toksik: have I done something to offend you? I haven't even disagreed with you, per se, just offered and requested some additional information. As far as I know, Suicide Girls is still run by Spooky and Missy, male and female respectively, although I can't check while I'm at work. I'd actually agree that the nature of the SG website/business/community/what-you-will raises all kinds of thorny issues, and it's something I'm undecided about these days, although I used to be quite a fan of the site.
For reference if anyone's interested in discussing this further, the Bitch magazine article mentioned earlier can be found here. There's also an old Head Shop thread about pornography in which the Suicide Girls are mentioned here. While at points the thread demonstrates that this is a subject it is difficult to discuss without the discussion becoming heated to the point of personal, I think it might be a better place to continue if people want to get serious... |