(But before I commence my own self indulgent tirade, to Chol: I hear you!)
Ok, I have an academic job, I should be pleased as piss, because they are hard to get, but I'm up for tenure and it's very very stressful and my department's a bit on the passive aggressive side and tends to not talk to me if there's something they'd like me to change, but rather simply put it in a letter for my tenure review, without asking me about the charges first, I went to school for close to a 1,000 years and earn less than my friend who just took a two week course in nursing, and i had a nasty obscene message left in my voice mail and I'm behind on my planning and all that walking in Europe left me with a nasty case of athlete's foot. ..
fuck this shit. cocktail hour, I think, begins at 2 pm, traditionally, no? |