What you can also do , is compare video's from OBL with this fake video.
Look at the way this man walks in, the way he is aware of the camera, the way he sits down, the way he assumes the sitting position, the way he moves his hands and touches his face, the way he smiles, the water retaining hands and fingers, OBL has strong lean hands and long fingers, and strong pronounced face features this man has round fat swollen cheeks and their lips differ as well, OBL has nice full lips, this men has a thinner and smaller mouth. Obl has strong present long eyebrows, this man has short eyebrows and not as thick as OBL. Then their nose, OBL has a strong long nose that ends mush lower aboves his lips, this man has a much shorter nose and not strong at all, compare to OBL his nose, he has almost a sharp short pointy nose and the tip of his nose is pointy, OBL his nose looks almost as if he has broken it once in his life as a youngster, almost like a light weight boxer nose.
Then the shoulders; OBL has straight brought shoulders, were as this man has round fat shoulders, his belly OBL has no belly this man has, theirs legs, OBL has long lean muscled legs, this man has short fat/bigger legs.
Then their hair, OBL has dark black-brownish hair, when this all started the 911, OBL had less grey hair and during these last months he got more grey hairs all over his head and beard.
The neckline, OBL has a high neck hair line and he actually has soft curly hair, not hard frizzy hair, the man has a very low hair neckline it even looks like this man might have course hair on his shoulders that might even go down to his back, juk. And the grey in his way to dark black beard is neatly styled into two sections.
And also very important, this man was not sick, and OBL is sick. He suffers from bad kidneys and because of what has happened and the way they have been hunting him down, he has not been able to go for cleansing.
If you have followed the news than you have seen him gradually becoming more tired and older looking, you have been able to follow his hair greying process, OBL is sick.
And the man on the absolute fake tape, started to make OBL his hand signs, but he made a big mistake over and over again, he did not used his hands to emphasis his words,. When OBL talks he uses his hands signs to emphasis his words or the topic or he closes a topic with his hands, this man was a bad lip singer, not enough Kareoke I guess.
You know it doesn’t matter if those , saying its fake have a reason, or that those who say its real also have a reason, saying this does not take away what matters and that is the truth, and wanting to know the truth, one must ask the only thing that matters and that is the question, why was this tape made, why did they wait so long to show it, and what do they think that they can gain from it. This is what is relevant, the question, why?
It does not matter what they say about OBL, he was not behind the WTC 911 , he is about the real ISLAM, the blue book and not the green book, and people don’t seem to realize one thing, 60 countries are on the hit list from Bush and they all happen to be the 60 original countries of the indigenous people. With these 60 countries under their siege, they are gods on earth and we, all the free people will have become slaves. Anybody seen the Denver new airport murals?
With OBL gone or even better in their eyes dead, we will have lost the last freedom fighter who dear to show his face out in the open and oppose loudly and act upon it. Ghadaffi, Castro and Hussein they are old men, they can wait for them to die and then they take their countries over anyway, or so they prefer to think. No OBL is way to young and way to sainty , loved and honoured, he is they only real treat, also because he seems to have something with predictions made in the past concerning our present time and near future.
Why do they want all these countries, why do they really want Cuba for instance? http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/2001206/sc/cuba_discovery_dc_1.html see here the historical reason. Pyramids under Cuban waters, older than the Giza pyramids.
Sudan , why in heavens name have they always hated Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia?
Well they were the absolute first humans, Eve was a black female from Sudan, and the first goddess known to earth humans was female and black. Here you have a simple link, a bit simple but it tells you known facts to the Vatican and the male dominated religious worlds, the mere reason why the first original Knight Templar were hunted down , they wanted to tell this secret to the world, and the reigning royals and church did not want that at all. Egypt started for real in Sudan. http://www.sacredmysteries.com/page 9c.html “The Black Maddona”
Your dollar bill, the pyramid, Egyptian not the one you think, but the real one Sudan formerly known as Kush, it’s the pyramid of Kush now Sudan. http://www.davidicke.net/mysteries/pyramid/sudan.html
Now what does all this have to do with OBL? Well he is fighting for mamma Egypt Sudan/Islam. And his links to the English royals keeps creeping up as well. So England, well we know what the ties are with the US, and that OBL is also linked to the Bush family, and the Bush family again with the English royals. So here we are right back in England. Now proof that England has some heavy secret interest in Africa and the Islam , see Knight Templar the Rosslyn Chapel in Edinburgh, the Crusades and http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/scotland/newsid_1692000/1692644.stm A sacred Ethiopian artefact has been discovered…in Edinburgh. One of the oldest psi centres of the world is in Edinburgh..mmm
You know what we see evolving in front of our eyes in the news daily, is nothing less than seeing the maze, the web unfolding, every day one can find new information that are pieces to the puzzle of what they have been hiding and what their real interests are, so many interests it’s a matrix of lies all entwined, but somebody is cutting in these robes that make this matrix, and the treads are slowly coming apart, isn’t that interesting? And we must not and never forget that the Islam is the first Black goddess religion, and the only female religion left, and guarded by the wrong shepherds.
Merry X-Mass and a interesting 2002, 2001 was just a appetizer for you guys from your governments

[ 25-12-2001: Message edited by: Laila ] |