This is ported directly into Catholocism, as an optional ending for the Lord's Prayer. Unpacked: "For Thine (ateh) is the kingdom (malchuth), the power (gebura), and the glory (gedulah), now and forever (olam), AMEN." The rosy cross calls from Kether to Malchuth down the middle pilar, and then from gebura to chesed. The simple version of the rosy cross is still used today in the church as the sign of the cross, done before and after all prayers and as a general blessing/banishing. Catholic tradition and ceremony is FULL of magick 
As for my use of all this, I prefer to focus on the meaning of the act, and skip the Hebrew. My actual working style is heavily psi/shamanic based, so I tend to play things a bit looser than traditional. The rite calls the tetragrammaton, the 4 elements. The form of their arrival is less important than the focus of their meaning. Simply calling to the powers of (element) and calling out attributes of that element as necessry does the trick. I sometimes cheat to the point of simply visualizing the elements as abstract principles, though I still like calling the actual archangels at times if I'm using the rite for protection. Nothing beats Archangels when you need to banish with some force 
The rosy cross is the invocation of the 5th element, spirit, completing the pentigram. Its a middle pillar exercise. So, knowing what its about, I'll reach up and down connecting the line of energy to heaven and earth through me, balancing at my heart chackra. I see myself as a conduit of energy, and the sources above and below like positive and negative charges that flow until balance is reached between them. Its an incredibly refreshing experience for me, allowing me to come to an excellent center.
I do like use of this before and after workings of any sort, as the banishing and centering helps with focus. Though if I am not doing a formal working, I will sometimes use this without cutting circle, simply calling the forces and doing the centering exercise. This is a more shamanic approach, as the doors are left open and nothing is specificly shooed away, but the effects are much the same as little can occupy space immediately around you with all that going on.
I don't do regular banishings, I mostly prefer my magick to be called on an as needed basis than according to schedule. But I do them, now and then, as I need.
As for protection, as I mentioned I tend toards psi and shamanic techniques. So, rather than banish a room, I will often rely more on personal shields if I need space. The application here being that sometimes I will reenforce my shields by calling the elements, or archangels (or dragons ) if I really need guns, to surround me. I ground to earth and draw the line to heaven, and all directions are covered. Actually, that's an elven circle, now than I mention it. Calling the 4 directions, above, below, and center. Its based on 7 rather than 5. Anyway, called in this manner without a circle, the elements are centered on me, and move with me for as long as I maintain them. A different application of the same technique.
Another version of this is used in some Native American traditions. I believe Navahoe and Hopi do this, mostly. Its a call during sweat lodge, calling to the 4 directions, earth, sky, and the ancestors. 7 again. More use of the same principle used in the LBRP/RC. Even in Voodoo the crossroads is drawn to open the way to the spirits. It seems this idea is fairly universal. |