magick they'd recommend.

My last visit was the longest (5 weeks) and coupled with an extremely hectic work schedule the city really kicked my ass, so any NY specific tips would also be greatly appreciated.
Gypsy Lantern
12:15 / 19.07.03
was wondering if anyone had come across any new books/web resources about urban magick they'd recommend.

My take on this is that ANY magic practised in an urban environment by necessity should be considered urban magic. If you're not engaging at any level with the landscape around you, then it's a funny, academic, sterile sort of magic in my book.

I'd say you're best bet is to avoid any books or web resources on 'urban magic' and just ask the City to teach you its mysteries. Simple as that. Devise a ritual that will give you access to the 'mythic city' that occupies a space parallel to the one you live in everyday - this could be as simple as walking through a specific gate in a park or whatever - and walk the streets looking for signs and messages.

Do whatever you can to build a relationship with the City. Get out there and walk the streets. It may show you a system of magic specific to its area. It may teach you stuff along the way about the history of a some place that later turns out to be true. Just open up a dialogue with the City and let it take you where it wants to take you - no fun or sense in doing it any other way.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
13:26 / 19.07.03
There might also be some benefits to interacting with the city through maps. I will outline some of my new map magick ideas when I can collect my thoughts.
pachinko droog
16:00 / 19.07.03
I am so LOVING this thread!!! Just as some suggestions:

Maybe go on urban exploring jaunts armed with video cameras; use resulting video cut-up footage to aid in further rituals or as meditation/trance assistance.

Treat electricity pylons/transformers as actual "Power spots" (thought about including nuclear power plants, but you'd probably wind up contacting Azathoth or some such)

Airports could be seen as the modern "crossroads" (maybe a sub-school of City Magick: Airport Magick?)

Create art (collage/assemblage) with cast-offs/detritus/found objects in city streets and train tunnels, use them as fetish-objects for rituals?

Gotta go read the other mentioned related threads. I'm on no sleep and and some serious hydro. WHEEEEE!!!
Earlier than I thought
19:35 / 19.07.03
Really enjoying this thread. I started gently practising Citymagic (a popular tour bus company) some time ago, with startling results. I'm sure (not actually joking here) that I know Cthaaaliss already...

My most memorable incident was after spending an hour looking for a cab one drunken night. Now there were thousands of people in the same boat as me. I was standing on a traffic island in the worst spot in town to get a taxi. Early Invisibles flitted through conciousness. "IXAT!" I yelled, banging my fist against a zebra crossing pole.

Instantly - fuckin' instantly I tell you - a taxi bombs round the corner, ignores all frantically waving revellers and steams up right next to me. I've been a convert ever since.
23:58 / 20.07.03
Hey, I'm also glad this thread got rebumped! It's great. Lots of new ideas, and some new spins on some old ideas.

Did anybody ever get around to writing the little e-tome discussed in the thread? If not, would there still be interest in doing it? I've got a lot of ideas that have been looking for an outlet and this is ideal.

* Conjuring with Kipple
* Nightclub Grounding
* Croud Parting

Some of the above ideas are close to my own. Those "danger of death" power transformers are obviously nodes in the living city. As are the little green telephone exchange boxes.

Graffiti is important. Tags are much more magickally significant than art.

Someone recently told me off for failing to thank a cash point (American translation: ATM) for giving me cash. It's now become automatic.for me to.

Urban lay lines: Have you ever walked somewhere where part of the route is a frequent journey and then have to turn off your normal route to go the place you are going that day. That twinge of resistance at leaving the "path" could be the begining of an urban layline. Where many peoples habbitual paths are in parallel there urban laylines form. These are not like the straight ley lines, they are more like a system of artieries pumping people to work and the shops, and veins pumping them home again. These paths have power, but leaving them has power too, like breaking a little taboo. Finding the secret places. Also just stopping in places nobody ever stops. The concrete corridor between a multistory carpark and a shopping centre. Where cinema and resturant toilets have 2 doors with nothing but a couple of meters of corridor. Stop between those 2 doors to think. A moment alone and silent in the busy city. Someone once said the the "A to Z" is Authorized Zones. It is designed to hide the forbidden zones in the city, which take years to learn by intuition where they must be.

Ghosts of doorways. Where old buildings have been remodeled and old doorways bricked up, a ghost of the previous path remains. The energy here is volatile and should be treated with caution.

If there is still interest in writing the book (eTome?) then we should damn well do it.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
03:45 / 21.07.03
I am still interested in doing the book. I even have a livejournal account so that we can keep it secret and work on it. read back so you can see the format we decided on.
electric monk
13:43 / 21.07.03
I've been trying to keep an eye out for a collaborative Barbe-project that I could participate in and this sounds like just the one. I'd be willing to contribute illustrations (if they're called for) and/or a chapter that would suit my experience. Hell, I'll branch out into new areas and report findings if it's called for. I've been considering wandering my small city on a derieve (sp?), digital camera/voice recorder in hand, but perhaps more experienced practitioners would be called for in this instance.

Let me know what holes in the project need plugging and I'll fill in as best I can.

Great thread, all. Glad it was resurrected.
Earlier than I thought
19:45 / 21.07.03
I'm fascinated by the little used/perceived spaces between things. What a favourite photographer of mine referred to as 'the arbitary distinction between two indistinct places'.
A few members of my family have the knack of hearing sounds from the past at locations like these, but only within cities. Sadly, apart from one isolated incident, I've never tuned in, but perhaps with a little constructive activity...

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