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Where do you get your porn?


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Char Aina
15:41 / 09.07.03
oh, im sorry flyboy. i am sorry i misrepresented the exploitation as male chavanist mysoginy, when in actual fact its nothing of the sort. theres a girl fucking them over too. so who are the two guys that get their names all over the site?

also, eat a bowl of dicks.

in the nicest possible way.
Jack The Bodiless
20:35 / 09.07.03
I'm not sure he could handle a whole bowl. But why bother even trying, when you can give him a perfectly-formed hors d'oeuvre to keep him going all throughout the live-long day?

[that means you have a tiny cock, special-school...]
Saint Keggers
22:13 / 09.07.03
I just take pictures when we ass-candle the newbies....thats some good ass candling we got going there. yup.

Im not big on the whole porn thing... the photography is too crap. However I do check and some of the newsgroups. that sooo much to ask???
22:24 / 09.07.03
What is the nicest possible way to eat a bowl of dicks?

I'm thinking with a little melted butter and a vinaigrette. You know, like asparagus.

(That's how I like to eat asparagus, before some asshat chimes in there.)
22:40 / 09.07.03
You can get chocolate penises from those hideous novelty shops that sell 'The Magic of Terry Pratchett' figurines and suchlike. I doubt it is very good chocolate, but that may still very well be the nicest way to eat a bowl of dicks.
8===>Q: alyn
22:40 / 09.07.03
Forget the newbies, I think some of the old hands around here could use some asscandling. Shouldn't there be an anal, I mean annual 'fresher course or something?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:14 / 10.07.03
Too bad there isn't a "" for porn DVDs.

I would love not to have to pay full price for them.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:09 / 10.07.03
toksik: have I done something to offend you? I haven't even disagreed with you, per se, just offered and requested some additional information. As far as I know, Suicide Girls is still run by Spooky and Missy, male and female respectively, although I can't check while I'm at work. I'd actually agree that the nature of the SG website/business/community/what-you-will raises all kinds of thorny issues, and it's something I'm undecided about these days, although I used to be quite a fan of the site.

For reference if anyone's interested in discussing this further, the Bitch magazine article mentioned earlier can be found here. There's also an old Head Shop thread about pornography in which the Suicide Girls are mentioned here. While at points the thread demonstrates that this is a subject it is difficult to discuss without the discussion becoming heated to the point of personal, I think it might be a better place to continue if people want to get serious...
Char Aina
12:20 / 10.07.03
thaks jack for tag-teaming me.

i liked it, i got it, and if you had been the person i was shouting at i would have been all like "OOOOH! BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!".

see, when someone says 'have you any links for those FACTS' with that emphasis, it looks like they are using a little sarcasm. now, i like sarcasm, but i was under the impression it was a tool of pisstakery, not friendly helpfulness.

i responded with an insult that really only could be described as cartoonish, kinda like one might do if they were having a laugh with their mates.

i am sorry i offended you, but i really didnt mean to.
bio k9
20:31 / 10.07.03
Anyway, I had some earlier and the dicks taste great.
17:01 / 11.07.03
suicide girls - yeah, I saw the site a while back and later read the bitch article. it's not run by the girls, but rather, the (dubious) control of the shoot and subsequent photos is supposedly given to the girls featured on the site.
Mourne Kransky
19:22 / 13.07.03
Poptastic Flowers' photos thread has a surfeit of pretty boys, of the foxy and moxy type, to browse through.

I'm off now for some dick ramen. In a bowl, I mean, with rice noodles.
19:46 / 13.07.03
If I ever write a superhero comic, the protagonist is going to be called Dick Ramen.

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